Assembly Bill 113 mandates the creation of a safety plan sharing portal by the Department of Health Services (DHS) to facilitate the sharing of safety plans for minors in crisis among designated safety plan partners. A safety plan is defined as a written document that outlines how to assist a minor experiencing behavioral or developmental health challenges. The bill specifies that minors at risk of encountering law enforcement or emergency services can create a safety plan with the help of a facilitator, which must include essential information such as the minor's name, contact details, de-escalation strategies, and preferences for law enforcement interactions. The safety plans will expire one year after being signed.

The bill also establishes requirements for sharing these safety plans, stipulating that a minor must sign a release of information to allow sharing with safety plan partners, who are defined as individuals or entities within a network formed for this purpose. The release must clarify that the safety plan will only be used to ensure the minor's safety and well-being and can be revoked at any time, except during a crisis. Additionally, the bill allows for the formation of safety plan networks among various entities, such as schools, law enforcement, and health care providers, and requires the development of a standard safety plan template and functionalities for the portal, including online completion and notifications for expiring plans.