Introduced House Bill 3427
By Delegate Criss [Introduced February 13, 2023; Referred to the Committee on Finance]
Introduced HB 3427
1 A BILL to amend and reenact §11-15-9n of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, all
2 relating to the consumers sales and service tax and use tax exemption for qualified
3 purchases of computers and computer software, primary material handling equipment,
4 racking and racking systems, and components, building materials and certain tangible
5 personal property to be incorporated into a qualified, new or expanded warehouse or
6 distribution facility; changing threshold jobs creation number from 300 to 50; and making
7 stylistic changes.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
§11-15-9n. Exemption of qualified purchases of computers and computer software, primary material handling equipment, racking and racking systems, and components,
building materials and certain tangible personal property.
1 (a) Definitions. — For purposes of this section:
2 (1) "Building materials" means all tangible personal property, including any device or
3 appliance used by builders, contractors or landowners in making improvements, additions, or
4 alterations to a building or other structure or to real property in such a way that such tangible
5 personal property becomes a part of the building or other structure or the realty, which is installed
6 into or directly used or consumed in the construction, addition, alteration, repair or improvement of
7 a qualified, new or expanded warehouse or distribution facility. "Building materials" does not
8 include tools, construction equipment or any property or device which does not become a
9 permanent part of the realty when construction is completed. A device or appliance becomes a
10 fixture and a part of the building or other structure or the real property to which it is connected when
11 it is built into or is attached to the property in such a way that its removal would substantially
12 damage or deface such property.
13 (2) "Computers and computer software" as defined in section two, article fifteen-b of this
14 chapter §11-15B-2 of this code means computer equipment and related software directly and
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15 primarily used to control automated machinery in the facility and the movement of goods within the
16 facility, to facilitate customer delivery operations including shipment, preparation for shipment,
17 order tracking and delivery inventory control, printing of packing lists and labels and any other
18 customer order fulfillment functions.
19 (3) "Distribution facility" means a warehouse, facility, structure, or enclosed area which is
20 used primarily for the storage, shipment, preparation for shipment, or any combination of such
21 activities, of finished goods, consumer ready wares, and consumer ready merchandise.
22 (4) "Expansion period" means the period of time beginning one 1 year prior to the start of
23 the construction or expansion of the qualified, new or expanded warehouse or distribution facility,
24 and ending one 1 year after the substantial completion of the construction or expansion of the
25 facility. In no event shall the expansion period exceed five 5 years.
26 (5) "Full-time employment" for purposes of determining a full-time employee or a full-time
27 equivalent employee, means employment for at least one hundred forty 140 hours per month at a
28 wage not less than the prevailing state or federal minimum wage, depending on which minimum
29 wage provision is applicable to the business.
30 (A) For purposes of this definition, any employee paid less than state or federal minimum
31 wage, depending on which minimum wage provision is applicable, shall be excluded from the
32 count of employees for the purpose of determining the three hundred 50 jobs requirement of this
33 section.
34 (B) For purposes of this definition, seasonal employees and part-time employees may be
35 converted into full-time equivalent employees if the part-time or seasonal employee is customarily
36 performing job duties not less than twenty 20 hours per week for at least six 6 months during the
37 tax year. Persons who have worked less than twenty 20 hours per week or who have worked less
38 than six 6 months during the tax year do not qualify as part-time employees or as seasonal
39 employees.
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40 (6) "Primary material handling equipment" means the principal machinery and equipment
41 used directly and primarily for the handling and movement of tangible personal property in a
42 qualified, new or expanded warehouse or distribution facility.
43 (A) The following items may be considered primary material handling equipment:
44 (i) Conveyers, carousels, lifts, positioners, pick-up-and-place units, cranes, hoists,
45 mechanical arms and robots;
46 (ii) Mechanized systems, including containers which are an integral part thereof, whose
47 purpose is to lift or move tangible personal property;
48 (iii) Automated storage and retrieval systems, including computers and software which
49 control them, whose purpose is to lift or move tangible personal property; and
50 (iv) Forklifts and other off-the-road vehicles which are used to lift or move tangible
51 personal property and which cannot be legally operated on roads and streets.
52 (B) "Primary material handling equipment" does not include:
53 (i) Motor vehicles licensed for operation on the roads and highways of this state or any
54 other state of the United States or any other political jurisdiction;
55 (ii) Parts or equipment used to repair, refurbish, or recondition other equipment; or
56 (iii) Equipment which replaces, in whole or in part, primary material handling equipment.
