Introduced Senate Bill 485
By Senators Blair (Mr. President) and Woelfel [By Request of the Executive]
[Introduced January 17, 2024; referred to the Committee on Finance]
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1 A BILL to amend and reenact §15-2-5 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended; to amend
2 and reenact §18A-4-2 and §18A-4-8a of said code; all relating to increasing annual
3 salaries of certain employees of the state; increasing the salaries of members of the West
4 Virginia State Police and certain personnel thereof; increasing annual salaries of public
5 school teachers; increasing annual salaries of school service personnel; and providing an
6 effective date for these increases.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
§15-2-5. Career progression system state; salaries; exclusion from wage and hour laws,
with supplemental payment; bond; leave time for members called to duty in guard or
1 (a) The superintendent shall establish within the West Virginia State Police a system to
2 provide for: (1) The promotion of members to the supervisory ranks of sergeant, first sergeant,
3 second lieutenant, and first lieutenant; (2) the classification of nonsupervisory members within the
4 field operations force to the ranks of trooper, senior trooper, trooper first class, or corporal; and (3)
5 the temporary reclassification of members assigned to administrative duties as administrative
6 support specialist I-VIII. The promotion of individuals in the forensic laboratory shall include the
7 classifications of Evidence Custodians I-IV, Forensic Technicians I-III, Forensic Scientists I-VI, and
8 Forensic Scientist Supervisors I-IV, based on the Forensic Lab Career Progression System.
9 (b) The superintendent may propose legislative rules for promulgation in accordance with
10 §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code for the purpose of ensuring consistency, predictability, and
11 independent review of any system developed under the provisions of this section.
12 (c) The superintendent shall provide to each member a written manual governing any
13 system established under the provisions of this section and specific procedures shall be identified
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14 for the evaluation and testing of members for promotion or reclassification and the subsequent
15 placement of any members on a promotional eligibility or reclassification recommendation list. A
16 written manual shall also be provided to individuals within the forensic laboratory governing any
17 system established under the provisions of this section and specific procedures shall be identified
18 for the evaluation of promotion or reclassification of those individuals.
19 (d) Effective July 1, 2023 July1, 2024, members shall receive annual salaries payable at
20 least twice per month as follows:
Cadet During Training $50,824 $53,724
Cadet Trooper After
$58,084 $60,984
Training Trooper Second Year $59,096 $61,996
Trooper Third Year $59,479 $62,379
Senior Trooper $59,878 $62,778
Trooper First Class $60,484 $63,384
Corporal $61,090 $63,990
Sergeant $65,391 $68,291
First Sergeant $67,542 $70,442
Second Lieutenant $69,692 $72,592
First Lieutenant $71,843 $74,743
Captain $73,994 $76,894
Major $76,144 $79,044
Lieutenant Colonel $78,295 $81,195
I $59,096 $61,996
II $59,878 $62,778
III $60,484 $63,384
IV $61,090 $63,990
V $65,391 $68,291
VI $67,542 $70,442
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VII $69,692 $72,592
VIII $71,843 $74,743
22 Effective July 1, 2023 July 1, 2024, designated individuals within the forensic laboratory
23 shall receive annual base salaries payable at least twice per month as follows:
I $47,950 $50,850
II $50,278 $53,178
III $53,939 $56,839
IV $56,966 $59,866
I $50,150 $53,050
II $51,844 $54,744
III $55,726 $58,626
I $57,350 $60,250
II $59,534 $62,434
III $61,638 $64,538
IV $64,037 $66,937
V $67,563 $70,463
VI $71,363 $74,263
I $74,062 $76,962
II $77,626 $80,526
III $81,404 $84,304
IV $85,408 $88,308
26 Each member of the West Virginia State Police whose salary is fixed and specified in this
27 annual salary schedule is entitled to the length of service increases set forth in §15-2-5(e) of this
28 code and supplemental pay as provided in §15-2-5(g) of this code.
29 (e) Each member of the West Virginia State Police whose salary is fixed and specified
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30 pursuant to this section shall receive, and is entitled to, an increase in salary over that set forth in
31 §15-2-5(d) of this code for grade in rank, based on length of service, including that service served
32 before and after the effective date of this section with the West Virginia State Police as follows:
33 Beginning on January 1, 2015, and continuing thereafter, at the end of two years of service with
34 the West Virginia State Police, the member shall receive a salary increase of $500 to be effective
35 during his or her next year of service and a like increase at yearly intervals thereafter, with the
36 increases to be cumulative. The forensic laboratory employees whose salaries are fixed and
37 specified pursuant to this section, shall receive, and are entitled to, an increase in salary over that
38 set forth in §15-2-5(d) of this code, in accordance with §15-2-7(h) of this code.
