The Solitary Confinement Restriction Act aims to significantly limit the use of solitary confinement in Washington's state correctional and detention facilities due to its detrimental psychological effects. The bill stipulates that solitary confinement should only be used in emergency situations, for medical isolation, or at the voluntary request of the incarcerated individual. Key provisions include a requirement for a medical and mental health evaluation within 24 hours of placement in solitary confinement, limits on the duration of confinement to no more than 24 consecutive hours or 72 cumulative hours within a 30-day period, and the necessity for increased social interaction and programming for those in custody.

Additionally, the bill mandates the Department of Corrections to conduct a comprehensive assessment of staffing needs and conditions related to solitary confinement, with initial and final reports due by December 1, 2023, and December 1, 2024, respectively. It emphasizes transparency by requiring documentation and reporting on solitary confinement practices, and it outlines a plan for transitioning individuals from solitary confinement to less restrictive settings by April 2024. The legislation also includes provisions for the Secretary of the Department of Corrections to adopt necessary rules for implementation, with the act's provisions set to take effect on July 1, 2024.

Statutes affected:
Original Bill: 72.09.015
Substitute Bill: 72.09.015