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1 H.718
2 Introduced by Representative Elder of Starksboro
3 Referred to Committee on
4 Date:
5 Subject: Education; education finance; per pupil spending; long-term daily
6 average
7 Statement of purpose of bill as introduced: This bill proposes to amend the
8 definition of a school district’s long-term membership to include the option of
9 using a district’s average daily membership for the current school year if that
10 number is greater than the school district’s average daily membership over two
11 school years.
12 An act relating to the calculation of a school district’s long-term
13 membership
14 It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont:
15 Sec. 1. 16 V.S.A. § 4001 is amended to read:
16 § 4001. DEFINITIONS
17 As used in this chapter:
18 ***
19 (7) “Long-term membership” of a school district in any school year
20 means the:
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1 (A) average of the district’s average daily membership, excluding
2 full-time equivalent enrollment of State-placed students, over two school years,
3 the latter of which is the current school year, or average of the district’s daily
4 membership, excluding full-time equivalent enrollment of State-placed
5 students, for the current school year, whichever amount is greater; plus
6 (B) full-time equivalent enrollment of State-placed students for the
7 most recent of the two years.
8 ***
9 Sec. 2. 16 V.S.A. § 2961 is amended to read:
10 § 2961. CENSUS GRANT
11 (a) As used in this section:
12 (1) “Average daily membership” shall have has the same meaning as in
13 subdivision 4001(1) of this title, except it shall exclude State-placed students.
14 (2) “Average daily membership of a supervisory union” means the
15 aggregate average daily membership of the school districts that are members of
16 the supervisory union or, for a supervisory district, the average daily
17 membership of the supervisory district.
18 (3) “Long-term membership” of a supervisory union in any school year
19 means the average of the supervisory union’s average daily membership over
20 the most recent three school years for which data are available or the VT LEG #373070 v.1
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1 supervisory union’s average daily membership for the current school year,
2 whichever is greater.
3 ***
5 This act shall take effect on July 1, 2024.
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Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 16-4001, 16-2961