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1 S.311
2 Introduced by Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General
3 Affairs
4 Date:
5 Subject: Conservation and development; land use; housing; Act 250
6 Statement of purpose of bill as introduced: This bill proposes to make multiple
7 changes related to housing, including land use planning, Act 250, municipal
8 zoning, taxes, and housing incentives and programs.
9 An act relating to bringing everyone home
10 It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont:
11 Sec. 1. SHORT TITLE
12 This act shall be known and may be cited as the “BE Home Act.”
13 * * * Act 250 * * *
14 Sec. 2. 10 V.S.A. § 6001 is amended to read:
15 § 6001. DEFINITIONS
16 As used in this chapter:
17 ***
18 (3)(A) “Development” means each of the following:
19 ***
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1 (iv)(I) The construction of housing projects such as cooperatives,
2 condominiums, or dwellings, or construction or maintenance of mobile homes
3 or mobile home parks, with 10 75 or more units, constructed or maintained on
4 a tract or tracts of land, located within a municipality with permanent zoning
5 and subdivision bylaws, in an area served by municipal sewer and water
6 infrastructure as defined by 24 V.S.A. § 4303, and owned or controlled by a
7 person, within a radius of five miles of any point on any involved land and
8 within any continuous period of five two years. However:
9 (I) A priority housing project shall constitute a development
10 under this subdivision (iv) only if the number of housing units in the project is:
11 (aa) [Repealed.]
12 (bb) [Repealed.]
13 (cc) 75 or more, in a municipality with a population of 6,000
14 or more but less than 10,000.
15 (dd) 50 or more, in a municipality with a population of less
16 than 6,000.
17 (ee) [Repealed.]
18 (ff) Notwithstanding subdivisions (cc) through (ee) of this
19 subdivision (3)(A)(iv)(I), 10 or more if the construction involves the
20 demolition of one or more buildings that are listed on or eligible to be listed on
21 the State or National Register of Historic Places. However, demolition shall VT LEG #371914 v.9
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1 not be considered to create jurisdiction under this subdivision (ff) if the
2 Division for Historic Preservation has determined that the proposed demolition
3 will have no adverse effect, will have no adverse effect if specified conditions
4 are met, or will have an adverse effect that will be adequately mitigated. Any
5 imposed conditions shall be enforceable through a grant condition, deed
6 covenant, or other legally binding document.
7 (II) The determination of jurisdiction over a priority housing
8 project shall count only the housing units included in that discrete project The
9 construction of housing projects such as cooperatives, condominiums, or
10 dwellings, or construction or maintenance of mobile homes or mobile home
11 parks, with 30 or more units, constructed or maintained on a tract or tracts of
12 land owned or controlled by a person, located within a municipality with
13 permanent zoning and subdivision bylaws, and within any continuous period
14 of two years.
15 (III) Housing units in a priority housing project shall not count
16 toward determining jurisdiction over any other project The construction of
17 housing projects such as cooperatives, condominiums, or dwellings, or
18 construction or maintenance of mobile homes or mobile home parks, with
19 10 or more units, constructed or maintained on a tract or tracts of land owned
20 or controlled by a person, within a located municipality without permanent
21 zoning and subdivision bylaws, and within any continuous period of two years.
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1 ***
2 (xi) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, until
3 July 1, 2026, the construction of housing projects such as cooperatives,
4 condominiums, dwellings, or mobile homes, with 25 or more units, constructed
5 or maintained on a tract or tracts of land, located entirely within a designated
6 downtown development district, a designated neighborhood development area,
7 a designated village center with permanent zoning and subdivision bylaws, or a
8 designated growth center, owned or controlled by a person, within a radius of
9 five miles of any point on any involved land and within any continuous period
10 of five years. For purposes of this subsection, the construction of four units or
11 fewer of housing in an existing structure shall only count as one unit towards
12 the total number of units.
13 ***
14 (D) The word “development” does not include:
15 ***
16 (viii)(I) The construction of a priority housing project in a
17 municipality with a population of 10,000 or more.
