State of Alaska
Fiscal Note
Bill Version: CSSB 111(FIN)
2022 Legislative Session
Fiscal Note Number: 10
(S) Publish Date: 4/12/2022
Identifier: SB111CS(FIN)-EED-PEF-3-16-22 Department: Fund Capitalization
Title: EARLY EDUCATION; READING INTERVENTION Appropriation: No Further Appropriation Required
Sponsor: EDUCATION Allocation: Public Education Fund
Requester: Senate Finance OMB Component Number: 2804
Note: Amounts do not include inflation unless otherwise noted below. (Thousands of Dollars)
Included in
FY2023 Governor's
Appropriation FY2023 Out-Year Cost Estimates
Requested Request
OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2023 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028
Personal Services
Capital Outlay
Grants & Benefits 3,000.0 6,000.0 9,000.0 12,000.0 14,999.9 17,999.8
Total Operating 3,000.0 0.0 6,000.0 9,000.0 12,000.0 14,999.9 17,999.8
Fund Source (Operating Only)
1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 3,000.0 6,000.0 9,000.0 12,000.0 14,999.9 17,999.8
Total 3,000.0 0.0 6,000.0 9,000.0 12,000.0 14,999.9 17,999.8
Change in Revenues
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Estimated SUPPLEMENTAL (FY2022) cost: 0.0 (separate supplemental appropriation required)
Estimated CAPITAL (FY2023) cost: 0.0 (separate capital appropriation required)
Does the bill create or modify a new fund or account? No
(Supplemental/Capital/New Fund - discuss reasons and fund source(s) in analysis section)
Does the bill direct, or will the bill result in, regulation changes adopted by your agency? No
If yes, by what date are the regulations to be adopted, amended or repealed?
Why this fiscal note differs from previous version/comments:
Updated to accurately reflect correct statutory citation for the early education program; updated the effective date from July 1, 2022 to
July 1, 2023; and updated out year costs based on revised effective date.
Prepared By: Heidi Teshner, Acting Deputy Commissioner Phone: (907)465-2875
Division: Finance and Support Services
REPORT Date: 03/16/2022 12:15 PM
Approved By: Lacey Sanders, Administrative Services Director Date: 03/16/22
Agency: Department of Education & Early Development
Printed 4/11/2022 Page 1 of 2 Control Code: bGpgo
CSSB 111(FIN) - Fiscal Note 10
This bill creates four new programs: an early education program, a comprehensive reading intervention program, a school
improvement reading program, and a virtual education consortium. This fiscal note addresses the early education
The early education program, created under AS 14.03.410, is approved by the Department of Education and Early
Development (DEED) and funded by the state through a threeyear grant process. Once those districts have completed the
threeyear grant cycle and DEED has determined the early education program complies with the adopted standards as
created by the State Board of Education and Early Development, then those programs may be eligible for 1/2 the fulltime
equivalent for average daily membership (ADM) funding under AS 14.17.410. Foundation funding would only be provided
to those districts that are not already receiving early education funding by another state or federal program. The grant
program and ADM funding are repealed on June 30, 2034 (FY2034).
The current prekindergarten grant counts, as provided by the Division of Innovation and Education Excellence, were used
in calculating anticipated foundation funding. Half of the average cost per student was used as a multiplier for purposes of
this fiscal note. This number was derived by using the FY2022 State Aid Entitlement as of 12/21/2021 of $1,199,876,241
and dividing it by the total ADM projected at 127,588.38 to arrive at $9,404. The average per student cost was then
divided in half to arrive at $4,702, so as to be in alignment with the language added in AS 14.17.500(d).
The district's prekindergarten students can transition to the foundation formula after completing the three year grant
process. Therefore, the first approved prekindergarten program to receive state aid through the ADM would be on the
fourth year or FY2027. Since those prekindergarten student counts cannot be determined, the following calculation of
students are based on the cohort used for projecting the grant. Total grant funding awarded to districts may not exceed $3
million in a fiscal year, unless the legislature appropriates another amount.
