State of Washington 68th Legislature 2023 Regular Session
By Senators Hasegawa, Hunt, Liias, Nguyen, and Stanford
Read first time 01/12/23. Referred to Committee on Health & Long
Term Care.
1 AN ACT Relating to health care financing and development of the
2 Washington health trust to ensure that all Washington residents can
3 enroll in nonprofit health insurance coverage providing an essential
4 set of health benefits, including medical, dental, vision, and
5 prescription drug benefits; adding a new section to chapter 82.32
6 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 82.04 RCW; adding a new chapter
7 to Title 43 RCW; adding a new chapter to Title 82 RCW; adding a new
8 title to the Revised Code of Washington to be codified as Title 50C
9 RCW; prescribing penalties; providing effective dates; providing a
10 contingent effective date; and providing contingent expiration dates.
12 Part I
13 Universal Health Care for Washington State
15 During this time of deep racial and socioeconomic inequity,
16 Washingtonians have watched as loved ones and neighbors slipped
17 through the widening gaps in our health care system. According to the
18 Washington state department of health, the COVID-19 pandemic has
19 worsened these structural disparities, showing in their recent
20 COVID-19 morbidity report that the death and burden of this pandemic
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1 has disproportionately affected those already marginalized and
2 underserved communities. With the intent to start healing the wounds
3 of generations of inequality and to ensure a future where health care
4 is recognized as a basic right afforded to each resident, the people
5 of the state of Washington declare their intention to create a
6 single, primary nonprofit health financing entity called the
7 Washington health trust. The trust will simplify health care
8 financing, eliminate administrative waste, respond to the health
9 needs of each regional health district, and guarantee all residents
10 coverage of a comprehensive set of essential health benefits without
11 the burden of premiums, deductibles, copayments, or medical bills.
12 (1) All residents of the state of Washington are eligible for
13 coverage through this chapter.
14 (2) Individuals enrolled for essential health benefits under this
15 chapter may obtain health services from any participating
16 institution, agency, or individual qualified to provide the service
17 including participating providers outside the state.
18 (3) Residents may obtain coverage for health care benefits in
19 excess of those available under the trust, including additional
20 benefits that an employer may provide to employees and their
21 dependents and spouses or to former employees and their dependents
22 and spouses.
23 (4) No person shall, on the basis of race, color, national
24 origin, age, disability, immigration status, or sex, including sex
25 stereotyping, gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy and
26 related medical conditions, be excluded from participation in, be
27 denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination by any
28 participating provider or any entity conducting, administering, or
29 funding a health program or activity, including contracts of
30 insurance, under this chapter.
31 (5) Participating providers may not be denied reimbursement by
32 the Washington health trust for any essential health benefit that is
33 within the scope of their practice, consistent with the accepted
34 standard of care as described in RCW 7.70.040.
35 (6) A participating health care provider is not required to
36 furnish any health care service that is outside the scope of their
37 practice or, in the health care provider's reasonable clinical
38 judgment, not consistent with the accepted standard of care as
39 described in RCW 7.70.040.
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1 (7) Participating providers may receive payments from sources
2 other than the trust. However, any provider who does accept payment
3 from the trust for a service must accept that payment, along with
4 applicable copayments, as payment in full.
5 (8) Any provider, institution, agency, or individual that is
6 qualified to provide a health care service covered under this
7 chapter, is entitled to participate and receive reimbursement as
8 described in section 109 of this act.
9 (9) Nothing in this chapter is intended to interfere with tribal
10 sovereignty over any federal or state funding set aside for tribal
11 health or Indian health services, including those provided by chapter
12 43.71B RCW.
13 NEW SECTION. Sec. 102. DEFINITIONS. The definitions in this
14 section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly
15 requires otherwise.
16 (1) "Board" means the Washington health trust board of trustees
17 created in section 104 of this act.
18 (2) "Chair" means the presiding officer of the board.
19 (3) "Community health access" means a reimbursement system
20 managed by the health care authority for eligible residents to
21 receive essential health services free to the individual at the point
22 of service through community health providers.
23 (4) "Community health provider" means a qualified provider
24 electing participation in the trust as a coordinating nonprofit
25 health care provider to negotiate reimbursements based on quality and
26 availability of services for residents in each regional health
27 district as described in section 109 of this act.
28 (5) "Department" means the Washington state department of health.
29 (6) "Eligible nonresident" shall be defined by the board of
30 trustees created in section 104 of this act, and includes nonresident
31 students attending college within the state, nonresidents employed
32 within the state, and the spouses or domestic partners and dependents
33 of eligible nonresidents.