57 (7) "Qualified, new or expanded warehouse or distribution facility" means a new or
58 expanded facility, subject to the following:
59 (A) Qualification criteria. "Qualified, new or expanded warehouse or distribution facility"
60 means a new or expanded facility located in this state, that is a warehouse or distribution facility
61 that will employ three hundred 50 or more West Virginia domiciled, West Virginia residents, as full-
62 time employees in the warehouse or distribution facility once the expansion period is complete and
63 which is either:
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64 (i) An existing warehouse or distribution facility that will be expanded over the expansion
65 period where the total value of all real and personal property purchased or acquired over the
66 expansion period as direct investment in the facility is $50 million or more; or
67 (ii) A new warehouse or distribution facility where the total value of all real and personal
68 property purchased or acquired over the expansion period as direct investment in the facility is $50
69 million or more.
70 (B) Exclusions and disqualifications.
71 (i) Subject to the limitations and restrictions set forth in this section, "qualified, new or
72 expanded warehouse or distribution facility" does not include a building or facility where tangible
73 personal property is manufactured, fabricated or assembled.
74 (ii) Subject to the limitations and restrictions set forth in this section, "qualified, new or
75 expanded warehouse or distribution facility" does not include a building or facility where annual
76 calendar year retail sales of tangible personal property are made over-the-counter from such
77 building or facility to the general public, if such sales exceed five percent 5% of the total annual
78 calendar year revenues of the warehouse or distribution facility during the same calendar year.
79 (iii) Subject to the limitations and restrictions set forth in this section, "qualified, new or
80 expanded warehouse or distribution facility" does not include a building or facility where the
81 average monthly full-time employment (determined by including full-time equivalent employees)
82 for each calendar year at the facility is less than three hundred 50 West Virginia domiciled, West
83 Virginia residents. For purposes of determining average monthly employment for the calendar
84 year, the taxpayer shall divide the sum of the twelve 12 monthly averages of qualified full-time and
85 full-time equivalent West Virginia employees at the qualified, new or expanded warehouse or
86 distribution facility by twelve 12. Each monthly average is computed as the average of West
87 Virginia employment at the beginning of each calendar month and at the end of each calendar
88 month. Provided, That the State Tax Commissioner may specify a different method for
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89 computation of average monthly full-time employment, on a state-wide basis or on a case-by-case
90 basis, or both, as the State Tax Commissioner may prescribe.
91 (8) "Qualified West Virginia employee" means a full-time employee or full-time equivalent
92 employee who is a West Virginia domiciled West Virginia resident.
93 (9) "Racking and racking systems" means any system of machinery, equipment, fixtures,
94 or portable devices whose function is to store, organize, or move tangible personal property within
95 a warehouse or distribution facility, including, but not limited to, conveying systems, chutes,
96 shelves, racks, bins, drawers, pallets, and other containers and storage devices which form a
97 necessary part of the facility’s storage system, and which is used directly and primarily for the
98 storage, handling and movement of tangible personal property in a qualified, new or expanded
99 warehouse or distribution facility.
100 (10) "Tangible personal property" means tangible personal property as defined in section
101 two, article fifteen-b §11-15B-2 et seq. of this chapter code.
102 (11) "Warehouse" means a facility, structure, or enclosed area which is used primarily for
103 the storage of finished goods, consumer ready wares, and consumer ready merchandise.
104 (b) Exemption. — Qualified purchases of computers and computer software, primary
105 material handling equipment, racking and racking systems, and components thereof, building
106 materials and tangible personal property installed into or directly used or consumed in the
107 construction, addition, alteration or improvement of a qualified, new or expanded warehouse or
108 distribution facility, as such terms are defined in this section, purchased during the expansion
109 period are exempt from the tax imposed by this article and article fifteen-a of this chapter §11-15A-
110 1 et seq. of this code. This exemption may apply either to qualified purchases made by a person or
111 entity which will be the owner and operator of the qualified, new or expanded warehouse or
112 distribution facility or to qualified purchases made by a lessor or lessee of the qualified, new or
113 expanded warehouse or distribution facility. A purchase of computers and computer software,
114 primary material handling equipment, racking and racking systems, and components thereof,
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115 building materials and tangible personal property is a qualified purchase if all requirements for
116 exemption set forth in this section are met with relation to the purchase.
117 (c) Application for certification of exemption and plan describing investment to be made.
