State of Washington 68th Legislature 2024 Regular Session
By Representatives Walen, Robertson, Ryu, Morgan, Leavitt, Ortiz-
Self, Ramel, Duerr, Ramos, Slatter, Reed, Ormsby, Timmons, Callan,
Peterson, Street, Sandlin, Paul, Doglio, Thai, Wylie, Reeves, and
Prefiled 12/05/23. Read first time 01/08/24. Referred to Committee
on Consumer Protection & Business.
1 AN ACT Relating to protecting consumers from predatory loans;
2 amending RCW 31.04.015, 31.04.025, 31.04.027, and 31.04.035; and
3 creating a new section.
5 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. This act may be known and cited as the
6 predatory loan prevention act.
7 Sec. 2. RCW 31.04.015 and 2018 c 62 s 9 are each amended to read
8 as follows:
9 The definitions set forth in this section apply throughout this
10 chapter unless the context clearly requires a different meaning.
11 (1) "Add-on method" means the method of precomputing interest
12 payable on a loan whereby the interest to be earned is added to the
13 principal balance and the total plus any charges allowed under this
14 chapter is stated as the loan amount, without further provision for
15 the payment of interest except for failure to pay according to loan
16 terms. The director may adopt by rule a more detailed explanation of
17 the meaning and use of this method.
18 (2) "Affiliate" means any person who, directly or indirectly
19 through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or
20 is under common control with another person.
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1 (3) "Applicant" means a person applying for a license under this
2 chapter.
3 (4) "Borrower" means any person who consults with or retains a
4 licensee or person subject to this chapter in an effort to obtain, or
5 who seeks information about obtaining a loan, regardless of whether
6 that person actually obtains such a loan. "Borrower" includes a
7 person who consults with or retains a licensee or person subject to
8 this chapter in an effort to obtain, or who seeks information about
9 obtaining a residential mortgage loan modification, regardless of
10 whether that person actually obtains a residential mortgage loan
11 modification.
12 (5) "Department" means the state department of financial
13 institutions.
14 (6) "Depository institution" has the same meaning as in section 3
15 of the federal deposit insurance act on July 26, 2009, and includes
16 credit unions.
17 (7) "Director" means the director of financial institutions.
18 (8) "Educational institution" means any entity that is a degree-
19 granting institution as defined in RCW 28B.85.010, a private
20 vocational school as defined in RCW 28C.10.020, or school as defined
21 in RCW 18.16.020.
22 (9) "Federal banking agencies" means the board of governors of
23 the federal reserve system, comptroller of the currency, director of
24 the office of thrift supervision, national credit union
25 administration, and federal deposit insurance corporation.
26 (10) "Individual servicing a mortgage loan" means a person on
27 behalf of a lender or servicer licensed by this state, who collects
28 or receives payments including payments of principal, interest,
29 escrow amounts, and other amounts due, on existing obligations due
30 and owing to the licensed lender or servicer for a residential
31 mortgage loan when the borrower is in default, or in reasonably
32 foreseeable likelihood of default, working with the borrower and the
33 licensed lender or servicer, collects data and makes decisions
34 necessary to modify either temporarily or permanently certain terms
35 of those obligations, or otherwise finalizing collection through the
36 foreclosure process.
37 (11) "Insurance" means life insurance, disability insurance,
38 property insurance, involuntary unemployment insurance, and such
39 other insurance as may be authorized by the insurance commissioner.
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1 (12) "License" means a single license issued under the authority
2 of this chapter.
3 (13) "Licensee" means a person to whom one or more licenses have
4 been issued. "Licensee" also means any person, whether located within
5 or outside of this state, who fails to obtain a license required by
6 this chapter.
7 (14) "Loan" means ((a sum of money lent at interest or for a fee
8 or other charge and includes both open-end and closed-end loan
9 transactions)) money or credit provided to a borrower in exchange for
10 the borrower's agreement to a certain set of terms including, but not
11 limited to, any finance charges, interest, or other charges,
12 conditions, or considerations. "Loan" includes open-end and closed-
13 end credit, and any transaction conducted via any medium whatsoever
14 including, but not limited to, paper, facsimile, internet, or
15 telephone. Any transaction that satisfies the definition of a "loan"
16 is subject to this chapter without regard to the lender's means of
17 collection, whether the lender has legal recourse against the
18 borrower in the event of nonrepayment, and whether the transaction
19 carries required charges or payments.
20 (15) "Loan processor or underwriter" means an individual who
21 performs clerical or support duties as an employee at the direction
22 of and subject to the supervision and instruction of a person
23 licensed, or exempt from licensing, under this chapter.
24 (16) "Making a loan" means advancing, offering to advance, or
25 making a commitment to advance funds to a borrower for a loan.
