Assembly Bill 118 establishes a transition to grazing pilot program within the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, aimed at supporting farmers who implement livestock forage-based managed grazing systems. The program will provide grants of up to $40,000 to eligible farmers, with the potential for 75% of the grant to be disbursed in the first year and the remaining 25% distributed over the following two years. The bill outlines specific purposes for which these grants can be used, including establishing perennial forages, creating harvestable cover in marginal areas, and funding necessary infrastructure for managed grazing systems.

Additionally, the bill includes provisions for technical assistance and support from certified grazing specialists, as well as resources for farmers and agribusinesses to navigate the economics of forage-based managed grazing. The program aims to enhance the conservation and financial performance of grazing systems while fostering innovation in the forage-fed livestock supply chain. The bill also authorizes an increase of 0.5 full-time equivalent position within the department to support the program's implementation.