State of Washington 68th Legislature 2023 Regular Session
By Senators Nobles, Liias, Frame, Hasegawa, Hunt, Lovelett, Nguyen,
Pedersen, SaldaƱa, Shewmake, Valdez, and C. Wilson; by request of
Student Achievement Council
Read first time 02/06/23. Referred to Committee on Higher Education
& Workforce Development.
1 AN ACT Relating to extending the terms of eligibility for the
2 Washington college grant program; amending RCW 28B.92.200; creating a
3 new section; and declaring an emergency.
5 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature intends to create this act
6 in order to ensure students have advanced knowledge regarding their
7 educational and financial planning for the next academic year.
8 Sec. 2. RCW 28B.92.200 and 2022 c 214 s 5 are each amended to
9 read as follows:
10 (1) The Washington college grant program is created to provide a
11 statewide free college program for eligible participants and greater
12 access to postsecondary education for Washington residents. The
13 Washington college grant program is intended to increase the number
14 of high school graduates and adults that can attain a postsecondary
15 credential and provide them with the qualifications needed to compete
16 for job opportunities in Washington.
17 (2) The office shall implement and administer the Washington
18 college grant program and is authorized to establish rules necessary
19 for implementation of the program.
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1 (3) The legislature shall appropriate funding for the Washington
2 college grant program. Allocations must be made on the basis of
3 estimated eligible participants enrolled in eligible institutions of
4 higher education or apprenticeship programs. All eligible students
5 are entitled to a Washington college grant beginning in academic year
6 2020-21.
7 (4) The office shall award Washington college grants to all
8 eligible students beginning in academic year 2020-21.
9 (5) To be eligible for the Washington college grant, students
10 must meet the following requirements:
11 (a)(i) Demonstrate financial need under RCW 28B.92.205;
12 (ii) Receive one of the following types of public assistance:
13 (A) Aged, blind, or disabled assistance benefits under chapter
14 74.62 RCW;
15 (B) Essential needs and housing support program benefits under
16 RCW 43.185C.220; or
17 (C) Pregnant women assistance program financial grants under RCW
18 74.62.030; or
19 (iii) Be a Washington high school student in the 10th, 11th, or
20 12th grade whose parent or legal guardian is receiving one of the
21 types of public assistance listed in (a)(ii) of this subsection and
22 have received a certificate confirming eligibility from the office in
23 accordance with RCW 28B.92.225;
24 (b)(i) Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment for at least three
25 quarter credits or the equivalent semester credits at an institution
26 of higher education in Washington as defined in RCW 28B.92.030; or
27 (ii) Be enrolled in a registered apprenticeship program approved
28 under chapter 49.04 RCW;
29 (c) Be a resident student as defined in RCW 28B.15.012(2) (a)
30 through (e);
31 (d) File an annual application for financial aid as approved by
32 the office; and
33 (e) Must not have earned a baccalaureate degree or higher from a
34 postsecondary institution.
35 (6) Washington college grant eligibility may not extend beyond
36 ((five)) six years or ((one hundred twenty-five)) 150 percent of the
37 published length of the program in which the student is enrolled or
38 the credit or clock-hour equivalent.
39 (7) Institutional aid administrators shall determine whether a
40 student eligible for the Washington college grant in a given academic
p. 2 SB 5711
1 year may remain eligible for the ensuing year if the student's family
2 income increases by no more than three percent.
3 (8) Qualifications for receipt and renewal include maintaining
4 satisfactory academic progress toward completion of an eligible
5 program as determined by the office and established in rule.
6 (9) Should a recipient terminate his or her enrollment for any
7 reason during the academic year, the unused portion of the grant
8 shall be returned to the state educational grant fund by the
9 institution of higher education according to the institution of
10 higher education's policy for issuing refunds, except as provided in
11 RCW 28B.92.070.
12 (10) An eligible student enrolled on a part-time basis shall
13 receive a prorated portion of the Washington college grant for any
14 academic period in which he or she is enrolled on a part-time basis.
15 (11) The Washington college grant is intended to be used to meet
16 the costs of postsecondary education for students with financial
17 need. The student shall be awarded all need-based financial aid for
18 which the student qualifies as determined by the institution.
19 (12) Students and participating institutions of higher education
20 shall comply with all the rules adopted by the council for the
21 administration of this chapter.
22 NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. This act is necessary for the immediate
23 preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of
24 the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes
25 effect July 1, 2023.
--- END ---
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Statutes affected:
Original Bill: 28B.92.200