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1 S.198
2 Introduced by Senator Weeks
3 Referred to Committee on
4 Date:
5 Subject: Executive; governor; governor’s mansion
6 Statement of purpose of bill as introduced: This bill proposes to create a study
7 committee to evaluate the feasibility of establishing a governor’s mansion and
8 social center in the capital.
9 An act relating to a governor’s mansion study committee
10 It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont:
12 (a) Creation. There is created the Governor’s Mansion Study Committee to
13 study and make recommendations on the establishment of a governor’s
14 mansion and social center in the State capital.
15 (b) Membership. The Committee shall be composed of the following
16 members:
17 (1) two current members of the House of Representatives, not all from
18 the same political party, who shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House;
19 (2) two current members of the Senate, not all from the same political
20 party, who shall be appointed by the Committee on Committees;
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1 (3) one current member of the Governor’s senior staff, appointed by the
2 Governor;
3 (4) two former members of past governors’ senior staff, not all from the
4 same political party, appointed by former Governor Shumlin and former
5 Governor Douglas;
6 (5) the Vermont State Curator or designee;
7 (6) two representatives of the Department of Buildings and General
8 Services specializing in historic structures and planning;
9 (7) a representative of the Vermont State Police specializing in the
10 Governor’s security requirements;
11 (8) one person with expertise in the construction industry specializing in
12 the restoration and movement of historic buildings, appointed by the Governor;
13 and
14 (9) one person with expertise in the design and construction of public
15 entertainment venues.
16 (c) Powers and duties. The Committee shall study the reestablishment of a
17 governor’s mansion and social center in the State capital, including the
18 following issues:
19 (1) the need in Executive Branch operations for reestablishing a
20 governor’s mansion complex;
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1 (2) the current status of the Governor’s capital accommodation and
2 social venue options;
3 (3) the implications for State visibility and social engagements in
4 reestablishing a governor’s mansion complex;
5 (4) cost estimates for the reestablishment and maintenance of a
6 governor’s mansion complex;
7 (5) funding options for the reestablishment of a governor’s mansion
8 complex, including any incentive plans;
9 (6) the feasibility of:
10 (A) Vermont towns donating a house or carriage house via
11 competition;
12 (B) relocating a house and carriage house to the capital;
13 (C) furnishing any relocated house with period-appropriate items
14 donated from individual towns and citizens;
15 (D) furnishing the complex with artwork donated from individual
16 towns and citizens, as well as the State’s archives; and
17 (E) locating a governor’s mansion complex on State land or donated
18 land;
19 (7) security requirements for a governor’s mansion complex; and
20 (8) the benefits for Vermont branding of reestablishment of a governor’s
21 mansion complex.
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1 (d) Assistance. The Committee shall have the administrative, technical,
2 and legal assistance of the Department of Buildings and General Services. For
3 purposes of scheduling meetings and preparing recommended legislation, the
4 Committee shall have the assistance of the Office of Legislative Operations,
5 the Office of Legislative Counsel, and the Joint Fiscal Office.
6 (e) Report. On or before December 15, 2025, the Committee shall submit a
7 written report to the General Assembly and the Senate Committee on
8 Government Operations with its findings, including a historical summary of
9 the Governor’s residence, and any recommendations for legislative action.
10 (f) Meetings.
11 (1) The senior Senate member shall call the first meeting of the
12 Committee to occur on or before August 31, 2024.
13 (2) The Committee shall select a chair from among its members at the
14 first meeting.
15 (3) A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
16 (4) The Committee shall cease to exist on January 15, 2026.
17 (g) Compensation and reimbursement.
18 (1) For attendance at meetings during adjournment of the General
19 Assembly, a legislative member of the Committee serving in the member’s
20 capacity as a legislator shall be entitled to per diem compensation and VT LEG #372759 v.2
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1 reimbursement of expenses pursuant to 2 V.S.A. § 23 for not more than six
2 meetings.
3 (2) Other members of the Committee shall be entitled to per diem
4 compensation and reimbursement of expenses as permitted under 32 V.S.A.
5 § 1010 for not more than six meetings.
6 (3) Payments to members of the Committee authorized under this
7 subsection shall be made from monies appropriated to the Department of
8 Buildings and General Services.
10 This act shall take effect on July 1, 2024.
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