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1 H.755
2 Introduced by Representatives Masland of Thetford, Sibilia of Dover, and
3 Sims of Craftsbury
4 Referred to Committee on
5 Date:
6 Subject: Communications; communications union districts; mergers;
7 governance; business practices
8 Statement of purpose of bill as introduced: This bill proposes to amend
9 Vermont law as it pertains to communications union districts, particularly with
10 regard to mergers, governance, and business practices.
11 An act relating to mergers and governance of communications union
12 districts
13 It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont:
15 (a) The General Assembly finds:
16 (1) For nearly a decade, the General Assembly has consistently found
17 that commercial carriers have failed to provide broadband service to many
18 rural areas of Vermont, leaving over 80,000 locations currently without access
19 to modern internet service. See, e.g., 2015 Acts and Resolves No. 41,
20 2019 Acts and Resolves No. 79, and 2021 Acts and Resolves No. 71.
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1 (2) An attempt to provide universal access to reliable, high-quality
2 broadband service through the construction of 200 cellular towers providing
3 4G LTE data, or “fixed wireless access,” was unsuccessful due to challenges
4 presented by dense woodlands, hilly terrain, and the failure of equipment to
5 meet manufacturer performance claims.
6 (3) Recognizing that neither the market nor modern wireless technology
7 would come to Vermont’s rescue, the General Assembly in 2015 enabled the
8 creation of special-purpose municipalities called communications union
9 districts (CUDs). A CUD is a regional entity empowered to construct and
10 operate a broadband network. As a municipality, a CUD can issue revenue
11 bonds to help construct its network. However, a CUD is prohibited by law
12 from taxing or otherwise imposing costs on residents of the district.
13 (4) The CUD concept was initially enacted in Vermont at the request of
14 ECFiber, a municipal internet service provider operating pursuant to a 23-town
15 interlocal contract. ECFiber began issuing revenue bonds in 2016, as
16 Vermont’s first CUD.
17 (5) The success ECFiber has enjoyed with bringing world-class, fiber-
18 optic broadband service to all locations within its member towns led to
19 legislative efforts to promote and accelerate the creation of additional CUDs
20 throughout Vermont. See, e.g., 2019 Acts and Resolves No. 79.
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1 (6) Since 2019, nine additional CUDs have been formed. Over 200
2 towns send more than 400 volunteer delegates to the governing boards of these
3 districts, a level of citizen involvement across large geographic areas greatly
4 facilitated by virtual meetings.
5 (7) All 10 CUDS are in the process of partnering with private companies
6 to build and operate resilient fiber-optic networks. All are committed to
7 universal service and digital equity.
8 (8) Recent federal funding available to CUDs through grant programs
9 administered by the Vermont Community Broadband Board has enabled
10 several CUDs to complete planning and start network construction.
11 (9) For example, ECFiber has constructed high-speed fiber-optic service
12 to over 25,000 locations and will complete service to another 8,000 locations
13 in its expanded 31-town district by 2025. Approximately 20,000 of those
14 locations would otherwise be classified as unserved or underserved.
15 (10) Although CUDs are municipalities, they are unusual in that they
16 operate in a larger competitive environment and therefore sometimes compete
17 for customers with well-funded commercial providers. This distinguishes
18 them from typical municipal enterprises, such as water districts and electric
19 departments, which often operate as regulated monopolies in their respective
20 service territories. As a result, a CUD needs to protect its business data in a
21 manner that other municipal enterprises do not. Such protection will ensure a VT LEG #372939 v.1
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1 CUD is not competitively disadvantaged and unfairly prevented from
2 accomplishing its public mission.
3 (11) Despite the influx of recent and anticipated federal funding for
4 broadband deployment, the General Assembly has recognized that public funds
5 are not sufficient to support CUDs on an ongoing basis. Accordingly, existing
6 Vermont law requires that any broadband project financed through a grant
7 from the Vermont Community Broadband Board must demonstrate an
8 economically sustainable business model that ultimately will be eligible for
9 financing in the private or municipal bond market. In other words, a CUD
10 must show it is a going business concern able to stand on its own, without
11 having to rely on public funding.
