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No. R-230. House concurrent resolution congratulating the 2023 Green Mountain Council Class of Eagle Scouts.
Offered by: Representatives Morgan of Milton, Bartley of Fairfax, Beck of St.
Johnsbury, Birong of Vergennes, Bongartz of Manchester, Boyden of Cambridge, Brennan of Colchester, Canfield of Fair Haven, Chesnut-Tangerman of Middletown Springs,
Clifford of Rutland City, Demar of Enosburgh, Galfetti of Barre Town, Graham of
Williamstown, Gregoire of Fairfield, Hango of Berkshire, Higley of Lowell, Labor of
Morgan, Laroche of Franklin, Maguire of Rutland City, Mattos of Milton, McCarthy of St.
Albans City, McCoy of Poultney, McFaun of Barre Town, Morrissey of Bennington,
Nugent of South Burlington, Ode of Burlington, Oliver of Sheldon, Page of Newport City,
Parsons of Newbury, Peterson of Clarendon, Shaw of Pittsford, Squirrell of Underhill,
Taylor of Milton, Toof of St. Albans Town, Williams of Granby, and Wilson of Lyndon Offered by: All Members of the Senate Whereas, earning the rank of Eagle is a special honor that only a small percentage of
young persons enrolled in the Boy Scouts of America achieves, and Whereas, an Eagle Scout is an individual who exhibits a strong commitment to service and perseveres to reach this challenging goal, and Whereas, the following Scouts proudly achieved the rank of Eagle during 2023: Morgan Ackerly, Evan Ambrose, Tristan Anderson, Orion Beardsley, Payton Bessette, Aiden Blevins, Andrew Bruneau, Noah Carmona, Kasey Clark, Icabaud Clarke, William Coates,
Porter Costello, Jordan Davis, Charles Egbert, Anders Erickson, Rachael Eschelbach,
Memphis Everest, Wyatt Fitz-Gerald, Brendan Hawko, Collin Heskett, Ayden Honnon,
Kyle Howard, Fisher Irwin, Benjamin Johnsen, Ian Johnson, Christopher Jones, Francis Kautzman, Brandon Lewis, Evan Lynds, Austin Mallan, Brodie Massey, Thomas Mathon,
Dane Maxfield, Luke Maxham, Conner Miles, Robert Nesbit, Vaughan Noble, Ryan Page,
Gideon Palmer, Jack Pine, Calder Rakowski, Bruce Raymond, Carson Ring, Ian Ritter,
Donald Roy Jr., Colby Schlegel-Barber, Kyle Southworth, Ronald Spivack, Jonathan Tenney, Samuel Tock, Noah Warner, Chase Whelihan, Wesley Wilson, and Camden Yandow, and Whereas, all of these Scouts deserve commendation for their dedication and achievement, now therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the General Assembly congratulates the 2023 Green Mountain Council Class of
Eagle Scouts, and be it further Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to
each Eagle Scout honored in this resolution.
VT LEG #375736 v.1