Act No. 142 Page 1 of 1
This act summary is provided for the convenience of the public and members of the General Assembly. It
is intended to provide a general summary of the act and may not be exhaustive. It has been prepared by the
staff of the Office of Legislative Counsel without input from members of the General Assembly. It is not
intended to aid in the interpretation of legislation or to serve as a source of legislative intent.
Act No. 142 (S.305). An act relating to miscellaneous changes related to the Public Utility
Subjects: Public service; utilities; Public Utility Commission
This act makes multiple changes related to programs of the Public Utility Commission
(PUC). The act updates references to notice requirements for hearings before the Public
Utility Commission. The act amends the Energy Efficiency Modernization Act pilot
program from 2020 that allows efficiency utilities to spend a portion of their energy
efficiency funds on thermal and transportation efficiency programs. It removes the
PUC’s authority to review and approve the budget and programs under this pilot and sets
a cap on the amount that can be spent. The act also makes changes to the Clean Heat
Standard, including changing the annual registration date for fuel sellers to June 30 from
January 31, striking the requirement that all information submitted by fuel sellers be
posted on the PUC’s website, changing the date by which the default delivery agent
needs to be appointed by, and giving the Commissioner of Taxes discretion to share tax
return information with the PUC and the Department of Public Service for compliance
with the Clean Heat Standard. The act also sets the fees for certificates of public good for
energy storage facilities. The act updates the energy savings account program so that
customer funds can be spent on electric energy efficiency projects and non-electric
efficiency projects and sets a cap on the program. The act directs the PUC to report back
on how to support the development of thermal energy networks and the permitting of
thermal energy network providers. The act extends the deadlines by one year for the
required construction of an efficiency project at the baseload power plant. The act
changes the advanced notice requirement for Dig Safe from 48 hours to 72 hours. The
act directs the PUC to study current and potential future programs and initiatives focused
on reducing or stabilizing energy costs for low- or moderate-income households.
Multiple effective dates, beginning on May 30, 2024
VT LEG #377375 v.2
Statutes affected: As Introduced: 3-165(b), 3-165, 30-8(d), 30-8, 30-10(c), 30-10, 30-102(a), 30-102, 30-231(a), 30-231, 30-248(u), 30-248
As Passed By the Senate -- Official: 3-165(b), 3-165, 30-8(d), 30-8, 30-10(c), 30-10, 30-102(a), 30-102, 30-231(a), 30-231, 30-248(u), 30-248, 30-8124, 30-8125, 30-8126, 32-3102
As Passed By the Senate -- Unofficial: 3-165(b), 3-165, 30-8(d), 30-8, 30-10(c), 30-10, 30-102(a), 30-102, 30-231(a), 30-231, 30-248(u), 30-248, 30-8124, 30-8125, 30-8126, 32-3102
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Official: 3-165(b), 3-165, 30-8(d), 30-8, 30-10(c), 30-10, 30-102(a), 30-102, 30-231(a), 30-231, 30-248(u), 30-248, 30-8124, 30-8125, 30-8126, 32-3102, 30-248c(d), 30-248c, 30-209, 30-201, 30-8009, 30-7004(c), 30-7004
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Unofficial: 3-165(b), 3-165, 30-8(d), 30-8, 30-10(c), 30-10, 30-102(a), 30-102, 30-231(a), 30-231, 30-248(u), 30-248, 30-8124, 30-8125, 30-8126, 32-3102, 30-248c(d), 30-248c, 30-209, 30-201, 30-8009, 30-7004(c), 30-7004
As Enacted: 3-165(b), 3-165, 30-8(d), 30-8, 30-10(c), 30-10, 30-102(a), 30-102, 30-231(a), 30-231, 30-248(u), 30-248, 30-8124, 30-8125, 30-8126, 32-3102, 30-248c(d), 30-248c, 30-209, 30-201, 30-8009, 30-7004(c), 30-7004