Electric utilities; rate increases during certain months; biennial rate reviews. Provides that Appalachian Power Company shall not be required to file a case for fuel recovery in 2025 and that commencing in 2026, it shall make annual filings by January 15 with interim rates effective March 1 of each year. The bill prohibits certain rate adjustments from being applied during the months of November through February. The bill also changes from March 31 to April 30 thedate on which biennial rate review proceedings shall commence each biennial review year, from November 20 to December 31 the date for final orders to be granted, and from no later than January 1 of the subsequent year to no later than March 1 of the subsequent year the date by which any rate revisions shall take effect.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 56-249.6, 56-585.1, 56-585.8