FY2027 = 638 students x $4,702 = $2,999,876
FY2028 = 638 students x $4,702 = $2,999,876
FY2029 = 638 students x $4,702 = $2,999,876
FY2030 = 638 students x $4,702 = $2,999,876
FY2031 = 638 students x $4,702 = $2,999,876
FY2032 = 638 students x $4,702 = $2,999,876
FY2033 = 638 students x $4,702 = $2,999,876
FY2034 = 638 students x $4,702 = $2,999,876
This bill also includes transition language for districts with existing early education programs that get approved by the
State Board of Education and Early Development, but limits the amount available under the foundation formula for
distribution in FY2023 to $3 million, and in subsequent years not more than a $3 million increase over the prior year.
The effective date of this bill is July 1, 2023 (FY2024).
(Revised 11/23/2021 OMB/LFD) Page 2 of 2
SB111CS(FIN)-EED-PEF-3-16-22 Page 2 of 2 Control Code: bGpgo

Statutes affected:
SB0111A, AM SB 111, introduced 03/24/2021: 14.03.060, 14.07.020, U.S.C, 14.38.010, 14.30.180, 14.30.350, 14.03.072, 14.30.765, 14.03.078, 14.03.120, 14.03.123, 14.30.760, 14.30.775, 14.03.080, 14.07.165, 14.17.500, 14.17.905, 14.17.990, 14.03.420, 14.03.125, 14.03.410, 14.33.120, 14.07.030, 14.30.770, 14.07.050, 14.11.014, 14.03.040, 14.07.168, 14.03.015, 14.07.125, 14.30.800, 14.07.180, 14.14.115, 14.17.505, 14.14.050, 14.20.015, 14.20.020, 14.30.278, 14.03.030, 47.17.290
SB0111B, AM CSSB 111(EDC), introduced 04/19/2021: 14.03.040, 14.03.050, 14.03.060, 14.07.020, U.S.C, 14.38.010, 14.30.180, 14.30.350, 14.03.072, 14.30.765, 14.03.078, 14.03.120, 14.03.123, 14.30.760, 14.30.775, 14.03.420, 14.03.080, 14.07.165, 14.17.500, 14.17.990, 14.03.125, 14.03.410, 14.33.120, 14.07.030, 14.30.770, 14.07.050, 14.11.014, 14.07.168, 14.03.015, 14.07.125, 14.30.800, 14.07.180, 14.14.115, 14.17.505, 14.14.050, 14.17.905, 14.20.015, 14.20.020, 14.30.278, 14.03.030, 14.60.010, 47.17.290
SB0111C, AM CSSB 111(FIN), introduced 04/12/2022: 14.03.040, 14.03.050, 14.03.060, 14.07.020, U.S.C, 14.38.010, 14.30.180, 14.30.350, 14.03.072, 14.30.765, 14.03.078, 14.03.120, 14.03.123, 14.30.760, 14.30.780, 14.03.420, 14.03.080, 14.07.165, 14.17.500, 14.17.990, 14.03.125, 47.12.990, 14.33.120, 14.07.030, 14.30.770, 14.03.410, 14.30.800, 14.07.050, 14.11.014, 14.07.168, 14.03.015, 14.07.125, 14.07.180, 14.14.115, 14.17.905, 14.20.015, 14.20.020, 14.30.278, 14.30.775, 14.03.030, 14.60.010, 47.17.290, 14.03.290
SB0111D, AM CSSB 111(FIN) am, introduced 04/12/2022, passed Senate 04/12/2022: 14.03.040, 14.03.050, 14.03.060, 14.07.020, U.S.C, 14.38.010, 14.30.180, 14.30.350, 14.03.072, 14.30.765, 14.03.078, 14.03.120, 14.03.123, 14.30.760, 14.30.780, 14.03.420, 14.03.080, 14.07.165, 14.17.500, 14.17.990, 14.03.125, 47.12.990, 14.33.120, 14.07.030, 14.30.770, 14.03.410, 14.30.800, 14.07.050, 14.11.014, 14.07.168, 14.03.015, 14.07.125, 14.07.180, 14.14.115, 14.17.905, 14.20.015, 14.20.020, 14.30.278, 14.30.775, 14.03.030, 14.60.010, 47.17.290, 14.03.290