Act No. 6 Page 1 of 1
This act summary is provided for the convenience of the public and members of the General Assembly. It
is intended to provide a general summary of the act and may not be exhaustive. It has been prepared by the
staff of the Office of Legislative Counsel without input from members of the General Assembly. It is not
intended to aid in the interpretation of legislation or to serve as a source of legislative intent.
Act No. 6 (H. 466). An act relating to technical corrections for the 2023 legislative session
Subjects: Technical corrections; Legislature; Vermont Statutes Annotated;
judiciary; transportation; agriculture; health; municipal charters; property
This act makes technical corrections to numerous sections of the Vermont Statutes
Annotated, including statutes related to the judiciary, aeronautics and surface
transportation, agriculture, health and health insurance, municipal charters, and property.
Effective Date: July 1, 2023
VT LEG #370013 v.2

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 3-479a, 3-902(5)(J), 3-902, 3-902(5), 3-1018(f)(2), 3-1018, 3-1018(f), 3-1202, 3-1221(b)(1)(E), 3-1221, 3-1221(b), 3-2873(d), 3-2873, 3-3097(c)(2)(D), 3-3097, 3-3097(c), 3-5023(b)(1), 3-5023, 3-5023(b), 3-6006(d), 3-6006, 4-36(a), 4-36, 4-802, 4-1109, 5-202, 5-203(4), 5-203, 5-205(i), 5-205, 5-652, 5-696, 5-753, 5-1007, 5-1017(a)(2), 5-1017, 5-1017(a), 5-1019, 5-1601(a), 5-1601, 5-2001(f), 5-2001, 5-2101(a)(1), 5-2101, 5-2101(a), 5-2101(e), 5-3528, 5-3543, 5-3575, 5-3581(b), 5-3581, 5-3582, 6-1(b), 6-1, 6-15(b)(5), 6-15, 6-15(b), 6-323(11), 6-323, 6-336, 6-363(1), 6-363, 6-491(b), 6-491, 6-564(b)(1)(C)(i), 6-564, 6-564(b), 6-569(d), 6-569, 6-648, 6-683(2), 6-683, 6-792(a), 6-792, 6-857(a)(4), 6-857, 6-857(a), 6-911, 6-929(a), 6-929, 6-1104(12), 6-1104, 6-1111(c), 6-1111, 6-1164(c), 6-1164, 6-2672, 6-2854, 6-2925(b), 6-2925, 6-2937, 6-2963(b)(6), 6-2963, 6-2963(b), 6-2972(b), 6-2972, 6-3025, 6-3029(c), 6-3029, 6-3034, 6-3131(6), 6-3131, 6-3302(25)(K), 6-3302, 6-3302(25), 6-3304(6), 6-3304, 6-4607(b)(10)(C), 6-4607, 6-4607(b), 6-4621(b), 6-4621, 6-4832, 6-5001, 8-8002, 8-8003, 8-8004(b), 8-8004, 8-8005(d)(9), 8-8005, 8-8005(d), 8-8016(b), 8-8016, 8-8082, 8-8090(e), 8-8090, 10-122(a)(11), 10-122, 10-122(a), 10-446(2), 10-446, 10-1264(g)(3)(A)(i), 10-1264, 10-1264(g), 10-1675, 10-6602(14)(A), 10-6602, 10-6602(14), 10-6615(d)(2)(E), 10-6615, 10-6615(d), 10-7105, 16-909(a), 16-909, 17-1893b, 17-2502(a), 