2023 23LSO-0337
Transportation technology transfer center program funding.
Sponsored by: Senator(s) Pappas and Landen
1 AN ACT relating to county roads; increasing the county
2 budgeted amount and state matching contribution to the
3 University of Wyoming's transportation technology transfer
4 center program; allocating amounts for gravel county roads;
5 conforming and correcting county and city funding
6 provisions; providing an appropriation; and providing for
7 an effective date.
9 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:
11 Section 1. W.S. 21-17-115(a)(intro), (iii) and (b),
12 24-2-110(c)(intro) and 39-17-111(d)(ii) are amended to
13 read:
15 21-17-115. University technology transfer center
16 program.
1 SF0141
2 (a) The University of Wyoming may operate a
3 technology transfer center and provide training to Wyoming
4 county and municipality employees regarding current trends
5 in transportation technology. The funding of the program
6 shall be administered by the Wyoming department of
7 transportation. The cost of the program shall be provided
8 by an annual state matching contribution by legislative
9 appropriation from the general fund of not less than three
10 hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) to the Wyoming
11 department of transportation for purposes of the program
12 and by each of the following contributing annually a
13 minimum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) each
14 regardless of any contribution from the federal government
15 or other nonstate sources, or up to a maximum of thirty-one
16 thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($31,250.00) each
17 provided the federal government or other nonstate sources
18 contribute an amount equal to the total monies provided by
19 the following as specified:
21 (iii) Cities and towns as provided in W.S.
22 39-17-111(d)(iii)(A) and 39-17-311(a)(iv)(C)(I);
2 SF0141
1 (b) The university shall annually certify the cost of
2 the state's share of the program to the transportation
3 commission department, which shall transfer the state
4 matching contribution under subsection (a) of this section,
5 the amounts specified in paragraphs (a)(i) through (a)(iii)
6 of this section, W.S. 24-2-110(c)(i), and 39-17-111(d)(ii)
7 and (iii)(A) and 39-17-311(a)(iv)(B) and (C)(I) to the
8 university to be used for funding the program. Not less
9 than one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) of
10 the county contribution under W.S. 39-17-111(d)(ii) and not
11 more than three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) of
12 the state matching funds under subsection (a) of this
13 section shall be designated for the University of Wyoming
14 technology transfer program's county gravel road inventory
15 program.
17 24-2-110. Cooperation with counties in construction
18 and maintenance of county roads; allocation of costs.
20 (c) The gasoline and alternative fuel license tax
21 revenues distributed by the department of transportation
22 under W.S. 39-17-111(d)(ii) and 39-17-311(a)(iv)(B) shall
23 be sent to the county treasurers of the various counties
3 SF0141
1 and placed in a separate fund in each county earning its
2 own interest and be expended by the board of county
3 commissioners solely for the road construction and
4 maintenance fund program and as otherwise provided in this
5 subsection. This money shall be allocated as follows:
7 39-17-111. Distribution.
9 (d) After crediting the amounts provided by
10 subsection (c) of this section, the department shall
11 deposit the balance of taxes collected under this article
12 into the accounts within the state highway fund created
13 under this subsection, with receipt and acknowledgement
14 submitted to the state treasurer, as follows:
16 (ii) Fourteen percent (14%) shall be credited to
17 the county treasurers of the various counties for their
18 road construction funds, except that an amount equal to the
19 contribution required of the counties for the cost of the
20 university's technology transfer program under
21 W.S. 21-17-115(a)(ii) or thirty-one thousand two hundred
22 fifty dollars ($31,250.00), whichever is less shall be
23 first distributed to the highway fund, plus an amount not
4 SF0141
1 to exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00)
2 three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00), per year
3 shall first be distributed to the highway fund for the
4 University of Wyoming technology transfer program's county
5 road inventory program. Each county treasurer shall credit
6 the revenues to the road construction fund in that county.
7 The department shall allocate to each county a share based
8 fifty percent (50%) upon the ratio which the rural
9 population of each county including the population within
10 the cities and towns with less than one thousand four
11 hundred (1,400) bears to the total rural population of the
12 state and fifty percent (50%) based on the ratio which the
13 area of the county bears to the total area of the state.
14 Any interest earned on invested funds allocated to counties
15 shall be retained by each county and shall be used for
16 project costs as provided by W.S. 24-2-110(a);
18 Section 2. There is appropriated three hundred
19 thousand dollars ($300,000.00) from the general fund to the
20 department of transportation for purposes of a state
21 matching contribution to the University of Wyoming
22 technology transfer center program under W.S. 21-17-115.
23 This appropriation shall be for the period beginning with
5 SF0141
1 the effective date of this act and ending June 30, 2024.
2 This appropriation shall not be transferred or expended for
3 any other purpose and any unexpended, unobligated funds
4 remaining from this appropriation shall revert as provided
5 by law on June 30, 2024. It is the intent of the
6 legislature that this appropriation in the amount certified
7 by the University of Wyoming under W.S. 21-17-115(b) be
8 included in the department of transportation's standard
9 budget for the immediately succeeding fiscal biennium.
11 Section 3. This act is effective July 1, 2023.
13 (END)
6 SF0141

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 21-17-115, 24-2-110, 39-17-111