The bill introduces a new section to chapter 28B.10 RCW aimed at enhancing transparency in college admissions for state universities, regional universities, and the state college in Washington. It mandates that these institutions must prominently display specific admissions information on their websites. This includes detailed scoring criteria, such as rubrics for admissions scoring and the weights assigned to various components like grade point average, standardized tests, and extracurricular activities. Additionally, the bill requires the posting of demographic characteristics of applicants and accepted students, including race, ethnicity, age, gender, parental income, parental education level, and residency, as well as the grade point averages of both groups.
Furthermore, the bill stipulates that the universities and colleges must also provide clear information regarding the criteria and rubrics used for scoring candidates during the admissions process, including those for major-specific admissions. This initiative aims to promote transparency and accountability in the admissions process, allowing prospective students and the public to better understand how admissions decisions are made.