17-2502, 17-2546, 18-32, 18-104b(f), 18-104b, 18-122, 18-124(b)(2), 18-124, 18-124(b), 18-126(a)(3), 18-126, 18-126(a), 18-127(c), 18-127, 18-130, 18-153, 18-501, 18-503(a), 18-503, 18-504, 18-505, 18-506, 18-602a(a), 18-602a, 18-622, 18-706(b), 18-706, 18-707(a), 18-707, 18-1007, 18-1048, 18-1057(a), 18-1057, 18-1058, 18-1059, 18-1099, 18-1121(c)(1), 18-1121, 18-1121(c), 18-1124(b), 18-1124, 18-1416(4), 18-1416, 18-1427(c), 18-1427, 18-1513, 18-1561(b)(2)(A), 18-1561, 18-1561(b), 18-1651(4), 18-1651, 18-1654, 18-1655(a), 18-1655, 18-1656, 18-1657, 18-1700(5), 18-1700, 18-1755, 18-1756, 18-1803, 18-1808, 18-1905, 18-1908(a), 18-1908, 18-1911a(a)(1), 18-1911a, 18-1911a(a), 18-1913(b)(3), 18-1913, 18-1913(b), 18-1917(f)(2), 18-1917, 18-1917(f), 18-2255, 18-4051, 18-4052(10), 18-4052, 18-4055(d), 18-4055, 18-4059, 18-4063, 18-4064(7), 18-4064, 18-4064a(a)(2)(F), 18-4064a, 18-4064a(a), 18-4066(3), 18-4066, 18-4067(2)(B), 18-4067, 18-4067(2), 18-4068, 18-4284(b), 18-4284, 18-4351, 18-4392(a), 18-4392, 18-4478, 18-4802(7)(A), 18-4802, 18-4802(7), 18-4803(b)(2), 18-4803, 18-4803(b), 18-4999(9), 18-4999, 18-5001(c), 18-5001, 18-5014(a)(1), 18-5014, 18-5014(a), 18-5016, 18-5141(a)(1), 18-5141, 18-5141(a), 18-5150(c), 18-5150, 18-5131(a)(4), 18-5131, 18-5131(a), 18-5213, 18-5214, 18-5224(c), 18-5224, 18-5228(2), 18-5228, 18-5250t(d), 18-5250t, 18-5303, 18-5305, 18-5306, 18-5308, 18-5314, 18-5315, 18-5319(a)(2), 18-5319, 18-5319(a), 18-5321, 18-5369, 18-5371, 18-5376, 18-5377, 18-5384(a), 18-5384, 18-5431, 18-5435(a), 18-5435, 18-5438(b), 18-5438, 18-5439, 18-5483, 18-5484(a), 18-5484, 18-5485, 18-5487, 18-5531(a), 18-5531, 18-5534, 18-5537, 18-5571, 18-5576, 18-7103, 18-7106, 18-7112, 18-7113, 18-7257a(b)(1), 18-7257a, 18-7257a(b), 18-7257b(b), 18-7257b, 18-7304, 18-7401, 18-7402, 18-7510(b), 18-7510, 18-7612(e)(1), 18-7612, 18-7612(e), 18-7624(b)(4), 18-7624, 18-7624(b), 18-7625(a), 18-7625, 18-7704, 18-8101(c), 18-8101, 18-8201, 18-8202, 18-8709(b)(7), 18-8709, 18-8709(b), 18-8711(d), 18-8711, 18-8714, 18-8724, 18-8726, 18-8727(b)(2)(B), 18-8727, 18-8727(b), 18-8727(b)(3)(A), 18-8731(b), 18-8731, 18-8845(c), 18-8845, 18-8907(a), 18-8907, 18-9301, 18-9306(b), 18-9306, 18-9307, 18-9309(e)(3), 18-9309, 18-9309(e), 18-9352(c), 18-9352, 18-9377(f), 18-9377, 18-9401(b)(2), 18-9401, 18-9401(b), 18-9408, 18-9408a(f), 18-9408a, 18-9410(h)(2), 18-9410, 18-9410(h), 18-9414, 18-9418(b), 18-9418, 18-9418b, 18-9418c(b)(5), 18-9418c, 18-9418c(b), 