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No. R-322. Senate concurrent resolution honoring Senator Richard McCormack for his dedicated legislative service in the Vermont Senate.
By Senators Clarkson, Brock, Baruth, Bray, Campion, Chittenden, Collamore,
Cummings, Gulick, Hardy, Harrison, Hashim, Ingalls, Kitchel, Lyons, MacDonald, Norris,
Perchlik, Ram Hinsdale, Sears, Starr, Vyhovsky, Watson, Weeks, Westman, White,
Williams and Wrenner,
Whereas, Dick McCormack has represented the Windsor Senate District for much of
the past 35 years, and he is proud of being a passionate environmentalist, strong defender of public education, adherent to constitutional norms, and a legislator always ready to fight
a worthy battle even if he is the only warrior for the cause, and Whereas, a graduate of Hofstra University, he also studied secondary education at
Castleton State College, and, later, earned a master’s degree in environmental policy from Vermont Law School, and Whereas, Dick McCormack’s personal pursuits extend from folk music to post-
secondary education to public service, and he has engaged in these avocations with passion and good humor, and Whereas, as a folk-singing performing and recording artist, Dick McCormack often invokes a Vermont theme in his songs, and, in the 1990s, he hosted Dick McCormack’s Veranda, a series of programs on Vermont Public Radio, and Whereas, in his role as a post-secondary instructor, Dick McCormack enjoyed the academic interchange with his students at Vermont Technical College, and Whereas, Dick McCormack’s strong interest in the Act 250 environmental law’s success motivated him to serve on the Act 250 District 3 Environmental Commission,
including as the panel’s chair; and, simultaneously, he served as a justice of the peace in
the Town of Bethel, and Whereas, in 1989, then-Governor Madeleine Kunin recognized Dick McCormack’s strong record of public service and appointed him to a Windsor District vacancy in the Vermont Senate, and Whereas, he has approached this important representational role (from 1989 to 2003
and from 2007 to the present) with a profound seriousness of purpose, and his Democratic colleagues elected him as their caucus leader, and the Senate Committee on Committees named Richard McCormack Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy Chair,
and Whereas, many organizations have honored Richard McCormack’s numerous legislative achievements and advocacy efforts, and 2024 will be his final year serving in
the Vermont Senate, now therefore be it VT LEG #377546 v.1
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Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the General Assembly honors Senator Richard McCormack for his dedicated legislative service in the Vermont Senate, and be it further Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to
Senator Richard McCormack.
VT LEG #377546 v.1