R-163 Page 1 of 1
No. R-163. Joint resolution relating to adjournment of the 2023 Biennial Session of
the General Assembly.
By Senator Baruth,
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives adjourn their respective Houses on June 20, 2023, June 21, 2023, or June 22, 2023 until, in the case of the Senate, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate calls the Senate to Order and until, in the case of the House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives calls the House of Representatives to order; so that the two Houses may consider only the following orders of business:
1. Adjournment to a day certain; or,
2. Matters relating to impeachment proceedings of Franklin County State’s Attorney John Lavoie or Franklin County Sheriff John Grismore, or both;
And, and if not so called then to reconvene on the third day of January 2024, at ten o’clock in the forenoon; and be it further Resolved: As required by Section 6 of Chapter II of the Vermont Constitution, the Senate grants consent to the House of Representatives to be in Session or adjournment during the time that the Senate is in Session, and the House grants consent to the Senate to
be in Session or adjournment during the time that the House is in Session.
VT LEG #371363 v.1