18-9418e, 18-9418f(d)(2)(E), 18-9418f, 18-9418f(d), 18-9418g, 18-9420, 18-9440(c)(4), 18-9440, 18-9440(c), 18-9443(b), 18-9443, 18-9456(h)(2)(B)(ii), 18-9456, 18-9456(h), 18-9474(b), 18-9474, 18-9501, 18-9505, 18-9708(h), 18-9708, 18-9709(e), 18-9709, 18-9712(d), 18-9712, 18-9719(a), 18-9719, 20-2358(b)(2)(B)(i)(XXII), 20-2358, 20-2358(b), 21-495(a), 21-495, 21-561(b)(2)(B), 21-561, 21-561(b), 21-16, 21-1344, 23-1006b(b)(2), 23-1006b, 23-1006b(b), 23-1432(a)(2), 23-1432, 23-1432(a), 24-4385(b), 24-4385, 27-101, 27-103, 27-104, 27-105, 27-143(a), 27-143, 27-183, 27-185, 27-301, 27-305(a), 27-305, 27-341, 27-347, 27-348(a), 27-348, 27-371, 27-372, 27-373, 27-405, 27-406, 27-408, 27-409, 27-410(a)(4), 27-410, 27-410(a), 27-464(a), 27-464, 27-465, 27-466, 27-468, 27-469, 27-541, 27-542, 27-604(a)(7), 27-604, 27-604(a), 27-703, 27-705, 27-706, 27-782, 27-783, 27-822, 27-824, 27-864, 27-865, 27-902, 27-903, 27-942, 27-943, 27-1002, 27-1003, 27-1302(13), 27-1302, 27-1303, 27-1306(e), 27-1306, 27-1309, 27-1311(8), 27-1311, 27-1315(b), 27-1315, 27-1316(a), 27-1316, 27-1319, 27-1322, 27-1324, 27-1326, 27-1358, 27-1359(a), 27-1359, 27-1472, 27-1541(a), 27-1541, 32-1003(a), 32-1003, 32-3201(a)(4), 32-3201, 32-3201(a), 32-3202(b)(7), 32-3202, 32-3202(b), 32-5811(21)(D), 32-5811, 32-5811(21), 32-5830e(b)(1)(B)(iii), 32-5830e, 32-5830e(b), 32-5830e(b)(2)(B)(iii), 32-5833(a)(5), 32-5833, 32-5833(a), 32-5862b(c), 32-5862b, 32-5866a, 32-5930bb(e), 32-5930bb, 32-5930u(e), 32-5930u, 32-5935(a), 32-5935, 32-6069(d), 32-6069, 32-7492(1)(A), 32-7492, 32-7492(1), 32-7702(1)(B), 32-7702, 32-7702(1), 32-7771(c)(1)(C), 32-7771, 32-7771(c), 32-8908, 32-9601(3)(B)(ii), 32-9601, 32-9601(3), 32-9701(9)(H)(ii), 32-9701, 32-9701(9), 33-3206(a)(2), 33-3206, 33-3206(a), 33-3303(a)(2), 33-3303, 33-3303(a), 33-3543(a)(2)(B), 33-3543, 33-3543(a), 33-5126(f), 33-5126
As Passed By the House -- Official: 3-479a, 3-902(5)(J), 3-902, 3-902(5), 3-1018(f)(2), 3-1018, 3-1018(f), 3-1202, 3-1221(b)(1)(E), 3-1221, 3-1221(b), 3-2873(d), 3-2873, 3-3097(c)(2)(D), 3-3097, 3-3097(c), 3-5023(b)(1), 3-5023, 3-5023(b), 3-6006(d), 3-6006, 4-36(a), 4-36, 4-802, 4-1109, 5-202, 5-203(4), 5-203, 5-205(i), 5-205, 5-652, 5-696, 5-753, 5-1007, 5-1017(a)(2), 5-1017, 5-1017(a), 5-1019, 5-1601(a), 5-1601, 5-2001(f), 5-2001, 5-2101(a)(1), 5-2101, 5-2101(a), 5-2101(e), 5-3528, 5-3543, 5-3575, 5-3581(b), 5-3581, 5-3582, 6-1(b), 6-1, 6-15(b)(5), 6-15, 6-15(b), 6-323(11), 6-323, 6-336, 