State of Washington 68th Legislature 2024 Regular Session
By Senator McCune
1 AN ACT Relating to creating clarity and consistency in rental
2 agreements under the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act;
3 and amending RCW 59.20.090.
5 Sec. 1. RCW 59.20.090 and 2019 c 23 s 5 are each amended to read
6 as follows:
7 (1) Unless otherwise agreed, rental agreements shall be for a
8 term of one year. Any rental agreement of whatever duration shall be
9 automatically renewed for the term of the original rental agreement,
10 unless a different specified term is agreed upon.
11 (2) ((A)) No landlord ((seeking to increase the rent upon
12 expiration of the term of a rental agreement of any duration shall))
13 may increase the rent more than once in any 12-month period and shall
14 notify the tenant in writing three months prior to the effective date
15 of any increase in rent.
16 (3) A tenant shall notify the landlord in writing one month prior
17 to the expiration of a rental agreement of an intention not to renew.
18 (4)(a) The tenant may terminate the rental agreement upon
19 ((thirty)) 30 days written notice whenever a change in the location
20 of the tenant's employment requires a change in his or her residence,
21 and shall not be liable for rental following such termination unless
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1 after due diligence and reasonable effort the landlord is not able to
2 rent the mobile home lot at a fair rental. If the landlord is not
3 able to rent the lot, the tenant shall remain liable for the rental
4 specified in the rental agreement until the lot is rented or the
5 original term ends.
6 (b) Any tenant who is a member of the armed forces, including the
7 national guard and armed forces reserves, or that tenant's spouse or
8 dependent, may terminate a rental agreement with less than ((thirty))
9 30 days notice if the tenant receives permanent change of station or
10 deployment orders which do not allow greater notice. The service
11 member shall provide the landlord a copy of the official military
12 orders or a signed letter from the service member's commanding
13 officer confirming any of the following criteria are met:
14 (i) The service member is required, pursuant to permanent change
15 of station orders, to move ((thirty-five)) 35 miles or more from the
16 location of the rental premises;
17 (ii) The service member is prematurely or involuntarily
18 discharged or released from active duty;
19 (iii) The service member is released from active duty after
20 having leased the rental premises while on active duty status and the
21 rental premises is ((thirty-five)) 35 miles or more from the service
22 member's home of record prior to entering active duty;
23 (iv) After entering into a rental agreement, the commanding
24 officer directs the service member to move into government provided
25 housing;
26 (v) The service member receives temporary duty orders, temporary
27 change of station orders, or state active duty orders to an area
28 ((thirty-five)) 35 miles or more from the location of the rental
29 premises, provided such orders are for a period not less than
30 ((ninety)) 90 days; or
31 (vi) The service member has leased the property, but prior to
32 taking possession of the rental premises, receives change of station
33 orders to an area that is ((thirty-five)) 35 miles or more from the
34 location of the rental premises.
--- END ---
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Statutes affected:
Original Bill: 59.20.090