26 (17) "Mortgage broker" means the same as defined in RCW
27 19.146.010, except that for purposes of this chapter, a licensee or
28 person subject to this chapter cannot receive compensation as both a
29 consumer loan licensee making the loan and as a consumer loan
30 licensee acting as the mortgage broker in the same loan transaction.
31 (18)(a) "Mortgage loan originator" means an individual who for
32 compensation or gain (i) takes a residential mortgage loan
33 application, or (ii) offers or negotiates terms of a residential
34 mortgage loan. "Mortgage loan originator" also includes individuals
35 who hold themselves out to the public as able to perform any of these
36 activities. "Mortgage loan originator" does not include any
37 individual who performs purely administrative or clerical tasks; and
38 does not include a person or entity solely involved in extensions of
39 credit relating to timeshare plans, as that term is defined in
40 section 101(53D) of Title 11, United States Code. For the purposes of
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1 this definition, administrative or clerical tasks means the receipt,
2 collection, and distribution of information common for the processing
3 of a loan in the mortgage industry and communication with a consumer
4 to obtain information necessary for the processing of a residential
5 mortgage loan.
6 (b) "Mortgage loan originator" also includes an individual who
7 for direct or indirect compensation or gain performs residential
8 mortgage loan modification services or holds himself or herself out
9 as being able to perform residential mortgage loan modification
10 services.
11 (c) "Mortgage loan originator" does not include a person or
12 entity that only performs real estate brokerage activities and is
13 licensed or registered in accordance with applicable state law,
14 unless the person or entity is compensated by a lender, a mortgage
15 broker, or other mortgage loan originator or by any agent of such a
16 lender, mortgage broker, or other mortgage loan originator. For the
17 purposes of chapter 120, Laws of 2009, the term "real estate
18 brokerage activity" means any activity that involves offering or
19 providing real estate brokerage services to the public, including:
20 (i) Acting as a real estate agent or real estate broker for a
21 buyer, seller, lessor, or lessee of real property;
22 (ii) Bringing together parties interested in the sale, purchase,
23 lease, rental, or exchange of real property;
24 (iii) Negotiating, on behalf of any party, any portion of a
25 contract relating to the sale, purchase, lease, rental, or exchange
26 of real property, other than in connection with providing financing
27 with respect to such a transaction;
28 (iv) Engaging in any activity for which a person engaged in the
29 activity is required to be registered or licensed as a real estate
30 agent or real estate broker under any applicable law; and
31 (v) Offering to engage in any activity, or act in any capacity,
32 described in (c)(i) through (iv) of this subsection.
33 (d) This subsection does not apply to employees of a housing
34 counseling agency approved by the United States department of housing
35 and urban development unless the employees of a housing counseling
36 agency are required under federal law to be individually licensed as
37 mortgage loan originators.
38 (19) "Nationwide mortgage licensing system" means a licensing
39 system developed and maintained by the conference of state bank
40 supervisors for licensing and registration.
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1 (20) "Officer" means an official appointed by the company for the
2 purpose of making business decisions or corporate decisions.
3 (21) "Person" includes individuals, partnerships, associations,
4 limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, trusts,
5 corporations, and all other legal entities.
6 (22) "Principal" means any person who controls, directly or
7 indirectly through one or more intermediaries, alone or in concert
8 with others, a ((ten)) 10 percent or greater interest in a
9 partnership; company; association or corporation; or a limited
10 liability company, and the owner of a sole proprietorship.
11 (23) "Registered mortgage loan originator" means any individual
12 who meets the definition of mortgage loan originator and is an
13 employee of a depository institution; a subsidiary that is owned and
14 controlled by a depository institution and regulated by a federal
15 banking agency; or an institution regulated by the farm credit
16 administration and is registered with, and maintains a unique
17 identifier through, the nationwide mortgage licensing system.
18 (24) "Residential mortgage loan" means any loan primarily for
19 personal, family, or household use that is secured by a mortgage,
20 deed of trust, or other consensual security interest on a dwelling,
21 as defined in the truth in lending act, or residential real estate
22 upon which is constructed or intended to be constructed a dwelling.
23 (25) "Residential mortgage loan modification" means a change in
24 one or more of a residential mortgage loan's terms or conditions.
25 Changes to a residential mortgage loan's terms or conditions include
26 but are not limited to forbearances; repayment plans; changes in
27 interest rates, loan terms, or loan types; capitalizations of
28 arrearages; or principal reductions.
29 (26) "Residential mortgage loan modification services" includes
30 negotiating, attempting to negotiate, arranging, attempting to
31 arrange, or otherwise offering to perform a residential mortgage loan
32 modification for compensation or gain. "Residential mortgage loan
33 modification services" also includes the collection of data for
34 submission to an entity performing mortgage loan modification
35 services.