6-363(1), 6-363, 6-491(b), 6-491, 6-564(b)(1)(C)(i), 6-564, 6-564(b), 6-569(d), 6-569, 6-648, 6-683(2), 6-683, 6-792(a), 6-792, 6-857(a)(4), 6-857, 6-857(a), 6-911, 6-929(a), 6-929, 6-1104(12), 6-1104, 6-1111(c), 6-1111, 6-1164(c), 6-1164, 6-2672, 6-2854, 6-2925(b), 6-2925, 6-2937, 6-2963(b)(6), 6-2963, 6-2963(b), 6-2972(b), 6-2972, 6-3025, 6-3029(c), 6-3029, 6-3034, 6-3131(6), 6-3131, 6-3302(25)(K), 6-3302, 6-3302(25), 6-3304(6), 6-3304, 6-4607(b)(10)(C), 6-4607, 6-4607(b), 6-4621(b), 6-4621, 6-4832, 6-5001, 8-8002, 8-8003, 8-8004(b), 8-8004, 8-8005(d)(9), 8-8005, 8-8005(d), 8-8016(b), 8-8016, 8-8082, 8-8090(e), 8-8090, 10-122(a)(11), 10-122, 10-122(a), 10-446(2), 10-446, 10-1264(g)(3)(A)(i), 10-1264, 10-1264(g), 10-1675, 10-6602(14)(A), 10-6602, 10-6602(14), 10-6615(d)(2)(E), 10-6615, 10-6615(d), 10-7105, 16-909(a), 16-909, 17-1893b, 17-2502(a), 17-2502, 17-2546, 18-32, 18-104b(f), 18-104b, 18-122, 18-124(b)(2), 18-124, 18-124(b), 18-126(a)(3), 18-126, 18-126(a), 18-127(c), 18-127, 18-130, 18-153, 18-501, 18-503(a), 18-503, 18-504, 18-505, 18-506, 18-602a(a), 18-602a, 18-622, 18-706(b), 18-706, 18-707(a), 18-707, 18-1007, 18-1048, 18-1057(a), 18-1057, 18-1058, 18-1059, 18-1099, 18-1121(c)(1), 18-1121, 18-1121(c), 18-1124(b), 18-1124, 18-1416(4), 18-1416, 18-1427(c), 18-1427, 18-1513, 18-1561(b)(2)(A), 18-1561, 18-1561(b), 18-1651(4), 18-1651, 18-1654, 18-1655(a), 18-1655, 18-1656, 18-1657, 18-1700(5), 18-1700, 18-1755, 18-1756, 18-1803, 18-1808, 18-1905, 18-1908(a), 18-1908, 18-1911a(a)(1), 18-1911a, 18-1911a(a), 18-1913(b)(3), 18-1913, 18-1913(b), 18-1917(f)(2), 18-1917, 18-1917(f), 18-2255, 18-4051, 18-4052(10), 18-4052, 18-4055(d), 18-4055, 18-4059, 18-4063, 18-4064(7), 18-4064, 18-4064a(a)(2)(F), 18-4064a, 18-4064a(a), 18-4066(3), 18-4066, 18-4067(2)(B), 18-4067, 18-4067(2), 18-4068, 18-4284(b), 18-4284, 18-4351, 18-4392(a), 18-4392, 18-4478, 18-4802(7)(A), 18-4802, 18-4802(7), 18-4803(b)(2), 18-4803, 18-4803(b), 18-4999(9), 18-4999, 18-5001(c), 18-5001, 18-5014(a)(1), 18-5014, 18-5014(a), 18-5016, 18-5141(a)(1), 18-5141, 18-5141(a), 18-5150(c), 18-5150, 18-5131(a)(4), 18-5131, 18-5131(a), 18-5213, 18-5214, 18-5224(c), 18-5224, 18-5228(2), 18-5228, 18-5250t(d), 18-5250t, 18-5303, 18-5305, 18-5306, 18-5308, 18-5314, 18-5315, 18-5319(a)(2), 18-5319, 18-5319(a), 18-5321, 18-5369, 18-5371, 18-5376, 18-5377, 18-5384(a), 18-5384, 18-5431, 18-5435(a), 18-5435, 18-5438(b), 18-5438, 18-5439, 18-5483, 18-5484(a), 18-5484, 