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1 H.807
2 Introduced by Representatives Farlice-Rubio of Barnet, Andrews of Westford,
3 Anthony of Barre City, Austin of Colchester, Berbeco of
4 Winooski, Black of Essex, Bluemle of Burlington, Campbell of
5 St. Johnsbury, Carpenter of Hyde Park, Casey of Montpelier,
6 Chapin of East Montpelier, Chase of Chester, Chesnut-
7 Tangerman of Middletown Springs, Christie of Hartford, Cina
8 of Burlington, Cordes of Lincoln, Dodge of Essex, Garofano of
9 Essex, Goldman of Rockingham, Headrick of Burlington,
10 Hyman of South Burlington, LaLonde of South Burlington,
11 LaMont of Morristown, McCann of Montpelier, McFaun of
12 Barre Town, McGill of Bridport, Minier of South Burlington,
13 Morris of Springfield, Mulvaney-Stanak of Burlington, Patt of
14 Worcester, Priestley of Bradford, Rachelson of Burlington, Rice
15 of Dorset, Roberts of Halifax, Small of Winooski, Surprenant of
16 Barnard, Torre of Moretown, Troiano of Stannard, White of
17 Bethel, and Williams of Barre City
18 Referred to Committee on
19 Date:
20 Subject: Education; libraries; intellectual freedom; freedom of expression VT LEG #372815 v.2
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1 Statement of purpose of bill as introduced: This bill proposes to require school
2 districts and approved independent schools to adopt a library material selection
3 policy and procedures for the reconsideration of materials, which shall be
4 guided by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the American
5 Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statement.
6 An act relating to a school library material selection policy
7 It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont:
8 Sec. 1. 16 V.S.A. § 1624 is added to read:
10 (a) Each school board and each approved independent school shall develop,
11 adopt, ensure the enforcement of, and make available in the manner described
12 under subdivision 563(1) of this title a library material selection policy and
13 procedures for the reconsideration of materials. The policy and procedures
14 shall affirm the importance of intellectual freedom and be guided by the First
15 Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the American Library Association’s
16 Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statement, and Vermont’s
17 Freedom to Read Statement.
18 (b) In order to ensure a student’s First Amendment rights are protected and
19 all students’ identities are affirmed and dignity respected, the policy and VT LEG #372815 v.2
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1 procedures required under subsection (a) of this section shall prohibit the
2 removal of school library materials for the following reasons:
3 (1) partisan approval or disapproval;
4 (2) the author’s race, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation,
5 political views, or religious views;
6 (3) school board members’ or member of the public’s discomfort,
7 personal morality, political views, or religious views;
8 (4) the author’s point of view concerning the problems and issues of our
9 time, whether international, national, or local;
10 (5) the race, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, political
11 views, or religious views of the protagonist or other characters;
12 (6) content that is relevant to the research, independent reading interests,
13 or educational needs of a student based on the student’s age, development, or
14 grade; or
15 (7) content related to sexual health that addresses physical, mental,
16 emotional, or social dimensions of human sexuality, including puberty, sex,
17 and relationships.
18 (c) The policy and procedures required under subsection (a) of this section
19 shall ensure that certified school library staff are responsible for curating and
20 developing collections that provide students with access to a wide array of
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1 materials tailored to the cognitive and emotional levels of the children served
2 by the school.
4 This act shall take effect on July 1, 2024.
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