34 (7)(a) "Employee" means an individual who is in the employment of
35 an employer.
36 (b) "Employee" does not include employees of the federal
37 government.
38 (8) "Employer" has the meaning provided in section 201 of this
39 act.
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1 (9) "Employment investment" means a cost paid by or on behalf of
2 employed individuals for enrollment in the Washington health trust.
3 (10) "Essential benefits package" means a single comprehensive
4 health insurance that covers essential health benefits.
5 (11) "Essential health benefits" means any of the following items
6 and services provided on an inpatient or outpatient basis when
7 medically necessary or appropriate for the maintenance of health or
8 for the diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation of a health
9 condition:
10 (a) Hospital services, including inpatient and hospital-based
11 outpatient care and 24-hour emergency services;
12 (b) Ambulatory primary and specialty services, including
13 preventative care and chronic disease management;
14 (c) Prescription drugs, medical devices, and biological products;
15 (d) Mental health and substance use disorder treatment services;
16 (e) Laboratory and other diagnostic services, including
17 diagnostic imaging services;
18 (f) Reproductive, maternity, and newborn care;
19 (g) Pediatric primary and specialty care;
20 (h) Palliative care and end-of-life care services;
21 (i) Oral health, audiology, and vision services;
22 (j) Short-term rehabilitative and habilitative services and
23 devices; and
24 (k) Licensed naturopathic, acupuncture, and massage therapies.
25 (12) "Essential health benefits-benchmark plan" means the set of
26 benefits that an issuer must include in nongrandfathered plans
27 offered in the individual or small group market in Washington state,
28 as defined in section 1302 of the affordable care act, 124 Stat. 119,
29 P.L. 111–148 (2010), and 45 C.F.R. 156.100.
30 (13) "Federal poverty level" means the federal poverty guidelines
31 determined annually by the United States department of health and
32 human services or its successor agency.
33 (14) "Global annual budget" means the specific amount of money
34 required for health care facilities participating for reimbursement
35 as a community health provider to operate as negotiated by the board.
36 (15) "Health care facility" or "facility" includes any of the
37 following appropriately accredited entities: Hospices and home health
38 agencies licensed pursuant to chapter 70.127 RCW; hospitals licensed
39 pursuant to chapter 70.41 RCW; rural health care facilities as
40 defined in RCW 70.175.020; psychiatric hospitals licensed pursuant to
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1 chapter 71.12 RCW; nursing homes licensed pursuant to chapter 18.51
2 RCW; community mental health centers licensed pursuant to chapter
3 71.05 or 71.24 RCW; kidney disease treatment centers; ambulatory
4 surgical facilities licensed under chapter 70.230 RCW; approved drug
5 and alcohol treatment facilities certified by the department of
6 social and health services; such other facilities owned and operated
7 by a political subdivision or instrumentality of the state; a
8 tribally operated facility as defined in RCW 43.71B.010; and such
9 other facilities as required by federal law and implementing
10 regulations.
11 (16) "Income" means the adjusted gross household income for
12 federal income tax purposes.
13 (17) "Long-term care" means institutional, residential,
14 outpatient, or community-based services that meet the individual
15 needs of persons of all ages who are limited in their functional
16 capacities or have disabilities and require assistance with
17 performing two or more activities of daily living for an extended or
18 indefinite period of time. These services include case management,
19 protective supervision, in-home care, nursing services, convalescent,
20 custodial, chronic, and terminally ill care.
21 (18) "Native American" means an American Indian or Alaska Native
22 as defined under 25 U.S.C. Sec. 1603.
23 (19) "Participating provider" means a person, health care
24 provider, practitioner, health care facility, or entity acting within
25 their scope of practice that has negotiated a written contract to
26 participate and receive reimbursement as described in section 109 of
27 this act.
28 (20) "Qualified provider" means a person, health care provider,
29 practitioner, health care facility, or entity acting within their
30 scope of practice who is licensed or certified and meets: (a) All the
31 requirements of state law to provide such services in the state where
32 the services are provided; and (b) applicable requirements of federal
33 law to provide such services. "Qualified provider" includes a
34 licensed or certified hospital, clinic, health maintenance
35 organization, or nursing home or an officer, director, employee, or
36 agent thereof acting in the course and scope of their employment.
37 (21) "Reimbursement accounts" means health care accounts with
38 funds that can be used for essential health benefits incurred by
39 residents and eligible nonresidents with health insurance coverage
40 other than the trust for copayments and out-of-pocket costs.