39 (f) In applying the salary schedules set forth in this section where salary increases are
40 provided for length of service, members of the West Virginia State Police in service at the time the
41 schedules become effective shall be given credit for prior service and shall be paid the salaries the
42 same length of service entitles them to receive under the provisions of this section.
43 (g) The Legislature finds and declares that because of the unique duties of members of the
44 West Virginia State Police, it is not appropriate to apply the provisions of state wage and hour laws
45 to them. Accordingly, members of the West Virginia State Police are excluded from the provisions
46 of state wage and hour laws. This express exclusion shall not be construed as any indication that
47 the members were or were not covered by the wage and hour laws prior to this exclusion.
48 In lieu of any overtime pay they might otherwise have received under the wage and hour
49 laws, and in addition to their salaries and increases for length of service, members who have
50 completed basic training and who are exempt from federal Fair Labor Standards Act guidelines
51 may receive supplemental pay as provided in this section.
52 The authority of the superintendent to propose a legislative rule or amendment thereto for
53 promulgation in accordance with §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code to establish the number of hours per
54 month which constitute the standard pay period for the members of the West Virginia State Police
55 is hereby continued. The rule shall further establish, on a graduated hourly basis, the criteria for
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56 receipt of a portion or all of supplemental payment when hours are worked in excess of the
57 standard pay period. The superintendent shall certify at least twice per month to the West Virginia
58 State Police payroll officer the names of those members who have worked in excess of the
59 standard pay period and the amount of their entitlement to supplemental payment. The
60 supplemental payment may not exceed $200 per pay period. The superintendent and civilian
61 employees of the West Virginia State Police are not eligible for any supplemental payments.
62 (h) Each member of the West Virginia State Police, except the superintendent and civilian
63 employees, shall execute, before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties, a bond with
64 security in the sum of $5,000 payable to the State of West Virginia, conditioned upon the faithful
65 performance of his or her duties, and the bond shall be approved as to form by the Attorney
66 General and as to sufficiency by the Governor.
67 (i) In consideration for compensation paid by the West Virginia State Police to its members
68 during those members’ participation in the West Virginia State Police Cadet Training Program
69 pursuant to §30-29-8 of this code, the West Virginia State Police may require of its members by
70 written agreement entered into with each of them in advance of such participation in the program
71 that, if a member should voluntarily discontinue employment any time within one year immediately
72 following completion of the training program, he or she shall be obligated to pay to the West
73 Virginia State Police a pro rata portion of such compensation equal to that part of such year which
74 the member has chosen not to remain in the employ of the West Virginia State Police.
75 (j) Any member of the West Virginia State Police who is called to perform active duty
76 training or inactive duty training in the National Guard or any reserve component of the armed
77 forces of the United States annually shall be granted, upon request, leave time not to exceed 30
78 calendar days for the purpose of performing the active duty training or inactive duty training and
79 the time granted may not be deducted from any leave accumulated as a member of the West
80 Virginia State Police.
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§18A-4-2. State minimum salaries for teachers.
1 (a) For school year 2023-2024 2024-2025, and continuing thereafter, each teacher shall
2 receive the amount prescribed in the State Minimum Salary Schedule as set forth in this section,
3 specific additional amounts prescribed in this section or article, and any county supplement in
4 effect in a county pursuant to §18A-4-5a of this code during the contract year.
Years 4th 3rd 2nd M.A. M.A.
