The bill amends RCW 69.41.010 to expand the types of medication assistance that can be provided to individuals residing in community-based care settings and in-home care settings. It introduces new legal language that allows nonpractitioners to assist individuals with the self-administration of legend drugs, including controlled substances. This assistance can involve various actions such as reminding or coaching the individual, handing over medication containers, and preparing medications for self-administration, provided that a practitioner has determined that such assistance is necessary. However, the bill specifies that assistance with intravenous medications or injectable medications is limited to setting up diabetic devices for self-administration or handing injectable medications to individuals.

Additionally, the bill clarifies the definition of "medication assistance" and modifies the language regarding the preparation of medications by nonpractitioners. It replaces the term "prefilled insulin syringes" with "setting up diabetic devices for self-administration" and allows for the handing of injectable medications to individuals for self-administration. The amendments aim to enhance the support available to residents in community-based care settings while ensuring that the necessary oversight by practitioners is maintained.

Statutes affected:
Original Bill: 69.41.010
Substitute Bill: 69.41.010