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1 (22) "Resident" means an individual who presents evidence of
2 established permanent residency in the state of Washington and meets
3 residency requirements consistent with RCW 46.16A.140. "Resident"
4 also includes people and their accompanying family members who are
5 residing in the state for the purpose of engaging in employment for
6 at least one month. The confinement of a person in a nursing home,
7 hospital, or other medical institution in the state may not by itself
8 be sufficient to qualify such person as a resident.
9 (23) "Revocable expenditure" means a health care expenditure that
10 an employer allocated for use by a covered employee but not actually
11 paid to the employee, or any amount actually paid to a third-party
12 administrator that could revert to the employer at any point. Funds
13 do not have to revert to the employer for the health care expenditure
14 to be revocable. Rather, the entire expenditure is considered
15 revocable if there is the possibility that any or all of it could be
16 returned to the employer, such as flexible spending accounts.
17 (24) "Trust" means the Washington health trust created in section
18 103 of this act.
20 health trust is created within the department. The purpose of the
21 trust is to provide coverage for a set of essential health benefits
22 to all Washington residents.
23 NEW SECTION. Sec. 104. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. (1) The trust
24 must be governed by a board of trustees consisting of 15 members with
25 expertise in health care financing and delivery and representing
26 Washington citizens, business, labor, and health professions.
27 Trustees must include individuals with knowledge of the health care
28 needs of diverse populations, including low-income, Native American,
29 undocumented, non-English speaking, disabled, rural, incarcerated,
30 and other minority populations. Members of the board must have no
31 pecuniary interest in any business subject to regulation by the
32 board.
33 (2) The universal health care commission established under RCW
34 41.05.840 shall assume the responsibility of the board.
35 (3) If the universal health care commission is disbanded or
36 unable to assume the responsibilities of the board, the board shall
37 be formed using the same process defined in RCW 41.05.840 for full
38 formation no later than May 15, 2024.
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1 (4) A trustee whose term has expired or who otherwise leaves the
2 board must be replaced by gubernatorial appointment. When the person
3 leaving was nominated by one of the caucuses of the house of
4 representatives or the senate, their replacement must be appointed
5 from a list of five nominees submitted by that caucus within 30 days
6 after the vacancy occurs. If the caucus or the insurance commissioner
7 fails to submit the list of nominees or if the nominees do not meet
8 the qualifications specified in subsection (1) of this section, the
9 governor shall appoint a trustee meeting the qualifications specified
10 in subsection (1) of this section at the governor's discretion. A
11 person appointed to replace a trustee who leaves the board before the
12 expiration of their term shall serve only the duration of the
13 unexpired term.
14 (5) If convinced by a preponderance of the evidence in a due
15 process hearing that a trustee has failed to perform required duties
16 or has a conflict with the public interest, the governor may remove
17 that trustee and appoint another to serve the unexpired term.
18 (6) Members of the board are subject to chapter 42.52 RCW.
19 (7) The trustees occupy their positions according to the bylaws,
20 rules, and relevant governing documents of the board and are exempt
21 from chapter 41.06 RCW. The board and its professional staff are
22 subject to the public disclosure provisions of chapter 42.17A RCW.
23 Trustees shall be paid a salary to be fixed by the governor in
24 accordance with RCW 43.03.040. A majority of the board constitutes a
25 quorum for the conduct of business.
26 NEW SECTION. Sec. 105. ADVISORY COMMITTEES. (1) Subject to the
27 approval of the board, the chair shall appoint three standing
28 advisory committees:
29 (a) A finance committee consisting of financial experts from the
30 office of financial management, the office of the state treasurer,
31 the employment security department, and the office of the insurance
32 commissioner. The finance committee shall recommend specific details
33 for major budget decisions and for appropriations, taxes, and other
34 funding legislation necessary to conduct the operations of the trust;
35 (b) A citizen committee consisting of balanced representation
36 from health experts, business, labor, and consumers, specifically
37 including representation from populations where health care
38 disparities are known to exist as described in section 107 of this
39 act. The citizen committee shall hold public hearings on priorities
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1 for inclusion in the set of health services to be offered through the
2 trust, survey public satisfaction, investigate complaints, and
3 identify and report on health care access and other priority issues
4 for residents; and
5 (c) A provider committee consisting of members with broad
6 experience in and knowledge of health care delivery, research, and
7 policy, as well as public and private funding of health care
8 services. The provider committee shall make recommendations to the
9 board on issues related to scope of covered benefits, quality
10 improvement, continuity of care, resource utilization, and other
11 issues as requested by the board.
12 (2) The