The bill seeks to modernize Washington State's all-payer claims database by updating reporting requirements, data disclosure standards, and the selection criteria for the lead organization managing the database. It allows the health care authority to either act as the lead organization or select one through a competitive procurement process. The bill emphasizes transparency in health care data, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions and improve health care delivery. It also outlines the responsibilities of the lead organization and data vendors in ensuring data quality, security, and compliance with privacy regulations.

Significant changes include the deletion of references to "proprietary financial information," which broadens the scope of shareable data while maintaining patient confidentiality. The bill mandates that recipients of claims data enter into data use agreements to protect patient identifiers and requires the destruction of claims data at the end of the agreement. It introduces new requirements for the lead organization, including a review process before report releases and a public comment period. Additionally, it establishes a five-year review cycle for assessing the effectiveness of the health care database, replacing the previous biennial review requirement, and clarifies that claims data must remain with the data vendor, imposing penalties for inappropriate disclosures. Overall, the amendments aim to enhance data security, improve health care transparency, and ensure compliance with privacy laws.

Statutes affected:
Original Bill: 43.371.010, 43.371.020, 43.371.050, 43.371.060, 43.371.070, 43.371.090