18-5485, 18-5487, 18-5531(a), 18-5531, 18-5534, 18-5537, 18-5571, 18-5576, 18-7103, 18-7106, 18-7112, 18-7113, 18-7257a(b)(1), 18-7257a, 18-7257a(b), 18-7257b(b), 18-7257b, 18-7304, 18-7401, 18-7402, 18-7510(b), 18-7510, 18-7612(e)(1), 18-7612, 18-7612(e), 18-7624(b)(4), 18-7624, 18-7624(b), 18-7625(a), 18-7625, 18-7704, 18-8101(c), 18-8101, 18-8201, 18-8202, 18-8709(b)(7), 18-8709, 18-8709(b), 18-8711(d), 18-8711, 18-8714(a), 18-8714, 18-8724, 18-8726, 18-8727(b)(2)(B), 18-8727, 18-8727(b), 18-8727(b)(3)(A), 18-8731(b), 18-8731, 18-8845(c), 18-8845, 18-8907(a), 18-8907, 18-9301, 18-9306(b), 18-9306, 18-9307, 18-9309(e)(3), 18-9309, 18-9309(e), 18-9352(c), 18-9352, 18-9377(f), 18-9377, 18-9401(b)(2), 18-9401, 18-9401(b), 18-9408, 18-9408a(f), 18-9408a, 18-9410(h)(2), 18-9410, 18-9410(h), 18-9414, 18-9418(b), 18-9418, 18-9418b, 18-9418c(b)(5), 18-9418c, 18-9418c(b), 18-9418e, 18-9418f(d)(2)(E), 18-9418f, 18-9418f(d), 18-9418g, 18-9420, 18-9440(c)(4), 18-9440, 18-9440(c), 18-9443(b), 18-9443, 18-9456(h)(2)(B)(ii), 18-9456, 18-9456(h), 18-9474(b), 18-9474, 18-9501, 18-9505, 18-9708(h), 18-9708, 18-9709(e), 18-9709, 18-9712(d), 18-9712, 18-9719(a), 18-9719, 20-2358(b)(2)(B)(i)(XXII), 20-2358, 20-2358(b), 21-495(a), 21-495, 21-561(b)(2)(B), 21-561, 21-561(b), 21-16, 21-1344, 23-1006b(b)(2), 23-1006b, 23-1006b(b), 23-1432(a)(2), 23-1432, 23-1432(a), 24-4385(b), 24-4385, 27-101, 27-103, 27-104, 27-105, 27-143(a), 27-143, 27-183, 27-185, 27-301, 27-305(a), 27-305, 27-341, 27-347, 27-348(a), 27-348, 27-371, 27-372, 27-373, 27-405, 27-406, 27-408, 27-409, 27-410(a)(4), 27-410, 27-410(a), 27-464(a), 27-464, 27-465, 27-466, 27-468, 27-469, 27-541, 27-542, 27-604(a)(7), 27-604, 27-604(a), 27-703, 27-705, 27-706, 27-782, 27-783, 27-822, 27-824, 27-864, 27-865, 27-902, 27-903, 27-942, 27-943, 27-1002, 27-1003, 27-1302(13), 27-1302, 27-1303, 27-1306(e), 27-1306, 27-1309, 27-1311(8), 27-1311, 27-1315(b), 27-1315, 27-1316(a), 27-1316, 27-1319, 27-1322, 27-1324, 27-1326, 27-1358, 27-1359(a), 27-1359, 27-1472, 27-1541(a), 27-1541, 32-1003(a), 32-1003, 32-3201(a)(4), 32-3201, 32-3201(a), 32-3202(b)(7), 32-3202, 32-3202(b), 32-5811(21)(D), 32-5811, 32-5811(21), 32-5830e(b)(1)(B)(iii), 32-5830e, 32-5830e(b), 32-5830e(b)(2)(B)(iii), 32-5833(a)(5), 32-5833, 32-5833(a), 32-5862b(c), 32-5862b, 32-5866a, 32-5930bb(e), 32-5930bb, 32-5930u(e), 32-5930u, 32-5935(a), 32-5935, 32-6069(d), 32-6069, 32-7492(1)(A), 32-7492, 32-7492(1), 32-7702(1)(B), 32-7702, 32-7702(1), 32-7771(c)(1)(C), 32-7771, 32-7771(c), 32-8908, 32-9601(3)(B)(ii), 32-9601, 32-9601(3), 32-9701(9)(H)(ii), 32-9701, 32-9701(9), 33-3206(a)(2), 33-3206, 33-3206(a), 33-3303(a)(2), 33-3303, 33-3303(a), 33-3543(a)(2)(B), 33-3543, 33-3543(a), 33-5126(f), 33-5126
