The bill amends RCW 74.04.770 to establish updated payment standards for cash assistance programs, including temporary assistance for needy families and refugee assistance. It mandates that the Department of Social and Health Services create consolidated standards of need each fiscal year, which will vary based on geographical areas, program types, and family sizes. The standards will be informed by studies of actual living costs and inflation indices, covering essential household needs such as shelter, food, transportation, and child care. Additionally, by July 1, 2022, the department is required to adopt a broadly used national standard to ensure that the standards of need accurately reflect current household requirements.
The bill introduces new provisions regarding payment levels, stipulating that they must be no less than 16 percent of the established need or the previous year's payment level, whichever is greater. It also limits annual increases in payment levels to a maximum of three percent in any single state fiscal year. Furthermore, it ensures that recipients of supplemental security income will receive at least the minimum state supplement required by federal law. The bill also authorizes the department to implement rateable reductions and grant maximums in accordance with federal regulations.
Statutes affected: Original Bill: 74.04.770