Act No. 141 Page 1 of 1
This act summary is provided for the convenience of the public and members of the General Assembly. It
is intended to provide a general summary of the act and may not be exhaustive. It has been prepared by the
staff of the Office of Legislative Counsel without input from members of the General Assembly. It is not
intended to aid in the interpretation of legislation or to serve as a source of legislative intent.
Act No. 141 (S.301). An act relating to miscellaneous agricultural subjects
Subjects: Agriculture; water quality; livestock; warehouses; mosquito control;
Vermont Agricultural Credit Corporation
The act amends the existing Vermont Seeding and Filter Strip Program at the Agency
of Agriculture, Food and Markets (AAFM) to eliminate the requirement that a
participating farmer commit to a 10-year term during which land in proximity to water
will be out of production. Time limits for participation will now be a part of the grant
agreement for financial assistance.
The act eliminates the need for milk handlers and slaughterhouses to obtain an
agricultural warehouse license. The act amends the definitions under the regulation of
livestock dealer to clarify how livestock transporters are regulated. The act also amends
definitions regarding contagious diseases and animal movement for consistency across
statute. The act makes technical changes to the mosquito control grant program and
requires AAFM to register second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides sold or used in
the State as restricted use pesticides.
The act makes several changes to the services and eligibility for services under the
Vermont Agricultural Credit Program (VACP). The act provides that the VACP shall
provide funding for farm and forest products businesses not only when these businesses
are not having their credit needs met but also to serve as an inducement for the
establishment or expansion of projects in the State. VACP would also be authorized to
award farm ownership loans for farm worker housing or farmer housing. VACP
assistance would also be available to specialty service business providers, such as
foresters or farriers.
In addition, the act prohibits pet shops from selling dogs and cats beginning on July 1,
2024, except in certain circumstances. The act also prohibits the sale of the paws and
internal organs of black bears except when the paws are sold as part of a taxidermy
Effective Date: July 1, 2024
VT LEG #377348 v.2

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 6-4831, 6-67, 6-2672(5), 6-2672, 6-2721, 6-3302(36), 6-3302, 6-3306, 6-761, 6-762(a), 6-762, 6-1151, 6-1153, 6-1165, 6-1083, 6-1084, 6-1085, 10-374b, 10-374h
As Passed By the Senate -- Official: 6-4831, 6-67, 6-2672(5), 6-2672, 6-2721, 6-3302(36), 6-3302, 6-3306, 6-761, 6-762(a), 6-762, 6-1151, 6-1153, 6-1165, 6-1083, 6-1084, 6-1085, 10-374b, 10-374h, 6-911, 10-374a
As Passed By the Senate -- Unofficial: 6-4831, 6-67, 6-2672(5), 6-2672, 6-2721, 6-3302(36), 6-3302, 6-3306, 6-761, 6-762(a), 6-762, 6-1151, 6-1153, 6-1165, 6-1083, 6-1084, 6-1085, 6-911, 10-374a, 10-374b, 10-374h
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Official: 6-4831, 6-67, 6-2672(5), 6-2672, 6-2721, 6-3302(36), 6-3302, 6-3306, 6-761, 6-762(a), 6-762, 6-1151, 6-1153, 6-1165, 6-1083, 6-1084, 6-1085, 10-374b, 10-374h, 6-911, 10-374a, 10-4783
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Unofficial: 6-4831, 6-67, 6-2672(5), 6-2672, 6-2721, 6-3302(36), 6-3302, 6-3306, 6-761, 6-762(a), 6-762, 6-1151, 6-1153, 6-1165, 6-1083, 6-1084, 6-1085, 6-911, 10-374a, 10-374b, 10-374h, 10-4783
As Enacted: 6-4831, 6-67, 6-2672(5), 6-2672, 6-2721, 6-3302(36), 6-3302, 6-3306, 6-761, 6-762(a), 6-762, 6-1151, 6-1153, 6-1165, 6-1083, 6-1084, 6-1085, 6-911, 10-374a, 10-374b, 10-374h, 10-4783
Senate proposal of amendment to House proposal of amendment Official: 10-4783
Senate proposal of amendment to House proposal of amendment Unofficial: 10-4783