The bill aims to enhance access to behavioral health services for children and youth in Washington state by allowing licensed clinicians to provide these services within schools. It addresses the growing need for such services, particularly in rural areas where access is limited due to various barriers, including time and transportation. By colocating behavioral health services in schools, the bill seeks to reduce stigma, improve attendance for Medicaid-based services, and create a more integrated support system for students. The legislation emphasizes the importance of timely and accessible treatment to prevent negative outcomes for children and their communities.
Additionally, the bill introduces a new requirement for managed care organizations to reimburse for medically necessary behavioral health services provided in schools by licensed or certified agencies to Medicaid-enrolled students. This reimbursement is mandated regardless of whether the agency is part of the managed care organization's network, unless equivalent services are offered by the organization within the school using in-network providers. This provision aims to ensure that children receive the necessary support without facing barriers related to insurance coverage.