A.B. A.B. 15 M.A. M.A. Doctorate Exp Class Class Class 15 30
0 36,597 37,286 37,552 38,995 39,756 41,523 42,284 43,045 43,806 44,841
1 36,925 37,614 37,880 39,513 40,274 42,042 42,803 43,563 44,324 45,359
2 37,254 37,942 38,208 40,032 40,793 42,560 43,321 44,082 44,843 45,878
3 37,582 38,270 38,536 40,551 41,311 43,079 43,840 44,600 45,361 46,396
4 38,154 38,842 39,108 41,313 42,074 43,842 44,603 45,363 46,124 47,159
5 38,482 39,170 39,436 41,832 42,593 44,360 45,121 45,882 46,643 47,678
6 38,810 39,498 39,764 42,350 43,111 44,879 45,640 46,400 47,161 48,196
7 39,138 39,827 40,092 42,869 43,630 45,397 46,158 46,919 47,680 48,715
8 39,466 40,155 40,421 43,387 44,148 45,916 46,677 47,437 48,198 49,233
9 39,794 40,483 40,749 43,906 44,667 46,434 47,195 47,956 48,717 49,752
10 40,123 40,811 41,077 44,426 45,186 46,954 47,715 48,476 49,236 50,271
11 40,451 41,139 41,405 44,944 45,705 47,473 48,233 48,994 49,755 50,790
12 40,779 41,467 41,733 45,463 46,223 47,991 48,752 49,513 50,273 51,308
13 41,107 41,795 42,061 45,981 46,742 48,510 49,270 50,031 50,792 51,827
14 41,435 42,123 42,389 46,500 47,260 49,028 49,789 50,550 51,310 52,345
15 41,763 42,451 42,717 47,018 47,779 49,547 50,307 51,068 51,829 52,864
16 42,091 42,779 43,045 47,537 48,297 50,065 50,826 51,587 52,347 53,382
17 42,419 43,108 43,373 48,055 48,816 50,584 51,345 52,105 52,866 53,901
18 42,747 43,436 43,702 48,574 49,335 51,102 51,863 52,624 53,385 54,420
19 43,075 43,764 44,030 49,092 49,853 51,621 52,382 53,142 53,903 54,938
20 43,403 44,092 44,358 49,611 50,372 52,139 52,900 53,661 54,422 55,457
21 43,732 44,420 44,686 50,129 50,890 52,658 53,419 54,179 54,940 55,975
22 44,060 44,748 45,014 50,648 51,409 53,176 53,937 54,698 55,459 56,494
23 44,388 45,076 45,342 51,167 51,927 53,695 54,456 55,216 55,977 57,012
24 44,716 45,404 45,670 51,685 52,446 54,214 54,974 55,735 56,496 57,531
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25 45,044 45,732 45,998 52,204 52,964 54,732 55,493 56,254 57,014 58,049
26 45,372 46,060 46,326 52,722 53,483 55,251 56,011 56,772 57,533 58,568
27 45,700 46,388 46,654 53,241 54,001 55,769 56,530 57,291 58,051 59,086
28 46,028 46,717 46,982 53,759 54,520 56,288 57,048 57,809 58,570 59,605
29 46,356 47,045 47,311 54,278 55,038 56,806 57,567 58,328 59,088 60,123
30 46,684 47,373 47,639 54,796 55,557 57,325 58,085 58,846 59,607 60,642
31 47,013 47,701 47,967 55,315 56,076 57,843 58,604 59,365 60,125 61,160
32 47,341 48,029 48,295 55,833 56,594 58,362 59,123 59,883 60,644 61,679
33 47,669 48,357 48,623 56,352 57,113 58,880 59,641 60,402 61,163 62,198
34 47,997 48,685 48,951 56,870 57,631 59,399 60,160 60,920 61,681 62,716
35 48,325 49,013 49,279 57,389 58,150 59,917 60,678 61,439 62,200 63,235
Years 4th 3rd 2nd M.A. M.A.
A.B. A.B. 15 M.A. M.A. Doctorate Exp Class Class Class 15 30
0 39,057 39,746 40,012 41,455 42,216 43,983 44,744 45,505 46,266 47,301
1 39,385 40,074 40,340 41,973 42,734 44,502 45,263 46,023 46,784 47,819
2 39,714 40,402 40,668 42,492 43,253 45,020 45,781 46,542 47,303 48,338
3 40,042 40,730 40,996 43,011 43,771 45,539 46,300 47,060 47,821 48,856
4 40,614 41,302 41,568 43,773 44,534 46,302 47,063 47,823 48,584 49,619
5 40,942 41,630 41,896 44,292 45,053 46,820 47,581 48,342 49,103 50,138
6 41,270 41,958 42,224 44,810 45,571 47,339 48,100 48,860 49,621 50,656
7 41,598 42,287 42,552 45,329 46,090 47,857 48,618 49,379 50,140 51,175
8 41,926 42,615 42,881 45,847 46,608 48,376 49,137 49,897 50,658 51,693
9 42,254 42,943 43,209 46,366 47,127 48,894 49,655 50,416 51,177 52,212
10 42,583 43,271 43,357 46,886 47,646 49,414 50,175 50,936 51,696 52,731
11 42,911 43,599 43,865 47,404 48,165 49,933 50,693 51,454 52,215 53,250
12 43,239 43,927 44,193 47,923 48,683 50,451 51,212 51,973 52,733 53,768
13 43,567 44,255 45,521 48,441 49,202 50,970 51,730 52,491 53,252 54,287