This bill seeks to improve access to free meals for students in public schools throughout Washington State, ensuring that no child experiences hunger during school hours. It introduces a new section affirming the legislature's commitment to providing meals at no charge to all requesting students. Key amendments include modifications to RCW 28A.150.260, which governs funding for basic education, ensuring that school districts can adequately support meal programs. The bill mandates that starting in the 2026-27 school year, all school districts must provide free breakfast and lunch to any student who requests them, regardless of their eligibility for federal meal programs. It also includes provisions for state reimbursement to districts for meals not covered at the free rate and emphasizes the importance of collecting eligibility applications to maximize federal funding.

Additionally, the bill establishes a requirement for the office of the superintendent of public instruction to create a statewide electronic repository for household income information, streamlining the process for determining student eligibility for meal programs. It mandates that schools utilize this information without requiring traditional meal applications, ensuring a more efficient enrollment process. The bill also modifies the reimbursement structure for districts participating in the community eligibility provision and introduces bonuses for instructional staff in high-poverty schools. Overall, the legislation aims to create a more equitable environment for students by addressing food insecurity and ensuring that all students have access to nutritious meals while complying with federal guidelines.

Statutes affected:
Original Bill: 43.62.050, 28A.235.160, 28A.235.250, 28A.235.270, 28A.235.285, 28A.235.300, 28A.405.415, 28A.235.260