As Passed By the House -- Unofficial: 3-479a, 3-902(5)(J), 3-902, 3-902(5), 3-1018(f)(2), 3-1018, 3-1018(f), 3-1202, 3-1221(b)(1)(E), 3-1221, 3-1221(b), 3-2873(d), 3-2873, 3-3097(c)(2)(D), 3-3097, 3-3097(c), 3-5023(b)(1), 3-5023, 3-5023(b), 3-6006(d), 3-6006, 4-36(a), 4-36, 4-802, 4-1109, 5-202, 5-203(4), 5-203, 5-205(i), 5-205, 5-652, 5-696, 5-753, 5-1007, 5-1017(a)(2), 5-1017, 5-1017(a), 5-1019, 5-1601(a), 5-1601, 5-2001(f), 5-2001, 5-2101(a)(1), 5-2101, 5-2101(a), 5-2101(e), 5-3528, 5-3543, 5-3575, 5-3581(b), 5-3581, 5-3582, 6-1(b), 6-1, 6-15(b)(5), 6-15, 6-15(b), 6-323(11), 6-323, 6-336, 6-363(1), 6-363, 6-491(b), 6-491, 6-564(b)(1)(C)(i), 6-564, 6-564(b), 6-569(d), 6-569, 6-648, 6-683(2), 6-683, 6-792(a), 6-792, 6-857(a)(4), 6-857, 6-857(a), 6-911, 6-929(a), 6-929, 6-1104(12), 6-1104, 6-1111(c), 6-1111, 6-1164(c), 6-1164, 6-2672, 6-2854, 6-2925(b), 6-2925, 6-2937, 6-2963(b)(6), 6-2963, 6-2963(b), 6-2972(b), 6-2972, 6-3025, 6-3029(c), 6-3029, 6-3034, 6-3131(6), 6-3131, 6-3302(25)(K), 6-3302, 6-3302(25), 6-3304(6), 6-3304, 6-4607(b)(10)(C), 6-4607, 6-4607(b), 6-4621(b), 6-4621, 6-4832, 6-5001, 8-8002, 8-8003, 8-8004(b), 8-8004, 8-8005(d)(9), 8-8005, 8-8005(d), 8-8016(b), 8-8016, 8-8082, 8-8090(e), 8-8090, 10-122(a)(11), 10-122, 10-122(a), 10-446(2), 10-446, 10-1264(g)(3)(A)(i), 10-1264, 10-1264(g), 10-1675, 10-6602(14)(A), 10-6602, 10-6602(14), 10-6615(d)(2)(E), 10-6615, 10-6615(d), 10-7105, 16-909(a), 16-909, 17-1893b, 17-2502(a), 17-2502, 17-2546, 18-32, 18-104b(f), 18-104b, 18-122, 18-124(b)(2), 18-124, 18-124(b), 18-126(a)(3), 18-126, 18-126(a), 18-127(c), 18-127, 18-130, 18-153, 18-501, 18-503(a), 18-503, 18-504, 18-505, 18-506, 18-602a(a), 18-602a, 18-622, 18-706(b), 18-706, 18-707(a), 18-707, 18-1007, 18-1048, 18-1057(a), 18-1057, 18-1058, 18-1059, 18-1099, 18-1121(c)(1), 18-1121, 18-1121(c), 18-1124(b), 18-1124, 18-1416(4), 18-1416, 18-1427(c), 18-1427, 18-1513, 18-1561(b)(2)(A), 18-1561, 18-1561(b), 18-1651(4), 18-1651, 18-1654, 18-1655(a), 18-1655, 18-1656, 18-1657, 18-1700(5), 18-1700, 18-1755, 18-1756, 18-1803, 18-1808, 18-1905, 18-1908(a), 18-1908, 18-1911a(a)(1), 18-1911a, 18-1911a(a), 18-1913(b)(3), 18-1913, 18-1913(b), 