The Washington State Legislature has passed a resolution to honor the 2025 Apple Blossom Festival Royal Court, which includes Queen Ella Johnson and Princesses Daeja Carlson and Yasmin Perez. The Apple Blossom Festival, established in 1920, is the oldest major festival in Washington and attracts over 100,000 visitors to the Wenatchee area. The festival aims to celebrate the community's heritage and fruit industry while providing a family-oriented event. The resolution recognizes the achievements of the Royal Court members in academics, sports, and community service, highlighting their dedication and aspirations.

Ella Johnson, a student at River Academy and a varsity athlete, plans to pursue a double major in history and economics at Point Loma Nazarene University. Daeja Carlson, who attends Wenatchee High School and Wenatchee Valley College, aims to earn a doctoral degree in neuroscience and become a sports neuropsychologist. Yasmin Perez, a student at Eastmont High School and Wenatchee Valley College, is committed to a career in healthcare and aspires to be the first in her family to pursue a college education. The resolution concludes by directing that copies be sent to the Royal Court members and the festival organizers to acknowledge their accomplishments and contributions to the community.