State of Alaska
Fiscal Note
Bill Version: CSSB 207(STA)
2022 Legislative Session
Fiscal Note Number: 2
(S) Publish Date: 3/30/2022
Identifier: SB207-JUD-ACS-03-17-22 Department: Judiciary
Title: ACCESS TO MARIJUANA CONVICTION Appropriation: Alaska Court System
RECORDS Allocation: Trial Courts
Sponsor: SHOWER OMB Component Number: 768
Requester: Senate State Affairs
Note: Amounts do not include inflation unless otherwise noted below. (Thousands of Dollars)
Included in
FY2023 Governor's
Appropriation FY2023 Out-Year Cost Estimates
Requested Request
OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2023 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028
Personal Services
Capital Outlay
Grants & Benefits
Total Operating 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fund Source (Operating Only)
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Change in Revenues
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Estimated SUPPLEMENTAL (FY2022) cost: 0.0 (separate supplemental appropriation required)
Estimated CAPITAL (FY2023) cost: 0.0 (separate capital appropriation required)
Does the bill create or modify a new fund or account? 0
(Supplemental/Capital/New Fund - discuss reasons and fund source(s) in analysis section)
Does the bill direct, or will the bill result in, regulation changes adopted by your agency? NA
If yes, by what date are the regulations to be adopted, amended or repealed? NA
Why this fiscal note differs from previous version/comments:
Initial version
Prepared By: Nancy Meade, General Counsel Phone: (907)463-4736
Division: Alaska Court System Date: 03/17/2022 05:00 PM
Approved By: Nancy Meade for Stacey Marz, Administrative Director Date: 03/17/22
Agency: Alaska Court System
Printed 3/30/2022 Page 1 of 2 Control Code: QqZYU
CSSB 207(STA) - Fiscal Note 2
SB 207 would require certain criminal cases to be removed from the public CourtView website (sec. 4) and would generally
prohibit executive branch agencies from releasing information about those particular cases (secs. 2-3). Section 4 is the
provision that would impact the court system.
Specifically, if a defendant was convicted under AS 11.71.060 for possession of less than an ounce of a Schedule VI A
controlled substance (marijuana), and if that person was over 21 at the time of the offense and was not convicted of any
other criminal charges in that same case, then the court system would need to remove that case from the version of
CourtView that is readily available to the public over the internet.
The court system anticipates that it can remove the cases described from public CourtView without fiscal impact. Doing so
will require staff time for IT professionals to revise the CourtView parameters and electronically identify the affected cases
and remove them. If, however, this legislation leads to a substantial number of individualized requests from former
defendants to have their criminal case file reviewed to determine it qualifies for removal under the bill, the court may
need to seek additional resources at some future point to respond to those requests. As written, the court system
currently anticipates that it will be able to absorb the implementation work in the normal course of business, particularly
given the extended time provided by the delayed effective date.
The court system therefore submits this zero fiscal note.
(Revised 11/23/2021 OMB/LFD) Page 2 of 2
SB207-JUD-ACS-03-17-22 Page 2 of 2 Control Code: QqZYU

Statutes affected:
SB0207A, AM SB 207, introduced 02/22/2022: 12.62.160, 11.71.060
SB0207B, AM CSSB 207(STA), introduced 03/30/2022: 12.62.160, 11.71.060