12 (b) The purpose of this act is to further support the efforts of CUDs to
13 provide high-quality, reliable broadband service in unserved and underserved
14 communities by enabling CUDs to become more responsive to economies of
15 scale as those opportunities arise and take full advantage of emerging
16 organizational structures. To that end, the provisions of this act simplify the
17 process by which two or more CUDs can merge and provide additional
18 flexibility related to CUD governance and business practices.
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1 Sec. 2. 30 V.S.A. § 3082a is added to read:
2 § 3082a. MERGER
3 (a) Authority. Notwithstanding 24 V.S.A. chapter 49, a district may merge
4 with one or more other districts as provided in this section. Such merger shall
5 include all member municipalities of each of the merging districts.
6 Section 3053 of this chapter applies to a new combined district formed
7 pursuant to this section.
8 (b) Preliminary merger plan.
9 (1) The merging districts shall prepare a preliminary merger plan. The
10 plan shall include provisions relating to structure, organization, functions,
11 operation, finance, assets, rights, liabilities, contracts, consents required by
12 law, or regulation, including adequate provisions for the satisfaction or
13 assumption of all obligations of the district members concerned. More
14 specifically, the plan shall include provisions clearly stating that, upon the
15 effective date of the merger:
16 (A) all assets of whatever kind, owned, claimed, or held by each
17 district shall become vested in and become assets owned by the combined
18 district without any further act, deed, or instrument being necessary; and
19 (B) the combined district shall assume and be obligated to pay or
20 otherwise perform each and every lawful obligation, debt, claim, bonded VT LEG #372939 v.1
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1 indebtedness, and other liability of each district without any further act, deed,
2 or instrument being necessary.
3 (2) Upon approval of the preliminary merger plan by three-quarters vote
4 of a quorum of the board of each of the merging districts, the notice and
5 hearing requirements of subsection (c) of this section shall be implemented.
6 (c) Notice and hearing.
7 (1) Not less than 45 days prior to the public hearing required by
8 subdivision (2) of this subsection, copies of the preliminary merger plan shall
9 be distributed to the legislative bodies of the member municipalities of the
10 merging districts.
11 (2) A public hearing on the plan shall be held in each merging district
12 not less than 30 days prior to the vote referenced in subsection (d) of this
13 section. Notice of each hearing shall be distributed by member municipalities
14 by local posting and electronic communications. In addition, each district shall
15 publish notice in newspapers and other paid media relevant to its service
16 territory. The last notice shall appear not later than three days before the final
17 public hearing required by this subdivision.
18 (3) Not less than 30 days prior to the vote referenced in subsection (d) of
19 this section, notice of the proposed merger shall be distributed to each known
20 creditor of the merging districts and such other entities as may be required by
21 law, regulation, or contract.
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1 (d) Vote of approval. Subsequent to the public hearings required by
2 subsection (c) of this section, a joint committee shall prepare a final merger
3 plan for presentation to the boards of the merging districts. The plan shall take
4 effect upon approval by two-thirds vote of a quorum of the board of each of the
5 merging districts.
6 (e) Organizational meeting. The combined district’s initial organizational
7 meeting shall be held within 90 days following the final vote to merge required
8 under subsection (d) of this section.
9 (f) Notice to Secretary of State. The district’s governing board shall notify
10 the Secretary of State of the merger as provided in subsection 3053(a) of this
11 chapter and shall provide notice to such other entities as may be required by
12 law.
13 Sec. 3. 30 V.S.A. § 3060 is amended to read:
15 (a) Annually, on the second Tuesday in May following the appointments
16 contemplated in section 3059 of this chapter or on a date specified in the
17 district’s bylaws, the board shall hold its organizational meeting. At such
18 meeting, the board shall elect from among its appointed representatives a chair
19 and a vice chair, each of whom shall hold office for one year and until his or
20 her a successor is duly elected. The board’s initial organizational meeting shall VT LEG #372939 v.1
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1 be held within 90 days following the vote to form a district under
2 subsection 3051(b) of this title.
3 (b)(1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, and upon
4 approval of the board or as specified in the district’s bylaws:
5 (A) A quorum or more of the board may attend a meeting by
6 electronic or other means without designating a physical meeting location
7 where the public may attend.
