The bill aims to improve state employee access to peer-reviewed journals by directing the Washington State Institute for Public Policy to conduct a study on potential funding, organizational structure, and policy mechanisms for providing electronic access to these journals. The study will define "peer-reviewed journal" as any academic, scholarly, or scientific journal that undergoes a peer-review process. It is required to be completed by December 1, 2026, and will be submitted to the relevant legislative committees. The section detailing the study will expire on June 30, 2027.

To support this initiative, the bill appropriates $83,000 from the general fund to The Evergreen State College for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2027, specifically for the Washington State Institute for Public Policy to conduct the study. The legislation highlights the inefficiencies and costs associated with the current lack of access to peer-reviewed journals for state employees and seeks to explore a subscription model that has proven beneficial in other states.