Assembly Bill 110 proposes an amendment to the membership requirements of the Professional Standards Council for Teachers (PSCT) in Wisconsin. Currently, one member of the PSCT must be a licensed teacher employed in a tribal school and recommended by a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in Wisconsin. The bill seeks to remove the licensing requirement, allowing any individual who is employed as a teacher in a tribal school and recommended by a tribe to serve on the council.
The specific legal language changes include the deletion of the requirement for the member to be "licensed as a teacher and actively" and the insertion of the phrase "who is employed as a teacher." This change aims to broaden the eligibility criteria for PSCT membership, potentially increasing representation and input from tribal educators in the council's advisory role to the Department of Public Instruction. The bill is set to apply to individuals appointed after the effective date of the amendment.
Statutes affected: Bill Text: 15.377(8)(c)14, 15.377