The bill from the Washington State Legislature seeks to officially rescind all prior applications made by the state to the United States Congress for a constitutional convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution. The legislature expresses concerns regarding the historical context and potential implications of these applications, noting that the Constitution has only been amended 27 times since its ratification and that the last constitutional convention occurred in 1787. The bill highlights the uncertainty surrounding whether previous applications expire and the potential for wealthy interest groups to exploit these historical decisions, which could impact the rights of current and future generations.

To address these concerns, the bill declares the intent to nullify any and all previous calls for a constitutional convention, regardless of their scope or subject matter. This includes applications for both limited and plenary conventions, emphasizing that Washington should not be counted among states calling for a convention until a future legislature passes a new application. The resolution also calls for the memorial to be transmitted to key federal officials and requests its publication in the Congressional Records to ensure clarity regarding Washington's position on this matter.