18 (II) If the construction of a priority housing project in this
19 subdivision (3)(D)(viii) involves demolition of one or more buildings that are
20 listed or eligible to be listed on the State or National Register of Historic
21 Places, this exemption shall not apply unless the Division for Historic VT LEG #371914 v.9
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1 Preservation has made the determination described in subdivision (A)(iv)(I)(ff)
2 of this subdivision (3) and any imposed conditions are enforceable in the
3 manner set forth in that subdivision.
4 (III) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
5 contrary, until July 1, 2026, the construction of a priority housing project
6 located entirely within a designated downtown development district,
7 designated neighborhood development area, or a designated growth center
8 Hotels and motels converted to permanently affordable housing developments
9 as defined in 24 V.S.A. § 4303(2).
10 ***
11 (35) “Priority housing project” means a discrete project located on a
12 single tract or multiple contiguous tracts of land that consists exclusively of
13 mixed income housing or mixed use, or any combination thereof, and is
14 located entirely within a designated downtown development district,
15 designated new town center, designated growth center, or designated
16 neighborhood development area under 24 V.S.A. chapter 76A. [Repealed.]
17 ***
18 Sec. 3. 10 V.S.A. § 6081 is amended to read:
20 ***
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1 (t) No permit or permit amendment is required for the construction of
2 improvements for an accessory dwelling unit as defined in 24 V.S.A. § 4303.
3 ***
4 (aa) No permit amendment is required for the construction of
5 improvements for converting a structure used for a commercial purpose to
6 29 or fewer housing units.
7 (bb) No permit amendment is required for development or subdivisions,
8 located on a tract or tracts of land, owned or controlled by a person, within a
9 designated center and within a radius of one-quarter mile of the boundary of a
10 designated village center and one-half mile of the boundary of a designated
11 center.
12 Sec. 4. 10 V.S.A. § 6084(f) is added to read:
13 (f) The applicant shall post a sign provided by the District Commission on
14 the subject property in a visible location 14 days prior to the hearing on the
15 application and until the permit is issued or denied. The District Commission
16 shall provide the sign that shall include a general description of the project, the
17 date and place of the hearing, the identification number of the application and
18 the internet address, and the contact information for the District Commission.
19 The design of the signs shall be consistent throughout the State and
20 prominently state “This Property has applied for an Act 250 Permit.”
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1 Sec. 5. 10 V.S.A. § 6086(d) is amended to read:
2 (d) State and municipal permits.
3 (1) The District Commission shall not delay issuing a permit under this
4 chapter on the grounds that the development or subdivision has not received
5 one or more other required State permits or approvals; however, it may include
6 a condition that construction may not commence until such other required
7 permits or approvals are received.
8 (2) The Natural Resources Board may by rule shall allow the acceptance
9 of a permit or permits or approval of any State agency with respect to
10 subdivisions (a)(1) through (5) of this section or a permit or permits of a
11 specified municipal government with respect to subdivisions (a)(1) through (7)
12 and (9) and (10) of this section, or a combination of such permits or approvals,
13 in lieu of evidence by the applicant. A District Commission, in accordance
14 with rules adopted by the Board, shall accept determinations issued by a
15 development review board under the provisions of 24 V.S.A. § 4420, with
16 respect to local Act 250 review of municipal impacts. The acceptance of such
17 approval, positive determinations, permit, or permits shall create a presumption
18 constitute conclusive evidence that the application is not detrimental to the
19 public health and welfare with respect to the specific requirement for which it
20 is accepted. In the case of approvals and permits issued by the Agency of
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1 Natural Resources, technical determinations of the Agency shall be accorded
2 substantial deference by the Commissions.
3 (3) The acceptance of negative determinations issued by a development
4 review board under the provisions of 24 V.S.A. § 4420, with respect to local
5 Act 250 review of municipal impacts, shall create a presumption that the
6 application is detrimental to the public health and welfare with respect to the
7 specific requirement for which it is accepted. Any determinations, positive or
8 negative, under the provisions of 24 V.S.A. § 4420 shall create presumptions
9 only to the extent that the impacts under the criteria are limited to the
10 municipality issuing the decision. Such a rule may be revoked or amended
11 pursuant to the procedures set forth in 3 V.S.A. chapter 25, the Vermont
12 Administrative Procedure Act. The rules adopted by the Board shall not
13 approve the acceptance of a permit or approval of such an agency or a permit
14 of a municipal government unless it satisfies the appropriate requirements of
15 subsection (a) of this section.