36 (27) "S.A.F.E. act" means the secure and fair enforcement for
37 mortgage licensing act of 2008, Title V of the housing and economic
38 recovery act of 2008 ("HERA"), P.L. 110-289, effective July 30, 2008.
39 (28) "Senior officer" means an officer of a licensee at the vice
40 president level or above.
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1 (29) "Service or servicing a loan" means on behalf of the lender
2 or investor of a residential mortgage loan: (a) Collecting or
3 receiving payments on existing obligations due and owing to the
4 lender or investor, including payments of principal, interest, escrow
5 amounts, and other amounts due; (b) collecting fees due to the
6 servicer; (c) working with the borrower and the licensed lender or
7 servicer to collect data and make decisions necessary to modify
8 certain terms of those obligations either temporarily or permanently;
9 (d) otherwise finalizing collection through the foreclosure process;
10 or (e) servicing a reverse mortgage loan.
11 (30) "Service or servicing a reverse mortgage loan" means,
12 pursuant to an agreement with the owner of a reverse mortgage loan:
13 Calculating, collecting, or receiving payments of interest or other
14 amounts due; administering advances to the borrower; and providing
15 account statements to the borrower or lender.
16 (31) "Simple interest method" means the method of computing
17 interest payable on a loan by applying the annual percentage interest
18 rate or its periodic equivalent to the unpaid balances of the
19 principal of the loan outstanding for the time outstanding.
20 (a) On a nonresidential loan each payment is applied first to any
21 unpaid penalties, fees, or charges, then to accumulated interest, and
22 the remainder of the payment applied to the unpaid balance of the
23 principal until paid in full. In using such method, interest must not
24 be payable in advance nor compounded. The prohibition on compounding
25 interest does not apply to reverse mortgage loans made in accordance
26 with the Washington state reverse mortgage act. The director may
27 adopt by rule a more detailed explanation of the meaning and use of
28 this method.
29 (b) On a residential mortgage loan payments are applied as
30 determined in the security instrument.
31 (32) "Student education loan" means any loan solely for personal
32 use to finance postsecondary education and costs of attendance at an
33 educational institution. A student education loan includes a loan
34 made to refinance a student education loan. A student education loan
35 does not include a payment plan or accounts receivable at a higher
36 education institution as defined in RCW 28B.07.020(4) only during the
37 time of a student's enrollment in the higher education institution,
38 not to include a refinanced payment plan or accounts receivable, an
39 extension of credit under an open-end consumer credit plan, a reverse
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1 mortgage transaction, a residential mortgage transaction, or any
2 other loan that is secured by real property or a dwelling.
3 (33) "Student education loan borrower" means: (a) Any resident of
4 this state who has received or agreed to pay a student education
5 loan; or (b) any person who shares responsibility with such resident
6 for repaying the student education loan.
7 (34) "Student education loan servicer" means any person, wherever
8 located, responsible for the servicing of any student education loan
9 to any student education loan borrower.
10 (35) "Student education loan servicing" or "service a student
11 education loan" means: (a) Receiving any scheduled periodic payments
12 from a student education loan borrower pursuant to the terms of a
13 student education loan; (b) applying the payments of principal and
14 interest and such other payments with respect to the amounts received
15 from a student education loan borrower, as may be required pursuant
16 to the terms of a student education loan; (c) working with the
17 student education loan borrower to collect data, or collecting data,
18 to make decisions to modify the loan; or (d) performing other
19 administrative services with respect to a student education loan
20 including collection activities. "Student education loan servicing"
21 does not include third-party student education loan modification
22 services.
23 (36) "Third-party residential mortgage loan modification
24 services" means residential mortgage loan modification services
25 offered or performed by any person other than the owner or servicer
26 of the loan.
27 (37) "Third-party service provider" means any person other than
28 the licensee or a mortgage broker who provides goods or services to
29 the licensee or borrower in connection with the preparation of the
30 borrower's loan and includes, but is not limited to, credit reporting
31 agencies, real estate brokers or salespersons, title insurance
32 companies and agents, appraisers, structural and pest inspectors, or
33 escrow companies.
34 (38) "Third-party student education loan modification services"
35 means for compensation or other consideration by or on behalf of the
36 borrower working with the student education loan borrower or his or
37 her representative to collect data or prepare or submit documents, or
38 collecting data and preparing or submitting documents, to modify,
39 refinance, or consolidate the loan, or change repayment plans.
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1 (39) "Unique identifier" means a number or other identifier
2 assigned by protocols established by the nationwide mortgage
3 licensing system.
4 Sec. 3. RCW 31.04.025 and 2023 c 275 s 15 are each amended to
5 read as follows:
6 (1) Each loan made to a ((reside