2024 24LSO-0191
Property tax deferral program-amendments.
Sponsored by: Representative(s) Lawley, Clouston, Conrad,
Crago, Harshman, Larson, JT, Olsen and Sommers and Senator(s) Cooper and Rothfuss
1 AN ACT relating to property taxes; providing that the
2 property tax deferral program shall be administered by the
3 department of revenue; revising the amount of taxes that
4 can be deferred; revising the calculation of interest;
5 making deferral of taxes contingent on the availability of
6 funds; clarifying eligibility; modifying record keeping
7 requirements; making conforming changes; requiring
8 rulemaking; repealing a conflicting provision; providing an
9 appropriation; specifying applicability; requiring a
10 report; and providing for effective dates.
12 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:
14 Section 1. W.S. 39-13-107(b)(iii)(A), (B), (D)
15 through (F), (H) and (K) through (N) is amended to read:
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2 39-13-107. Compliance; collection procedures.
4 (b) The following provisions shall apply to the
5 payment of taxes, distraint of property and deferral:
7 (iii) The following shall apply to the deferral
8 of tax collection:
10 (A) On or before November 10 of the year
11 taxes are levied and upon the filing of an affidavit
12 demonstrating an adequate showing that he the applicant is
13 qualified under subparagraph (N) of this paragraph and if
14 his the principal residence of the applicant is located on
15 a parcel of land not more than forty (40) acres, any person
16 may apply to the board of county commissioners department
17 for deferral of the collection of not to exceed one-half
18 (1/2) of any real estate ad valorem taxes owed by the
19 property owner on his the principal residence of the
20 applicant. The board of county commissioners of each county
21 may department shall promulgate rules and regulations
22 necessary to administer the provisions of this paragraph;
23 including guidelines for a taxpayer to demonstrate
2 HB0134
1 qualification and provisions allowing or requiring annual
2 payment of a portion of the taxes or interest on deferred
3 taxes. All rules, regulations, guidelines, forms and other
4 program information shall be submitted to the department
5 prior to July 1 of the year the deferral program is
6 implemented in the county. The board of county
7 commissioners may implement the program unless disapproved
8 in writing by the department within forty-five (45) days of
9 submission. If at least ten (10) residents of a county who
10 are qualified under subparagraph (N) of this paragraph
11 submit a petition to the board of county commissioners, the
12 board of county commissioners shall hold a hearing within
13 thirty (30) days on the issue of whether to promulgate
14 rules to enable the qualified residents of the county to
15 participate in the tax deferral program authorized under
16 this paragraph;
18 (B) Any deferral of the collection of taxes
19 granted by the board of county commissioners department
20 shall constitute a perpetual tax lien in favor of the state
21 against the property pursuant to W.S. 39-13-108(d)(i) with
22 priority over any other lien. The taxpayer shall file an
23 affidavit each year demonstrating qualification including
3 HB0134
1 any significant change to his financial status. If the
2 board of county commissioners finds that the taxpayer's
3 financial status to qualify under subdivision (N)(I) of
4 this paragraph has significantly changed, the board of
5 county commissioners shall, by written order, declare any
6 taxes deferred due and payable on an earlier date. Unless
7 declared to be due earlier, any taxes deferred shall be due
8 and payable upon a significant change in the taxpayer's
9 financial status as determined by the board of county
10 commissioners, abandonment of the property, failure to file
11 annually the affidavit required by this paragraph, the
12 death of the property owner or the sale or transfer of the
13 property, whichever occurs first. If the board of county
14 commissioners department finds at any time that the total
15 taxes deferred exceeds one-half (1/2) of the fair market
16 value of the property as estimated by the board of county
17 commissioners department, the board of county commissioners
18 department may declare, by written order, that all deferred
19 taxes are immediately due and payable;
21 (D) Notwithstanding W.S. 39-13-108(b)(ii),
22 interest shall accrue on any tax collection deferral
23 granted by the board of county commissioners at a
4 HB0134
1 compounded rate of four percent (4%) per annum, except for
2 persons who qualify solely under subdivision (N)(III) of
3 this paragraph interest shall accrue department at a rate
4 equal to the average yield on ten (10) year United States
5 treasury bonds for the previous three (3) calendar years,
6 plus one and one-half percent (1.5%) as determined by the
7 state treasurer for the calendar year preceding the year in
8 which application is made. Any tax collection deferral may
9 be prepaid at any time without prepayment penalty;
11 (E) Each year the department and each
12 county assessor shall publicize in a manner reasonably
13 designed to notify all residents of the county the
14 provisions of this section paragraph and the method by
15 which eligible persons may obtain a deferral;
17 (F) The department shall provide payment
18 not later than December 31 each year to the county
