The bill amends existing laws related to local government planning to ensure compliance with the Growth Management Act. It outlines the process by which the board can determine the invalidity of a comprehensive plan or development regulations, including the requirements for findings of fact and conclusions of law. The bill specifies that a determination of invalidity is prospective and does not affect rights that vested before the board's order. It also allows for interim controls and measures to be adopted by counties or cities while they work towards compliance, and it establishes a process for the board to clarify or modify its orders.

Key insertions in the bill include provisions that require the board to issue findings of compliance only if the plans or regulations in effect after a repeal are compliant with the Growth Management Act. Additionally, the bill modifies the timeline for the board to issue findings, changing "thirty" to "30" days and "forty-five" to "45" days. The bill also introduces a requirement for periodic reports if a plan or regulation is found to be partially compliant, ensuring ongoing oversight and accountability in the compliance process.

Statutes affected:
Original Bill: 36.70A.302, 36.70A.330