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No. R-305. House concurrent resolution congratulating the 2024 Vermont finalists for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
Offered by: Representatives McCann of Montpelier, Andrews of Westford, Andriano of Orwell, Anthony of Barre City, Arsenault of Williston, Austin of Colchester, Berbeco of Winooski, Bluemle of Burlington, Branagan of Georgia, Brumsted of Shelburne, Burke of Brattleboro, Buss of Woodstock, Carpenter of Hyde Park, Chapin of East Montpelier,
Coffey of Guilford, Cole of Hartford, Demrow of Corinth, Dickinson of St. Albans Town,
Dodge of Essex, Dolan of Waitsfield, Farlice-Rubio of Barnet, Goslant of Northfield,
Graning of Jericho, Gregoire of Fairfield, Hango of Berkshire, Harrison of Chittenden,
Holcombe of Norwich, Hooper of Burlington, Howard of Rutland City, LaBounty of
Lyndon, Logan of Burlington, Mattos of Milton, McGill of Bridport, Minier of South Burlington, Morris of Springfield, Morrissey of Bennington, Ode of Burlington, Page of
Newport City, Patt of Worcester, Peterson of Clarendon, Pouech of Hinesburg, Priestley of Bradford, Quimby of Lyndon, Small of Winooski, Stebbins of Burlington, Stone of
Burlington, Taylor of Milton, Taylor of Colchester, White of Bethel, and Wood of
Waterbury Offered by: Senators Clarkson, Lyons, Perchlik, Vyhovsky, Watson, and Wrenner Whereas, since 1983, the National Science Foundation, in collaboration with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, has annually presented the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) to two teachers from each state and American jurisdiction who teach either science, technology,
engineering, or mathematics, and Whereas, on a rotating basis, the eligible applicants are either secondary or, as for the
2023–2024 academic year, elementary school teachers, and Whereas, a state committee of prominent science and technology teachers and researchers reviews the applicants and selects a maximum of six teachers per state, and Whereas, the factors considered include “evidence of deep content knowledge,
exemplary pedagogical skills, student assessment expertise, reflective teaching, and leadership that results in improved student learning,” and Whereas, each jurisdictional awardee receives a $10,000.00 National Science Foundation award and an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, DC, for the awards ceremony, recognition events, and professional development opportunities at which a maximum of two national awardees per state or jurisdiction are named, and Whereas, in 2024, the fantastic Vermont teachers who earned PAEMST finalist status are Kathy Gingras (Washington Village School) for math, and Alyssa Castellini (Bethel Elementary School) and Jo Ann Harvey (Georgia Elementary School) for science, now therefore be it VT LEG #376928 v.1
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Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the General Assembly congratulates the 2024 Vermont finalists for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, and be it further Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to
each teacher honored in this resolution.
VT LEG #376928 v.1