8 (B) Board members and staff shall not be required to be physically
9 present at a designated meeting location.
10 (2) When the board meets electronically under subdivision (1) of this
11 subsection, the board shall:
12 (A) use technology that permits the attendance and participation of
13 the public through electronic or other means;
14 (B) allow the public to access the meeting by telephone; and
15 (C) post information that enables the public to directly access and
16 participate in meetings electronically and shall include this information in the
17 published agenda for each meeting.
18 (3) Unless unusual circumstances make it impossible for it to do so, the
19 board shall record any meetings held pursuant to this subsection.
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1 Sec. 4. 30 V.S.A. § 3069 is amended to read:
2 § 3069. TREASURER
3 The treasurer of the district shall be appointed by the board, and shall serve
4 at its pleasure. The treasurer shall not be a member of the governing board.
5 The treasurer shall have the exclusive charge and custody of the funds of the
6 district and shall be the disbursing officer of the district. When authorized by
7 the board, the treasurer may sign, make, or endorse in the name of the district
8 all checks and orders for the payment of money and pay out and disburse the
9 same and receipt therefor. The treasurer shall keep a record of every
10 obligation issued and contract entered into by the district and of every payment
11 thereon. The treasurer shall keep correct books of account of all the business
12 and transactions of the district and such other books and accounts as the board
13 may require. The treasurer shall render a statement of the condition of the
14 finances of the district at each regular meeting of the board and at such other
15 times as shall be required of the treasurer. The treasurer shall prepare the
16 annual financial statement and the budget of the district for distribution, upon
17 approval of the board, to the legislative bodies of district members. The
18 treasurer shall do and perform all of the duties appertaining to the office of
19 treasurer of a body politic and corporate. The treasurer may delegate any or all
20 of the responsibilities described in this section, provided such delegation is
21 approved by the board or authorized in the district’s bylaws. Upon removal or
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1 the treasurer’s termination from office by virtue of removal or resignation, the
2 treasurer shall immediately pay over to the successor all of the funds belonging
3 to the district and at the same time deliver to the successor all official books
4 and papers.
5 Sec. 5. 30 V.S.A. § 3074 is amended to read:
6 § 3074. FISCAL YEAR
7 The fiscal year of the district shall commence on January 1 and end on
8 December 31 of each year, unless otherwise specified in the district’s bylaws.
9 Sec. 6. 30 V.S.A. § 3075 is amended to read:
10 § 3075. BUDGET
11 (a) Annually, on or before October 21 or on another date specified in the
12 district’s bylaws, the board shall approve and cause to be distributed to the
13 legislative body of each district member for review and comment an annual
14 report of its activities, together with a financial statement, a proposed district
15 budget for the next fiscal year, and a forecast presenting anticipated year-end
16 results. The proposed budget shall include reasonably detailed estimates of:
17 (1) deficits and surpluses from prior fiscal years;
18 (2) anticipated expenditures for the administration of the district;
19 (3) anticipated expenditures for the operation and maintenance of any
20 district communications plant;
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1 (4) payments due on obligations, long-term contracts, leases, and
2 financing agreements;
3 (5) payments due to any sinking funds for the retirement of district
4 obligations;
5 (6) payments due to any capital or financing reserve funds;
6 (7) anticipated revenues from all sources; and
7 (8) such other estimates as the board deems necessary to accomplish its
8 purpose.
9 (b) Coincident with a regular meeting thereof, the board shall hold a public
10 hearing on or before November 15 of each year or on another date specified in
11 the district’s bylaws to receive comments from the legislative bodies of district
12 members and hear all other interested persons regarding the proposed budget.
13 Notice of such hearing shall be given to the legislative bodies of district
14 members at least 15 days prior to such hearing. The board shall give
15 consideration to all comments received and make such changes to the proposed
16 budget as it deems advisable.
17 (c) Annually, on or before December 15 or on another date specified in the
18 district’s bylaws, the board shall adopt the budget and appropriate the sums it
19 deems necessary to meet its obligations and operate and carry out the district’s
20 functions for the next ensuing fiscal year.
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1 (d) Actions or resolutions of the board for the annual appropriations of any
2 year shall not cease to be operative