16 Sec. 6. 10 V.S.A. § 6086(h) is added to read:
17 (h) Compliance self-certification. The District Commission may require
18 that a person who receives a permit under this chapter report on a regular
19 schedule to the District Commission on whether or not the person has
20 complied with and is in compliance with the conditions required in that permit.
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1 The report shall be made on a form provided by the Board and shall be
2 notarized and contain a self-certification to the truth of statements.
3 Sec. 7. 10 V.S.A. § 6093 is amended to read:
5 (a) Mitigation for loss of primary agricultural soils. Suitable mitigation for
6 the conversion of primary agricultural soils necessary to satisfy subdivision
7 6086(a)(9)(B)(iv) of this title shall depend on where the project tract is located.
8 (1) Project located in certain designated areas. This subdivision applies
9 to projects located in the following areas designated under 24 V.S.A. chapter
10 76A: a downtown development district, a growth center, a new town center
11 designated on or before January 1, 2014, and a neighborhood development area
12 associated with a designated downtown development district. If the project
13 tract is located in one of these designated areas, an applicant who complies
14 with subdivision 6086(a)(9)(B)(iv) of this title shall deposit an offsite
15 mitigation fee into the Vermont Housing and Conservation Trust Fund
16 established under section 312 of this title for the purpose of preserving primary
17 agricultural soils of equal or greater value with the highest priority given to
18 preserving prime agricultural soils as defined by the U.S. Department of
19 Agriculture. Any required offsite mitigation fee shall be derived by:
20 (A) Determining the number of acres of primary agricultural soils
21 affected by the proposed development or subdivision.
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1 (B) Multiplying the number of affected acres of primary agricultural
2 soils by a factor resulting in a ratio established as follows:
3 (i) For development or subdivision within a designated area
4 described in this subdivision (a)(1), the ratio shall be 1:1.
5 (ii) For residential construction that has a density of at least eight
6 units of housing per acre, of which at least eight units per acre or at least
7 40 percent of the units, on average, in the entire development or subdivision,
8 whichever is greater, meets the definition of affordable housing established in
9 this chapter, no mitigation shall be required, regardless of location in or outside
10 a designated area described in this subdivision (a)(1). However, all affordable
11 housing units shall be subject to housing subsidy covenants, as defined in
12 27 V.S.A. § 610, that preserve their affordability for a period of 99 years or
13 longer. As used in this section, housing that is rented shall be considered
14 affordable housing when its inhabitants have a gross annual household income
15 that does not exceed 60 percent of the county median income or 60 percent of
16 the standard metropolitan statistical area income if the municipality is located
17 in such an area.
18 (iii) For an alternative or community wastewater system that will
19 serve development within a designated area, no mitigation shall be required.
20 ***
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1 Sec. 8. REPEALS
2 (a) 10 V.S.A. § 6081(o) and (p) are repealed.
3 (b) 30 V.S.A. § 55 (priority housing projects; stretch code) is repealed.
4 (c) 2023 Acts and Resolves No. 47, Sec. 16a (Act 250 exemption
5 requirements) is repealed.
6 (d) 10 V.S.A. § 6001(3)(A)(iv) and 10 V.S.A. § 6081(bb) are repealed on
7 June 30, 2029.
8 * * * Municipal Zoning * * *
9 Sec. 9. 24 V.S.A. § 4382 is amended to read:
11 (a) A plan for a municipality shall be consistent with the goals established
12 in section 4302 of this title and compatible with approved plans of other
13 municipalities in the region and with the regional plan and shall include the
14 following:
15 ***
16 (10) A housing element that shall include a recommended program for
17 public and private actions to address housing needs as identified by the
18 regional planning commission pursuant to subdivision 4348a(a)(9) of this title.
19 The program should shall use data on year-round and seasonal dwellings and
20 include specific actions to address the housing needs of persons with low VT LEG