The bill aims to enhance the administration of vision benefits by amending existing laws and introducing new regulations regarding vision benefit managers and health carriers. It reenacts and amends RCW 48.200.020 and RCW 41.05.017, while adding new sections to chapters 48.200 and 48.43 RCW. Key definitions are established, including "vision benefit manager" and "vision materials," which clarify the roles and responsibilities of entities involved in providing vision services. The bill prohibits vision benefit managers from implementing discriminatory reimbursement practices, requiring providers to purchase from specific suppliers, or imposing excessive cost-sharing on enrollees.

Additionally, the bill mandates that health carriers offering vision coverage adhere to similar standards, ensuring equitable treatment of providers and enrollees. It specifies that these regulations apply to contracts entered into or renewed after the effective date of the new provisions. The insurance commissioner is granted authority to adopt necessary rules for implementation, with the entire act set to take effect on January 1, 2026.