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No. R-116. House concurrent resolution recognizing April 2023 as Donate Life Awareness Month in Vermont.
Offered by: Representatives Rachelson of Burlington, Andrews of Westford, Anthony of Barre City, Arsenault of Williston, Austin of Colchester, Beck of St. Johnsbury, Berbeco of Winooski, Black of Essex, Bos-Lun of Westminster, Brown of Richmond, Brownell of
Pownal, Brumsted of Shelburne, Buss of Woodstock, Campbell of St. Johnsbury, Canfield of Fair Haven, Chapin of East Montpelier, Chesnut-Tangerman of Middletown Springs,
Coffey of Guilford, Cole of Hartford, Dolan of Essex Junction, Dolan of Waitsfield,
Donahue of Northfield, Farlice-Rubio of Barnet, Galfetti of Barre Town, Goslant of
Northfield, Graning of Jericho, Gregoire of Fairfield, Hango of Berkshire, Harrison of
Chittenden, Headrick of Burlington, Houghton of Essex Junction, Howard of Rutland City,
Krasnow of South Burlington, LaBounty of Lyndon, Logan of Burlington, Masland of
Thetford, McCann of Montpelier, McGill of Bridport, Minier of South Burlington,
Mulvaney-Stanak of Burlington, Nicoll of Ludlow, Noyes of Wolcott, Ode of Burlington,
Page of Newport City, Patt of Worcester, Priestley of Bradford, Rice of Dorset, Scheu of
Middlebury, Sibilia of Dover, Small of Winooski, Stebbins of Burlington, Stone of
Burlington, and White of Bethel Offered by: Senators Clarkson, Collamore, Hardy, Lyons, Vyhovsky, Watson, and Wrenner Whereas, the federal Health Resources and Services Administration reports that, despite the 42,000 donor transplants performed in 2022, more than 104,000 persons are on the national transplant waiting list, and every 10 minutes another person’s name is added, and Whereas, on a daily basis, 17 persons die in the United States while waiting to receive an organ, a number that translates to 6,000 annually, and Whereas, according to the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, an estimated 450,000 Americans annually need tissue transplants to improve or even save their lives, and Whereas, Vermont is a leader in the percentage of driver’s license holders who have signed up to be organ donors, and Whereas, on Tuesday, April 25, during National Donate Life Awareness Month—a commemoration that the U.S. Secretary of Human Services established in 2003—the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles and the Vermont Department of Health will cohost
a celebration of the effectiveness of organ donations that is also intended to encourage Vermonters to designate themselves as organ donors, now therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the General Assembly designates April 2023 as Donate Life Awareness Month in
Vermont, and be it further VT LEG #369935 v.1
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Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to
the Vermont Commissioner of Health, the Vermont Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, and Donate Life Vermont.
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