Department of Conservation and Recreation; Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; work group to examine use of Johnsongrass in the Commonwealth. Directs the Department of Conservation and Recreation (the Department), in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, to convene a work group to examine measures to reduce, mitigate, and eliminate the continued sale and use of Johnsongrass in the Commonwealth. The bill requires such work group to (i) conduct a risk assessment on the use of such plant to evaluate its effect on crops, livestock, public health, and the environment; (ii) identify measures to support education and outreach to reduce the use of such plant and promote the use of noninvasive or native species as a substitute; and (iii) make recommendations regarding potential statutory and regulatory changes relating to the use of such plant, including the creation of guidance documents from relevant agencies. The bill requires the Department to report its findings and any recommendations to the Chairmen of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources and House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources by December 1, 2026.