Public elementary and secondary schools; diabetes medical care and management in public schools; policies, procedures, and requirements. The bill makes several modifications relating to the provision of medical care and management for students diagnosed as having diabetes in public schools, including (i) requiring the parent of any student who is diagnosed as having diabetes and for whom he seeks to receive or be provided certain diabetes care and management services in a school setting to submit to the school principal and a school nurse a diabetes medical management plan (DMMP); (ii) requiring each school board to permit any student diagnosed with diabetes, upon parental consent and pursuant to his prescriber's approval provided as a part of his DMMP, to (a) carry with him at all times and use whenever necessary certain diabetes care and management supplies and equipment and (b) independently provide certain diabetes care and management services at any time in a school setting; (iii) requiring the Board of Education and the Department of Health to approve and each school board to require certain employees of the school board to complete level one, level two, or level three diabetes care and management training in accordance with the provisions of the bill; (iv) expanding the diabetes care and management services that certain employees of a school board may provide or assist a student in providing; and (v) permitting prescribers to issue an order as a part of a student's DMMP authorizing any employee of the school board who is designated as level three trained diabetes personnel to, when no employee set forth in clause (iv) is physically present and upon parental consent, provide or assist in the provision of certain diabetes care and management services. The bill contains provisions directing the Board of Education and Department of Health to promulgate or amend any regulations as necessary in accordance with the bill.