Act No. 20 Page 1 of 1
This act summary is provided for the convenience of the public and members of the General Assembly. It
is intended to provide a general summary of the act and may not be exhaustive. It has been prepared by the
staff of the Office of Legislative Counsel without input from members of the General Assembly. It is not
intended to aid in the interpretation of legislation or to serve as a source of legislative intent.
Act No. 20 (H. 110). An act relating to extending the sunset under 30 V.S.A. § 248a
Subjects: Telecommunications; public service; siting
This act extends the sunset on the telecommunications facilities being sited under
30 V.S.A. § 248a until July 1, 2026. It also directs the Commissioner of Public Service
to report back to the General Assembly on how to make the siting process easier for
municipalities to participate in.
Effective Date: May 25, 2023
VT LEG #370602 v.2

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 30-248a
As Passed By the House -- Official: 30-248a
As Passed By the House -- Unofficial: 30-248a
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Official: 30-248a
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Unofficial: 30-248a
As Enacted: 30-248a