Discovery. Requires the Commonwealth, upon request by counsel of record for the accused, to copy or photograph any discovery materials or evidence he is permitted to inspect and review, including relevant police reports, criminal records, and body-worn camera footage, and requires the Commonwealth to provide such copies or photographs, electronically or otherwise, to him or his counsel, unless such material is prohibited from being distributed by law or impossible to provide by electronic means. The bill requires the attorney for the Commonwealth in any district court to provide to counsel of record for the accused, if requested, by electronic means a copy of any police report at least 10 days prior to the date the case is set for trial or preliminary hearing, provided that counsel of record agrees to any reasonable redaction or restricted dissemination as requested by the attorney for the Commonwealth. As introduced, this bill was a recommendation of the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission. This bill incorporates SB 1355 and is identical to HB 1630.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 19.2-265.4
Courts of Justice Substitute : 19.2-265.4
Enrolled: 19.2-265.4
Courts of Justice Substitute Offered: 19.2-265.4