Act No. 166 Page 1 of 2
This act summary is provided for the convenience of the public and members of the General Assembly. It
is intended to provide a general summary of the act and may not be exhaustive. It has been prepared by the
staff of the Office of Legislative Counsel without input from members of the General Assembly. It is not
intended to aid in the interpretation of legislation or to serve as a source of legislative intent.
Act No. 166 (H.612). An act relating to miscellaneous cannabis amendments
Subjects: Cannabis
This act makes a number of changes to the regulation of adult-use and medical
cannabis as managed by the Cannabis Control Board.
The act narrows the definition of “hemp-infused products” in Title 6 to exclude
products infused with intoxicating quantities of THC or other synthetic cannabinoids.
The General Assembly previously granted authority to the Board to regulate such
products and this is a conforming change related to that authority.
The act permits a cannabis retailer to apply for a medical endorsement to allow the
retailer to serve medical patients and their caregivers and directs the Board to adopt rules
regarding the medical endorsement.
The act adds ulcerative colitis to the list of qualifying medical conditions for purposes
of the Medical Cannabis Registry and extends the renewal period from one year to three
years for patients with chronic pain. The act requires that patients who are under 21
years of age must have at least a three-month prior relationship with their health care
provider, in the course of which the health care professional has completed a full
assessment of the applicant’s medical history and current medical condition, including a
personal physical examination. There are certain circumstances in which the three-month
relationship can be waived.
The act directs the Cannabis Control Board to work in consultation with the Vermont
Department of Health, the Vermont Medical Society, the Green Mountain Patients’
Alliance, the Cannabis Retailers Association of Vermont, and other interested parties to
assess the efficacy of the Medical Cannabis Program in serving registered and
prospective patients. The Board must provide recommendations regarding the Medical
Cannabis Registry to the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare and the House
Committee on Human Services on or before November 15, 2024.
The act allows outdoor cultivators to use existing farm buildings for basic cannabis
drying and storage without having to bring them up to the full spectrum of commercial
building codes under Title 20.
The act transfers $500,000.00 from the Cannabis Regulation Fund to the Cannabis
Business Development Fund and then from the Cannabis Business Development Fund to
the Agency of Commerce and Community Development to fund technical assistance and
provide loans and grants pursuant to 7 V.S.A. § 987.
The act directs the Cannabis Control Board to work in consultation with the Vermont
Housing and Conservation Board, the Vermont Land Access and Opportunity Board, the
Vermont Racial Justice Alliance, the Office of Racial Equity, and the Agency of
Commerce and Community Development for the purpose of making recommendations to
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the General Assembly regarding a percentage of cannabis excise tax monies that should
be appropriated to the Cannabis Business Development Fund for uses as provided
pursuant to 7 V.S.A. § 987. The Cannabis Control Board will incorporate the
recommendations into the Cannabis Social Equity Programs report required pursuant to
7 V.S.A. § 989.
The act permits a municipality, after consultation with the municipal cannabis control
commission, if one exists, to adopt a bylaw identifying cannabis cultivation districts
where the outdoor cultivation of cannabis is preferred within the municipality. Setbacks
for cultivation are established for licensees within a cannabis cultivation district, outside
of a cannabis cultivation district, and in municipalities that do not have zoning.
On or before December 15, 2024, the Cannabis Control Board is required to submit to
the Senate Committees on Government Operations and on Economic Development,
Housing and General Affairs and the House Committees on Government Operations and
Military Affairs and on Commerce and Economic Development a report regarding the
siting and licensing of outdoor cannabis cultivation.
Multiple effective dates, beginning on June 10, 2024
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Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 6-562(4), 6-562, 7-861(18), 7-861, 7-868, 7-951(8), 7-951, 7-955, 7-977, 7-978(f), 7-978, 18-4230(d), 18-4230, 20-2730(b), 20-2730, 32-7902(b), 32-7902
As Passed By the House -- Official: 6-562(4), 6-562, 7-861(18), 7-861, 7-868, 7-951(8), 7-951, 7-955, 7-977, 7-978(f), 7-978, 18-4230(d), 18-4230, 20-2730(b), 20-2730, 32-7902(b), 32-7902, 7-881, 7-907, 7-910, 32-9741, 7-869
As Passed By the House -- Unofficial: 6-562(4), 6-562, 7-861(18), 7-861, 7-868, 7-881, 7-907, 7-910, 7-951(8), 7-951, 7-955, 7-977, 7-978(f), 7-978, 18-4230(d), 18-4230, 20-2730(b), 20-2730, 32-7902, 32-9741, 7-869
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Official: 6-562(4), 6-562, 7-861(18), 7-861, 7-868, 7-951(8), 7-951, 7-955, 7-977, 7-978(f), 7-978, 18-4230(d), 18-4230, 20-2730(b), 20-2730, 32-7902(b), 32-7902, 7-864, 7-881, 7-907, 7-910, 32-9741, 7-869
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Unofficial: 6-562(4), 6-562, 7-864, 7-868, 7-881, 7-907, 7-910, 7-951(8), 7-951, 7-955, 7-977, 7-978(f), 7-978, 18-4230(d), 18-4230, 20-2730(b), 20-2730, 32-7902, 32-9741, 7-869
As Enacted: 6-562(4), 6-562, 7-864, 7-868, 7-881, 7-907, 7-910, 7-951(8), 7-951, 7-955, 7-977, 7-978(f), 7-978, 18-4230(d), 18-4230, 20-2730(b), 20-2730, 32-7902, 32-9741, 7-869