19 treasurer of any amount of property taxes deferred under
20 this section from funds appropriated for that purpose. The
21 department shall not authorize any deferral under this
22 paragraph if the department determines that funds
23 appropriated for that purpose are insufficient to make
5 HB0134
1 payment to the county treasurer as provided in this
2 subparagraph. Payment of deferred taxes shall be
3 distributed pursuant to W.S. 39-13-111(a)(ii). Any taxes
4 deferred under this paragraph which would be distributed
5 pursuant to W.S. 39-13-111(a)(ii)(A) shall be paid from the
6 county general fund subject to reimbursement when the
7 deferred taxes are paid by the taxpayer or otherwise
8 collected by the county made to the department and
9 deposited in the property tax deferral account which is
10 hereby created. Amounts in the account shall not revert and
11 shall be continuously appropriated to the department for
12 purposes of providing payments to county treasurers for
13 deferrals as provided in this subparagraph. Any earnings on
14 the account shall be deposited in the account;
16 (H) If any residence is under mortgage,
17 deed of trust or purchase contract whereby the explicit
18 terms of the mortgage, deed or contract requires the
19 accumulation of reserves out of which the holder of the
20 mortgage, deed or contract is required to pay real property
21 taxes, the owner may apply for the deferral provided that
22 the holder or his authorized agent shall cosign the
23 affidavit to defer either before a notarial officer or the
6 HB0134
1 county assessor or deputy in the county in which the real
2 property is located;
4 (K) Consistent with generally accepted
5 fiscal accounting standards, each county implementing the
6 deferral program the department shall maintain adequate
7 records pertaining to the deferral program, by legal
8 description, owner, taxpayer, if different from owner,
9 deferred taxes and interest, payments made against deferred
10 taxes and interest, and any other information necessary to
11 document and determine the status of deferred taxes and
12 interest in the county. These records shall be updated
13 annually or as needed, and a summary thereof shall be
14 submitted annually to the department of revenue on or
15 before August 10 under this paragraph;
17 (M) As used in this paragraph, "limited
18 income" means not to exceed a maximum gross monthly
19 household income at or below two hundred fifty percent
20 (250%) of the federal poverty level for a household of four
21 (4) as adjusted annually by the comparative cost-of-living
22 index for the respective county where the property is
7 HB0134
1 located as determined by the division of economic analysis,
2 department of administration and information;
4 (N) An owner A taxpayer is qualified under
5 this subparagraph for his primary residence if the taxpayer
6 demonstrates any one (1) of the following conditions:
8 (I) The owner's affidavit application
9 adequately demonstrates limited income as defined in
10 subparagraph (M) of this paragraph;
12 (II) The owner applicant is a person
13 over the age of sixty-two (62) years;
15 (III) The owner applicant is a person
16 with a disability as determined by the social security
17 administration; or
19 (IV) The owner applicant purchased the
20 property at least ten (10) years prior to the beginning of
21 the tax year for which he is applying for deferral of
22 taxes;.
8 HB0134
1 (V) The applicant is a disabled
2 veteran with a compensable service connected disability
3 certified by the veterans administration or a branch of the
4 armed forces of the United States.
6 Section 2. W.S. 39-13-107(b)(iii)(G) is repealed.
8 Section 3. There is appropriated two hundred thousand
9 dollars ($200,000.00) from the general fund to the
10 department of revenue for the period beginning January 1,
11 2025 and ending June 30, 2026 to be expended only for
12 property tax deferral payments as provided in W.S.
13 39-13-107(b)(iii)(F). This appropriation shall not be
14 transferred or expended for any other purpose and any
15 unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from this
16 appropriation shall revert as provided by law on June 30,
17 2026. It is the intent of the legislature that this
18 appropriation be included in the department of revenue's
19 standard budget request for the immediately succeeding
20 fiscal biennium.
9 HB0134
1 Section 4. The department of revenue shall adopt
2 rules necessary to implement this act not later than
3 December 31, 2024.
5 Section 5. Nothing in this act shall be construed to
6 alter or change any deferral of taxes approved prior to
7 January 1, 2025 and shall not be construed to release or
8 diminish any obligation of a taxpayer to pay any taxes that
9 were deferred prior to January 1, 2025.
11 Section 6. The department of revenue shall report to
12 the joint revenue interim committee on the implementation
13 of this act and any additional statutory changes not later
14 than November 1, 2024.
10 HB0134
1 Section 7.
3 (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this
4 section, this act is effective immediately upon completion
5 of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided
6 by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.
8 (b) Sections 1 and 2 of this act are effective
9 January 1, 2025.
11 (END)
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Statutes affected:
Introduced: 39-13-107