Act No. 69 Page 1 of 3
This act summary is provided for the convenience of the public and members of the General
Assembly. It is intended to provide a general summary of the act and may not be exhaustive. It
has been prepared by the staff of the Office of Legislative Counsel without input from members
of the General Assembly. It is not intended to aid in the interpretation of legislation or to serve as
a source of legislative intent.
Act No. 69 (H. 493). An act relating to capital construction and State bonding
Subjects: Capital construction; capital appropriations; State bonding
This act sets out the State’s fiscal year 2023 and fiscal year 2024 capital budget and
authorizes the State to issue general obligation bonds in the amount of $108,000,000.00
and to reallocate $14,767,376.00 from prior capital appropriations. This act also
authorizes spending in fiscal year 2024 from the Cash Fund for Capital Infrastructure and
Other Essential Investments in the amount of $39,485,000.00. It also provides that there
will be a budget adjustment process in the second year of the biennium and that fiscal
year 2024 appropriations are subject to budget adjustment unless otherwise specified.
This act also:
Appropriations (from general obligation bonds)
• Appropriates capital funds in the amount of $122,767,376.00 over two years
for capital construction projects.
• Appropriates $8,001,244.00 in fiscal year 2024 and $8,500,000.00 in fiscal
year 2025 to statewide major maintenance projects.
• Appropriates $425,000.00 in fiscal year 2024 and $425,000.00 in fiscal year
2025 for planning, reuse, and contingency.
• Appropriates $7,625,000.00 over FY24 and FY25 for HVAC renovations at
the State House.
• Appropriates $2,750,000.00 over FY24 and FY25 for door control system
replacement at the Northeast State Correctional Facility.
• Appropriates $6,000,000.00 over FY24 and FY25 for renovation of the
courthouse in White River Junction.
• Appropriates $3,000,000.00 over FY24 and FY25 for the statewide planning,
design, and construction of a three-acre stormwater parcel.
• Appropriates $1,250,000.00 over FY24 and FY25 for the R22 refrigerant
phase out project.
• Appropriates $3,500,000.00 in FY25 to the replacement of the boiler at the
Northern State Correctional Facility.
• Appropriates $2,500,000.00 in FY25 for the planning, design, and
construction of the booking expansion at the Northwest State Correctional
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• Appropriates $14,500,000.00 over FY24 and FY25 for the planning and
design for the replacement of the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility
and a reentry facility.
• Appropriates $700,000.00 in FY25 for upgrades and replacements of HVAC
systems at State correctional facilities.
• Appropriates $1,000,000.00 over FY24 and FY25 to perform major
maintenance at State historic sites.
• Appropriates $4,200,000.00 over FY24 and FY25 to the Building
Communities Grants Programs.
• Appropriates $3,100,000.00 over FY24 and FY25 for construction,
renovation, and major maintenance at any facility owned or operated in the
State by the University of Vermont.
• Appropriates $1,500,000.00 in FY25 for construction, renovation, and major
maintenance at any facility owned or operated in the State by the State
• Appropriates $14,494,132.00 over FY24 and FY25 to the Agency of Natural
Resources for projects, including the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund,
dam maintenance, infrastructure rehabilitation at State parks, and general
infrastructure projects for the Department of Fish and Wildlife.
• Appropriates $9,885,000.00 in FY24 for clean water implementation projects.
• Appropriates $3,600,000.00 over FY24 and FY25 to the Vermont Housing
and Conservation Board for housing and conservation projects.
Clean Water Initiatives
• Directs the Clean Water Board to review and recommend Clean Water Act
implementation programs for fiscal year 2025 funding and submit a list of
recommended programs, including any recommendations on a funding source
for municipal pollution control grants in fiscal year 2025, to the Chairs of the
House Committee on Corrections and Institutions and the Senate Committee
on Institutions and the Governor for inclusion in the fiscal year 2025 capital
budget report by December 1, 2023.
Department of Buildings and General Services (BGS)
• Authorizes BGS to list the sale of property with a real estate agent.
• Authorizes BGS to provide notice for property sold at auction or by sealed bid
by electronic means.
• Authorizes the Commissioner of BGS to:
o Sell 110 State Street in Montpelier.
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o Subdivide, sell, or otherwise dispose of the land in the Waterbury State
Office Complex that formerly housed Stanley Hall and Wasson Hall
and the adjacent parking lot to the Town of Waterbury.
o Sell 108 Cherry Street in Burlington.
• Directs BGS to work with the City of Burlington to find another appropriate
location in downtown Burlington to relocate State employees who provide
client services prior to the sale of 108 Cherry Street.
• Extends the sunset for the Capitol Complex Security Advisory Committee to
June 30, 2024.
• Directs BGS to submit a site location proposal for replacement of women’s
facilities for justice-involved women to the House Committee on Corrections
and Institutions and the Senate Committee on Institutions by January 15,
2024. Expresses intent to give preference to State-owned property and
consider both co-locating facilities and the need for separate facilities.
Human Services
• Requires the Department of Corrections to submit a report to the House
Committees on Corrections and Institutions and on Judiciary and the Senate
Committees on Institutions and on Judiciary on the proposed size and scale of
replacement women’s facilities by November 15, 2023.
• Extends the Legislature’s authority to have exclusive use of certain rooms at
109 State Street until June 30, 2024.
• Establishes a special committee comprising the Chairs of the House
Committee on Corrections and Institutions and the Senate Committee on
Institutions, and the Joint Legislative Management Committee, to review,
approve, or recommend alternations to the schematic design for the State
House expansion submitted by Freeman, French, Freeman.
Natural Resources
• Repeals the sunset on 24 V.S.A. § 4763, which allows the Secretary of
Natural Resources to make loans to private entities for clean water projects
through the EPA Pollution Control Revolving Fund. The sunset required that
no applications for loans be submitted after June 30, 2023.
Effective Date: June 14, 2023
VT LEG #370916 v.2
Statutes affected: As Introduced: 29-166, 32-701a, 29-152
As Passed By the House -- Official: 29-166, 32-701a, 29-152
As Passed By the House -- Unofficial: 29-166, 32-701a, 29-152
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Official: 29-166, 32-701a, 29-152, 26-4811
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Unofficial: 26-4811, 29-166, 32-701a, 2-30
As Enacted: 26-4811, 29-166, 32-701a, 2023-30
House proposal of amendment to Senate proposal of amendment Official: 26-4811, 29-166, 32-701a
House proposal of amendment to Senate proposal of amendment Unofficial: 26-4811, 29-166, 32-701a, 2-30