2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
April 20, 2023 - Introduced by Representatives BORN, BEHNKE, BRANDTJEN,
and MURSAU, cosponsored by Senators MARKLEIN, BALLWEG, CABRAL-GUEVARA,
COWLES, FELZKOWSKI, NASS and TOMCZYK. Referred to Committee on Health,
Aging and Long-Term Care.
1 AN ACT to amend 256.15 (4) (a) 3. of the statutes; relating to: ambulance
2 staffing on aircraft transporting pediatric patients between hospitals.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill modifies ambulance staffing requirements to allow a certified
respiratory care practitioner to fulfill a required staffing position on an ambulance
for the transport of pediatric patients from one hospital to another when the
ambulance is an aircraft.
Current law imposes certain staffing requirements when sick, disabled, or
injured individuals are transported by ambulance, either by air or ground. In
general, under current law, an ambulance may be staffed with any of the following:
any two emergency medical services practitioners, licensed registered nurses,
licensed physician assistants or physicians, or any combination of those individuals;
one emergency medical services practitioner plus one individual with an emergency
medical services practitioner training permit; or, for certain rural ambulance service
providers, one emergency medical technician and one emergency medical responder.
Current law provides an exception to these requirements to allow a certified
respiratory care practitioner to fulfill one of the staffing positions on the ambulance
when the ambulance is a fixed-wing airplane and the patient is a pediatric patient
being transferred from one hospital to another hospital. The bill expands the scope
2023 - 2024 Legislature -2- LRB-1734/1
of that exception to cover any type of aircraft transporting a pediatric patient from
one hospital to another.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1 SECTION 1. 256.15 (4) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
2 256.15 (4) (a) 3. If the ambulance is a fixed-wing airplane an aircraft and the
3 sick, disabled, or injured individual is a pediatric patient who is being transferred
4 from one hospital to another hospital, one individual specified in subd. 1. plus one
5 respiratory care practitioner certified under subch. II of ch. 448.
6 (END)

Statutes affected:
Bill Text: 256.15(4)(a)3, 256.15