118 (1) In order to qualify for the exemption authorized by this section, a taxpayer must submit
119 an application for certification of the exemption to the State Tax Commissioner, together with a
120 plan describing the investment to be made in the qualified, new or expanded warehouse or
121 distribution facility. The application and plan shall be submitted on forms prescribed by the State
122 Tax Commissioner. The plan shall demonstrate that the requirements of the law will be met.
123 (2) Filing date. The application for certification of the exemption and plan describing the
124 investment to be made must be filed on or before the start of the construction or expansion of the
125 proposed qualified, new or expanded warehouse or distribution facility.
126 (3) Late filing. If the taxpayer fails to timely file the application for certification of the
127 exemption with the State Tax Commissioner, together with a plan describing the investment to be
128 made, on or before the start of the construction or expansion of the proposed qualified, new or
129 expanded warehouse or distribution facility, the exemption allowed by this section shall not be
130 available for any purchases of computer and computer software, primary material handling
131 equipment, racking and racking systems, and components thereof, building materials and tangible
132 personal property otherwise exempt under this section that were made prior to the filing date of the
133 application for certification of the exemption, and no refund shall be issued for any such purchase.
134 (4) Exemption in cases of untimely filing. Notwithstanding the untimely filing of the
135 application for certification of the exemption and plan describing the investment to be made, if
136 certification of the exemption and plan is issued by the State Tax Commissioner of an untimely
137 filed application and plan, the exemption shall be available for qualified purchases of computers
138 and computer software, primary material handling equipment, racking and racking systems, and
139 components thereof, building materials and tangible personal property made subsequent to the
140 filing date of the application and plan and before the end of the expansion period.
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141 (5) Exemption limited to expansion period purchases.
142 (A) Upon approval of the application and certification of the exemption, qualified
143 purchases of computers and computer software, primary material handling equipment, racking
144 and racking systems, and components thereof, building materials and tangible personal property
145 shall be exempt from the tax imposed by this article and article fifteen-a of this chapter §11-15A-1,
146 et seq. of this code. However, if the requisite investment is not made within the expansion period,
147 or if the terms and requirements of this section are not satisfied, the taxpayer shall be subject to
148 assessment for any tax, penalty or interest that would otherwise have been due.
149 (B) Limitations. Any statute of limitations set forth in article ten of this chapter §11-10-1 et
150 seq. of this code for assessment made under this subsection for any such tax, penalty or interest
151 shall not close until five years subsequent to the end of the expansion period.
152 (d) Any person having a right or claim to any exemption set forth in this section shall first
153 pay to the vendor the tax imposed by this article and then apply to the State Tax Commissioner for
154 a refund or credit or, as provided in section nine-d §11-15-9d of this article code, give to the vendor
155 his or her West Virginia direct pay permit number.
156 (e) Additional Restrictions, Assessments and Statutes of Limitations. —
157 (1) Over-the-counter sales restrictions.
158 (A) If within ten 10 years after the end of the expansion period, over-the-counter sales are
159 made in any one 1 calendar year, from a warehouse or distribution facility for which qualification
160 for exemption under this section was originally established, which over-the-counter sales, in the
161 aggregate, exceed five percent 5% of the total revenues of the warehouse or distribution facility
162 during the same calendar year, the taxpayer will be disqualified from receiving the exemption
163 under this section as of the close of the calendar year in which over-the-counter sales first exceed
164 five percent 5% of the total revenues of the warehouse or distribution facility during the same
165 calendar year; and the taxpayer shall be subject to assessment for any tax, penalty or interest that
166 would otherwise have been due had the exemption set forth in this section never been applied.
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167 This over-the-counter sales restriction shall not apply to any year subsequent to the end of the
168 tenth 10th year after the end of the expansion period.
169 (B) Limitations. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code pertaining to statute of
170 limitations to the contrary, any statute of limitations set forth in article ten of this chapter §11-10-1 et
171 seq. of this code for assessment for any such tax, penalty or interest shall not close until five 5
172 years subsequent to the end of the calendar year in which over-the-counter sales first exceed five
173 percent 5% of the total revenues of the warehouse or distribution facility during the same period.
174 (2) Fabrication and Assembly Restriction.
175 (A) Subject to the restriction and limitations set forth in this subsection, a qualified new or
176 expanded warehouse or distribution facility does not include a building or facility where tangible
177 personal property is manufactured, fabricated or assembled. If during any calendar year within ten
178 10 years after the end of the expansion period, the building or facility for which qualification for
179 exemption under this section was originally established, is used for manufacturing, fabrication or
180 assembly of tangible personal property, the taxpayer will be disqualified from receiving the
181 exemption