R-198 Page 1 of 1
No. R-198. House concurrent resolution designating February 8, 2024 as Farm to
School and Farm to Early Childhood Awareness Day at the State House.
Offered by: Representative Surprenant of Barnard Whereas, 2007 Acts and Resolves No. 24 established the Rozo McLaughlin Farm-to-
School program “to award local grants for the purpose of helping Vermont schools develop relationships with local farmers and producers,” and Whereas, the Rozo McLaughlin Farm-to-School and the Vermont Farm to Early Childhood Programs enable students to eat foods that are more healthful and more nutritious than those that they might otherwise consume, and they create economically advantageous partnerships between Vermont’s farmers and local schools, and Whereas, in 2019, the latest year for which this data is available, 17.3 million meals were served under the auspices of the program and over 100 Vermont farms were participants, and Whereas, 89 percent of Vermont schools and 56 percent of early childhood programs purchase at least some of their food from local farms, and Whereas, 2023 Acts and Resolves No. 64 established the universal school meals program, which expanded the opportunity for Vermont students to consume food products originating from the State’s farms, and Whereas, as a result of the farm-to-school programs, farmers in Vermont adopt more environmentally friendly practices and youngsters are encouraged to develop lifelong healthy eating habits, and Whereas, today, February 8, 2024, Rozo McLaughlin Farm-to-School Program participants are speaking with legislators to share the important economic, educational, and health impacts of Vermont Farm to School and Farm to Early Childhood Programs, now therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the General Assembly designates February 8, 2024 as Farm to School and Farm to
Early Childhood Awareness Day at the State House, and be it further Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to
Vermont FEED.
VT LEG #374569 v.1