18-1917(f)(2), 18-1917, 18-1917(f), 18-2255, 18-4051, 18-4052(10), 18-4052, 18-4055(d), 18-4055, 18-4059, 18-4063, 18-4064(7), 18-4064, 18-4064a(a)(2)(F), 18-4064a, 18-4064a(a), 18-4066(3), 18-4066, 18-4067(2)(B), 18-4067, 18-4067(2), 18-4068, 18-4284(b), 18-4284, 18-4351, 18-4392(a), 18-4392, 18-4478, 18-4802(7)(A), 18-4802, 18-4802(7), 18-4803(b)(2), 18-4803, 18-4803(b), 18-4999(9), 18-4999, 18-5001(c), 18-5001, 18-5014(a)(1), 18-5014, 18-5014(a), 18-5016, 18-5141(a)(1), 18-5141, 18-5141(a), 18-5150(c), 18-5150, 18-5131(a)(4), 18-5131, 18-5131(a), 18-5213, 18-5214, 18-5224(c), 18-5224, 18-5228(2), 18-5228, 18-5250t(d), 18-5250t, 18-5303, 18-5305, 18-5306, 18-5308, 18-5314, 18-5315, 18-5319(a)(2), 18-5319, 18-5319(a), 18-5321, 18-5369, 18-5371, 18-5376, 18-5377, 18-5384(a), 18-5384, 18-5431, 18-5435(a), 18-5435, 18-5438(b), 18-5438, 18-5439, 18-5483, 18-5484(a), 18-5484, 18-5485, 18-5487, 18-5531(a), 18-5531, 18-5534, 18-5537, 18-5571, 18-5576, 18-7103, 18-7106, 18-7112, 18-7113, 18-7257a(b)(1), 18-7257a, 18-7257a(b), 18-7257b(b), 18-7257b, 18-7304, 18-7401, 18-7402, 18-7510(b), 18-7510, 18-7612(e)(1), 18-7612, 18-7612(e), 18-7624(b)(4), 18-7624, 18-7624(b), 18-7625(a), 18-7625, 18-7704, 18-8101(c), 18-8101, 18-8201, 18-8202, 18-8709(b)(7), 18-8709, 18-8709(b), 18-8711(d), 18-8711, 18-8714(a), 18-8714, 18-8724, 18-8726, 18-8727(b)(2)(B), 18-8727, 18-8727(b), 18-8727(b)(3)(A), 18-8731(b), 18-8731, 18-8845(c), 18-8845, 18-8907(a), 18-8907, 18-9301, 18-9306(b), 18-9306, 18-9307, 18-9309(e)(3), 18-9309, 18-9309(e), 18-9352(c), 18-9352, 18-9377(f), 18-9377, 18-9401(b)(2), 18-9401, 18-9401(b), 18-9408, 18-9408a(f), 18-9408a, 18-9410(h)(2), 18-9410, 18-9410(h), 18-9414, 18-9418(b), 18-9418, 18-9418b, 18-9418c(b)(5), 18-9418c, 18-9418c(b), 18-9418e, 18-9418f(d)(2)(E), 18-9418f, 18-9418f(d), 18-9418g, 18-9420, 18-9440(c)(4), 18-9440, 18-9440(c), 18-9443(b), 18-9443, 18-9456(h)(2)(B)(ii), 18-9456, 18-9456(h), 18-9474(b), 18-9474, 18-9501, 18-9505, 18-9708(h), 18-9708, 18-9709(e), 18-9709, 18-9712(d), 18-9712, 18-9719(a), 18-9719, 20-2358(b)(2)(B)(i)(XXII), 20-2358, 20-2358(b), 21-495(a), 21-495, 21-561(b)(2)(B), 21-561, 21-561(b), 21-16, 21-1344, 23-1006b(b)(2), 23-1006b, 23-1006b(b), 23-1432(a)(2), 23-1432, 23-1432(a), 24-4385(b), 24-4385, 27-101, 27-103, 27-104, 27-105, 27-143(a), 27-143, 27-183, 27-185, 27-301, 27-305(a), 27-305, 27-341, 27-347, 27-348(a), 27-348, 27-371, 27-372, 27-373, 27-405, 27-406, 27-408, 27-409, 27-410(a)(4), 