Assembly Bill 56 mandates the display of the national motto, "In God We Trust," in public buildings and schools across Wisconsin. The bill requires that all public buildings display the motto within six months of the bill's effective date, ensuring it is visible to the public or placed in employee notice areas if the building is not open to the public. Additionally, starting in the 2026-27 school year, each public school classroom, including charter schools, must also display the motto. The displays must adhere to specific requirements, including size (at least 11 inches by 14 inches), format (poster, framed document, or wall inscription), and language (in English and legible font).

The bill amends existing statutes to include the national motto alongside the display of the U.S. flag and the pledge of allegiance. Specifically, it updates the titles of sections 1.14 and 118.06 to reflect the inclusion of the national motto and creates new subsections that outline the requirements for its display in public buildings and classrooms. These changes aim to promote the visibility of the national motto in state-owned and educational facilities.

Statutes affected:
Bill Text: 1.14(title), 1.14, 118.06(title), 118.06