The bill establishes a permanent ninth grade success grant program in Washington state, aimed at improving the on-track rates of ninth grade students, which is a critical predictor of on-time graduation. The program will be administered by the office of the superintendent of public instruction and will fund the creation of success teams in public schools to identify and support at-risk students. The bill emphasizes the importance of targeted interventions, such as data review and strategic support, to help students succeed in their ninth grade year.

Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, grants will be awarded to eligible public schools, with a focus on those with low ninth grade on-track scores and below-average graduation rates. The grant funds can be used for various purposes, including compensating success team members, providing professional development, hiring substitutes, and offering student support services. The office of the superintendent is also required to report annually on the program's implementation, including data on grant recipients, student demographics, and the impact on ninth grade on-track scores and graduation rates.