27-410, 27-410(a), 27-464(a), 27-464, 27-465, 27-466, 27-468, 27-469, 27-541, 27-542, 27-604(a)(7), 27-604, 27-604(a), 27-703, 27-705, 27-706, 27-782, 27-783, 27-822, 27-824, 27-864, 27-865, 27-902, 27-903, 27-942, 27-943, 27-1002, 27-1003, 27-1302(13), 27-1302, 27-1303, 27-1306(e), 27-1306, 27-1309, 27-1311(8), 27-1311, 27-1315(b), 27-1315, 27-1316(a), 27-1316, 27-1319, 27-1322, 27-1324, 27-1326, 27-1358, 27-1359(a), 27-1359, 27-1472, 27-1541(a), 27-1541, 32-1003(a), 32-1003, 32-3201(a)(4), 32-3201, 32-3201(a), 32-3202(b)(7), 32-3202, 32-3202(b), 32-5811(21)(D), 32-5811, 32-5811(21), 32-5830e(b)(1)(B)(iii), 32-5830e, 32-5830e(b), 32-5830e(b)(2)(B)(iii), 32-5833(a)(5), 32-5833, 32-5833(a), 32-5862b(c), 32-5862b, 32-5866a, 32-5930bb(e), 32-5930bb, 32-5930u(e), 32-5930u, 32-5935(a), 32-5935, 32-6069(d), 32-6069, 32-7492(1)(A), 32-7492, 32-7492(1), 32-7702(1)(B), 32-7702, 32-7702(1), 32-7771(c)(1)(C), 32-7771, 32-7771(c), 32-8908, 32-9601(3)(B)(ii), 32-9601, 32-9601(3), 32-9701(9)(H)(ii), 32-9701, 32-9701(9), 33-3206(a)(2), 33-3206, 33-3206(a), 33-3303(a)(2), 33-3303, 33-3303(a), 33-3543(a)(2)(B), 33-3543, 33-3543(a), 33-5126(f), 33-5126
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Official: 3-479a, 3-902(5)(J), 3-902, 3-902(5), 3-1018(f)(2), 3-1018, 3-1018(f), 3-1202, 3-1221(b)(1)(E), 3-1221, 3-1221(b), 3-2873(d), 3-2873, 3-3097(c)(2)(D), 3-3097, 3-3097(c), 3-5023(b)(1), 3-5023, 3-5023(b), 3-6006(d), 3-6006, 4-36(a), 4-36, 4-802, 4-1109, 5-202, 5-203(4), 5-203, 5-205(i), 5-205, 5-652, 5-696, 5-753, 5-1007, 5-1017(a)(2), 5-1017, 5-1017(a), 5-1019, 5-1601(a), 5-1601, 5-2001(f), 5-2001, 5-2101(a)(1), 5-2101, 5-2101(a), 5-2101(e), 5-3528, 5-3543, 5-3575, 5-3581(b), 5-3581, 5-3582, 6-1(b), 6-1, 6-15(b)(5), 6-15, 6-15(b), 6-323(11), 6-323, 6-336, 6-363(1), 6-363, 6-491(b), 6-491, 6-564(b)(1)(C)(i), 6-564, 6-564(b), 6-569(d), 6-569, 6-648, 6-683(2), 6-683, 6-792(a), 6-792, 6-857(a)(4), 6-857, 6-857(a), 6-911, 6-929(a), 6-929, 6-1104(12), 6-1104, 6-1111(c), 6-1111, 6-1164(c), 6-1164, 6-2672, 6-2854, 6-2925(b), 6-2925, 6-2937, 6-2963(b)(6), 6-2963, 6-2963(b), 6-2972(b), 6-2972, 6-3025, 6-3029(c), 6-3029, 6-3034, 6-3131(6), 6-3131, 6-3302(25)(K), 6-3302, 6-3302(25), 6-3304(6), 6-3304, 6-4607(b)(10)(C), 6-4607, 6-4607(b), 6-4621(b), 6-4621, 6-4832, 6-5001, 8-8002, 8-8003, 8-8004(b), 8-8004, 8-8005(d)(9), 8-8005, 8-8005(d), 8-8016(b), 8-8016, 8-8082, 8-8090(e), 8-8090, 10-122(a)(11), 10-122, 10-122(a), 10-446(2), 10-446,