Persons under 21 years of age; possession or use of tobacco products or vape products on school grounds, etc.; civil penalties. Prohibits any person under 21 years of age from possessing a tobacco product on a school bus, on school property, or at a school-sponsored activity. The bill requires that each local school board implement an educational rehabilitation program for a first violation. The bill permits a law-enforcement officer to issue a summons upon a second violation within a single school year and requires a court to order up to eight hours of community service. Upon a third violation within a single school year, the bill adds a civil penalty of up to $50. For a fourth or subsequent violation within a single school year, the bill requires punishment include a civil penalty of up to $50 or up to eight hours of community service. Additionally, the bill requires that the civil penalty be paid in person at the courthouse for the locality by such person accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, unless such person is 18 years of age or older and not enrolled at the school where the offense occurred. The bill directs the Board of Education and local school boards to amend any affected policies by July 1, 2026.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 18.2-371.2